My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2826: Silenced pistol!

boom! boom!

In the practice room, gunshots sounded continuously. It was Ada and Aqi who were practicing using pistols. Just now after seeing Ada shooting successfully, A Qi was eager to try, Tang Ye began to teach her, she also quickly learned how to shoot, and now she has entered the step of making more preparations for shooting.

Both Ada and Aqi were very excited, holding their pistols as if they had won a treasure. They value the power of the pistol very much, so that they can make up for the sealed cultivation power. In this case, even in the face of the new human race, they feel that they have the ability to fight.

Tang Ye has already taught them the essentials of shooting, so he prepared enough bullets for them to practice here. After practicing enough, he will teach them to use bullets with elemental power, and explain to them how to match them and how to adapt them according to the situation. Use different powers.

Ada and Aqi were full of joy now, attracted by the pistol, Tang Ye nodded and agreed whatever he said, indulging in practice shooting. Tang Ye didn't expect them to like it so much, so let them continue to indulge in shooting practice, which is also a good thing. Moreover, looking at their progress, it is still very good. They have shot quite accurately, at least seven or eight out of ten shots are accurate.

However, a superb gunner can not just shoot like this, but also sports shooting, jumping shooting and so on. Therefore, they still need to practice for a long time, so Tang Ye left first and then went to forge a pistol. Because all the pistols forged now were given to Ada and Aqi, he also needed one himself.

However, before leaving the secret room, Tang Ye frowned when he heard the huge shooting sound "Bang Bang Bang". Is this kind of movement too big?

If you want to use a pistol as a means of surprise, or to assassinate the enemy, then there must be no such big movement. To eliminate the sound of pistol shooting, it is clear that a silencer is needed. Unfortunately, if it is for a revolver, the use of a silencer is not very useful.

Because there is a gap between the bullet nest and the barrel of the revolver, the air tightness is poor. Even if the muzzle is equipped with a silencer, noise will be emitted between the bullet nest and the barrel, so the revolver basically cannot use the silencer, or The effect is not great after use. In this case, isn't it necessary to forge other pistols?

Tang Ye remembered that the secret technique that Ah Qi mastered was invisibility. This was because she had to sneak into other people's homes to grab food because of the poor living conditions of the old human race. Later, she obtained a secret technique in an opportunity. After she practiced, she could become invisible. In this case, being an assassin is excellent. Then, with a pistol that can silence it, assassinating the enemy couldn't be easier!

Tang Ye suddenly felt that A Qi could be cultivated into an absolutely powerful assassin. Stealth martial arts combined with various advanced weapons are definitely a perfect match. This point can also make up for Ah Qi's lack of cultivation. Because even though Ah Qi had the ability to be invisibility, he didn't have much strength in cultivation.

Tang Ye feels that it is now necessary to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, specializing in skills, and so on. They have cultivated Ada and Aqi into powerful people, and they are different from others, which can play a great role in dealing with the new human race and resolving the situation of the old human race. .

For this reason, Tang Ye felt that it was necessary to forge a better pistol. The revolver could not use a silencer, and it was really inappropriate as an assassination weapon. In the memory of the last time the Phoenix passed down, there are still many types of pistols, and the latter researched and improved pistols can basically use silencers. So, just choose one that is suitable for silencer and does not affect the power.

So, Tang Ye has a lot of things to be busy next. In addition, after Ada and Aqi mastered pistol shooting, they had to teach them to use bombs. He configured a batch of bombs, and then he would continue to pop out a batch of grenades, so that it was convenient to carry and throw. Armed with pistols and bombs, Ada and Aqi can become powerful combatants before regaining their strength.

Returning to the forging workshop, Tang Ye began to beat and immediately enter the forging state. The few dwarf masters wanted to call him to continue forging learning, but seeing him like this, they didn't stop. Then the few dwarf masters saw that Tang Ye's crafting skills were already quite good, and they became more proficient, not like a novice who had learned less than a month. They can only marvel, this kid is so terrifying!

Tang Ye now has his own forging workshop. Under normal circumstances, no one will come in and disturb him, so he can forge with peace of mind. Although the dwarf master or others would be curious about what Tang Ye is doing, everyone is very busy, and now even if Tang Ye is very skilled in forging, he is still a novice, and he is still not able to surpass many people, so everyone is not particularly envious. , I want to steal the teacher.

With the forging experience, Tang Ye quickly forged a revolver as long as the materials were ready. However, if you want to forge a pistol that can silence it, you must forge a better one. He began to look at the memories of various pistols in the sight of the dead. Then I chose a pistol that can play a very good silencer effect, but also can guarantee the power, and began to try to forge. He doesn't expect to be able to forge a usable product right away. He still has time, so he will slowly improve and complete it.

I stayed in the forging room until the afternoon, when Lan Ye came to look for Tang Ye, Tang Ye went out.

Lan Ye came to Tang Ye to have something to eat. He was very curious about what Tang Ye was busy with in the forging workshop all day, and asked: "What are you studying? It seems strange."

Lan Ye caught a glimpse of something strange on the forging platform. It was an unassembled pistol. The parts were there. Lan Ye had never seen anything like this.

Tang Ye didn't hide it, smiled, and said, "This is something similar to a transmitter. Suddenly I want to forge an idea and have a look."

Lan Ye didn't continue to ask, nodded and said, "Even if you have an idea, you have to eat. Let's go, let's go and eat something."

"Good." Tang Ye nodded. But remembering that Ada and Aqi hadn't eaten anything, they went over there first and called them together.

Unexpectedly, Ada and Aqi were still practicing. Tang Ye really convinced them, but it also showed that they worked hard and seemed to want to master their strength. But eating is still necessary, and said to them: "You guys have a rest first, let's go eat."

Ada and A Qi were stunned. They didn't expect Tang Ye to be so good and caring, they had never enjoyed it. Ada shook his head and said, "My lord, you go and eat first, we are not hungry yet, and Aqi and I will just have a bite."

"Aren't you hungry?" Tang Ye thought it was almost a day.

Ada smiled awkwardly, and said, "I'm used to it. I didn't eat anything the day before."

Tang Ye was taken aback, thinking of their previous situation, it was indeed the case. But now it's different, they can live better. But Tang Ye knew that they might not want to bother him too much, they also have their own dignity. Tang Ye didn't force them, and said, "Then I will bring you some food when I come back from dinner."

"Thank you, my lord!" Ada said very gratefully.

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