My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2817: Blood curse!

Hearing what others yelled out, Tang Ye immediately went to look outside the Colosseum. The tall old human race was under the Colosseum. The old human race was pushed into the field, and then the big iron door of the passage on the other side slowly opened, and a low and roaring ferocious tiger walked out of it. This tiger had long fangs and was a fierce tiger with long teeth. Monster.

After facing the old Human Race man, the Tiger Monster Beast raised his head and roared, his voice was sharp and terrifying, and his ears were deafening. Those who were sitting closer couldn't help covering their ears.

"It seems that Abeth didn't intend to let this old human race live at all." Sophia said to Tang Ye lightly when he saw this scene, because the fangs tiger monster beast is very fierce and cannot be dealt with by an old human race.

Tang Ye frowned, feeling that people were still too sinister towards the old human race, and it seemed that he couldn't have any expectations for them. Seeing the people watching around, laughing, playing tricks, and waiting for a good show, Tang Ye knew that the old human man below was just a plaything of these people, and they only needed a little bit of pleasing themselves. In the end, the old human man ended up being torn to pieces by the fangs tiger monster and eaten on the spot. This kind of blood and violence is what they have expected. Nevertheless, you must see it with your own eyes to stimulate the senses and satisfy the dirty desires in your heart.


The Fanged Tiger Monster Beast roared again, and the chains on his body were unfastened, and the fight between the old Human Race men and the Long Fanged Tiger Monster Beast under the Colosseum officially began.

Bang bang bang! The Fanged Tiger Monster Beast ran towards the old Human Race man with great strength, and every time he ran, it shook the ground like a shake. It seems that the entire Colosseum is not worth mentioning under this kind of power, but the defense of the Colosseum is far more than this, and there is a very powerful elemental power protection, so it will not be easily destroyed.

Although the old human man had physical injuries, he didn't care, it seemed that these were irrelevant. He has disheveled hair and a scar on his face. This is a relatively large mark. Facing the long-toothed tiger monster beast running, he did not flinch or evade, his face was cold, he had already put his life and death out of the picture. For him now, death is relief.

However, he did not give up resisting, he still had to live hard. He turned his head and glanced at the upper viewing box. He could vaguely see his sister, but there was also Abbes. In an instant, his eyes were blood-red, and he hated incomparably, just as hatred had overshadowed everything about him. He became a slave to hatred, completely dominated by hatred.

"Ahhhhh!" The old human race man's blood-red eyes, facing the tussled tiger monster beast, directly stretched out his hands to resist!

"You all deserve to die!" The old human race man shouted angrily, his whole body glowing with blood red power, as if he was fighting hard. He directly held the pair of fangs in front of the original Longfang Tiger Monster Beast's mouth with both hands, and confronted the Longfang Tiger. Surprisingly, he actually blocked the Fanged Tiger Monster Beast!

Everyone watching couldn't help but feel an uproar. They didn't expect this old Human Race man to be so powerful. Looking at the **** power that the old human men exploded, it was very scary and bloody. This must be some terrible secret technique. This kind of thing will still exist. Some people have accidentally obtained some ancient secret skills, and after learning they can have terrible power.


The long-toothed tiger monster beast was very angry and roared again and again after holding the pair of sharp fangs. Then it rushed forward with brute force to rush the old human race man to the edge, and then used the sharp fangs to attack the old human race man. Stabbed to death.

The old human race man still held the fangs of the fangs tiger beast, but his power was inferior to the fangs tiger beast, and he was pushed out bit by bit, probably hard to support. But at this moment, he suddenly turned over and jumped, clutching the fangs of the fangs tiger beast, and turned over the fangs tiger beast's head, and then punched the fangs tiger beast's head.


The Long Tiger Tooth Monster Beast was suddenly in pain and screamed again and again. It became more angry and shook its head suddenly, trying to throw the old human man away. However, the old human race man clung to its fangs, and when he couldn't hold it, his hands also emitted blood-red power, and his hands seemed to become claws, suddenly grabbing into the flesh and blood of the fangs tiger monster beast. He firmly grasped the Longfang Tiger Monster Beast.


The Fanged Tiger Monster Beast was even more painful, screaming again and again, as if it were very miserable. This scene stunned everyone, they were silent, originally thought that this old human race man was slowly teased and tortured by the fangs tiger monster, and then eaten. But now, this old human race man had the upper hand, beating the Longfang Tiger Monster Beast again and again.

At this time, the Fanged Tiger Monster Beast couldn't bear the pain, and suddenly slammed its head into the ground, trying to throw the old human man into flight, and also wanted to kill the old human man along the way.

Seeing this, the man of the old human race didn't dare to stay on the head of the Longfang Tiger Monster Beast and jumped away, while the Longfang Tiger Monster Beast hit his head so violently, hitting a fang, and that fang broke. The Fanged Tiger Monster Beast screamed sharply, and it was very painful. At this time, the long-toothed tiger monster beast, without its previous might, became a bit embarrassed.

This scene stunned everyone even more. I really didn’t expect this old human race man to be able to do this kind of thing. It seems that this old human race man has a certain strength. What is going on with the blood red, it must be some special secret technique, otherwise it will not be so powerful. the power of.

What really worries many people is their bet, because they are all overwhelming the old human men being eaten by the fangs tiger beast. If the fangs tiger beast is killed by the old human men, they will lose money. Not what they want to see!

"It's actually a blood curse. This old human man seems to have a good opportunity to learn the blood curse." Sophia, who looked at everything, was surprised at first, but calmed down quickly, and then explained to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye said in surprise: "Blood curse?"

Sophia nodded and said: "This is a very powerful secret technique that can spur the power of blood and instantly increase your strength several times. When you activate the blood curse, you will have powerful power and some unique martial arts. However, Since blood is the curse, and blood is limited to humans, the power of the blood curse cannot be maintained for a long time. If it is maintained for a long time, it will damage life and even consume life and die."

"Looking at the look of this old human man, he probably intends to fight to death. He hates everything and wants to destroy everything." Sophia said lightly.

Tang Ye heard it with a cold expression, squinted his eyes, looked at the audience box that the old Human Race man turned his head, and said: "This man can be so decisive, I am afraid it is because of that. If I didn't guess, there is his Sister. Hmph, it seems that Abbes is going to do something disgusting to his sister. Sophia, I can't stand this."

Sophia shrugged and said, "Then go and take a look."

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