My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2754: The heart of Nirvana!

All practitioners who participated in the elimination of the masked man will be rewarded, including the spy. Tang Ye observed that this spy was still very fierce, because there were so many masked people who he killed, ranking third. Yuan Gang was merciless in killing the masked people. He used domineering power to kill him from the beginning, taking the second place.

Originally, Yuan Gang should be the first to take the head, but later Tang Ye used the spear nirvana martial arts, and even the fire-blow martial arts, to kill people all at once. It can be said that they were killed in groups, so more masked people were killed at once. In the end, he became No. 1 in the head.

"I don't know what the warriors are called?" Fang Changzhou asked as they looked at Tang Ye.

"Next to Yuan Gang." Yuan Gang said with a fist.

Tang Ye also politely said, "In the next Tang Ye."

"Under Akachi," the spy practitioner said.

He is from the Long-eared tribe, like an elf, but not an elf. The blood of the elf is more pure than the Long-eared tribe. There is a rumor that the Long-eared tribe comes from the Elf tribe, and the long-eared tribe was combined with the human tribe a long time ago. Therefore, except for the long and pointed ears, Akachi is all human.

In fact, many races have the appearance of human races. This basically reflects that human races used to be the race that controlled the world. At that time, many races imitated the appearance of human races. And many races and human races have merged, including in terms of racial inheritance, so there are descendants of mixed races with human races. These descendants slowly formed the different tribes now.

However, after the decline of the Human Race, that kind of history was not recognized, and then gradually forgotten, until now, the Human Race has become the most backward and miserable race. Except that the new human race became stronger after being transformed by mutation, the situation of the old human race was already unsightly. Therefore, it is rumored that the new human race wants to revitalize and return to the glory of the ancestors. For all this, the new human race became frantic.

Fang Changzhou also had a group of subordinates. When the masked man appeared, a group was killed because of resistance. Now the remaining few began to clean the body of the masked man. This is just a passenger ship, and the route is near the Pearl Star. Fang Changzhou never thought that there would be such a mob, so the person with him was not strong, and there was no outstanding performance just now. It was able to repel the masked person. Thanks to Tang Ye and them.

Fang Changzhou is indeed very grateful to Tang Ye and the others, because on this cargo ship, there is a top secret item that he wants to transport to Pearl Star, which is a necessary part for Pearl Star to study the "Justice". Such parts should actually be sent with super-powerful guards. The Pearl Star City Lord Ying Wushuang also planned to do so. However, based on years of experience, Fang Changzhou believes that the more prospering the army, the more likely it is to attract the attention of the enemy, and the chance of accidents will occur. Very big. After all, they had caught spies from the enemy before. For this reason, Fang Changzhou chose the current mode of transportation, which looks ordinary on the surface and does not make people pay attention to it, which will be safer.

However, when the masked man appeared to hijack the spaceship just now, he was too worried, afraid that the top secret part would be taken away. In this case, it will affect the development of the "Justice", and he will be a serious sinner. And his strength is not strong, in fact, it is precisely because he is not strong that he is suitable for this task, otherwise he is super strong, staying on an ordinary cargo spacecraft, then it will be called something abnormal, there will be monsters, easy to attract the enemy's attention.

Because his strength was not strong, and his guards were not strong, Fang Changzhou was particularly afraid of the spaceship being hijacked when a masked man appeared. Now that he was rescued by Tang Ye and the others, he was very grateful, and he must treat Tang Ye and the others well.

"Warrior Tang Ye, Warrior Yuan Gang, Warrior Akaqi, and the next few warriors, on behalf of the Pearl Star, the great Galaxy Great Emperor, I would like to express my gratitude to you. If you hadn't eliminated the thugs under the Void Tyrant, I don’t know what will happen to my spacecraft. It doesn’t matter if the cargo is out of order, the most important thing is so many guests. So when you arrive at the Pearl Star, please go to the Pearl Hotel and let me entertain you!” Fang Changzhou said to Tang Ye They said.

Tang Ye laughed and said, "Captain Fang doesn't need to be so polite. These thugs are acting badly and are still our enemies. We should eliminate them."

"Brother Tang is right. Since we are enemies, in order to protect ourselves and people, we should do this." Yuan Gang said.

When Akaki saw this, he felt a little anxious. He was worried that Tang Ye and Yuan Gang would not accept Fang Changzhou’s invitation. He didn’t want to do this, because his purpose was to lurk into the Pearl Star, then deep into Fang Changzhou and even Fang Changzhou. It is a higher level of leadership, such as the city lord of Ying Wushuang, which is very necessary. To this end, he hurriedly said: "It is indeed what we should do to eliminate the mob, but since Captain Fang invited us so kindly, we can't refuse. Captain Fang, you can rest assured that we will definitely go to the Pearl Hotel."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the Pearl Hotel. Then, first, I'll deal with the latter things first. Warriors go and rest first. The cabins in the cabins have rich delicacies. You can eat as much as you want." Fang Changzhou Said.

Tang Ye and the others nodded, and Fang Changzhou left with a smile. At the beginning, Fang Changzhou's pace was steady and calm, but when no one saw him after a corner, his pace was greatly accelerated, and his expression became anxious. He was worried that something happened to the top secret part, and he had to confirm it immediately.

When he arrived in the room he was staying in, he pushed the door to enter, then he locked the door and checked it a few times before there was a problem, then went to the bed, flipped a device similar to a Rubik's Cube, and then turned on a switch. There is a square crystal inside the switch. There is also a layer of protection on the crystal. Fang Changzhou presses the palm of his hand to unlock the square crystal. Inside is a fist-sized red crystal, like a heart bleeding with blood. It is very prosperous and powerful. , I don't know where it is.

"Fortunately, the'Nirvana Heart' is okay, otherwise my sin will be irreparable!" Seeing the blood-red crystal heart, Fang Changzhou sighed.

This blood-red crystal heart is said to be the phoenix's heart that burst out of the fallen body when the phoenix was killed by the Void Great!

And the heart of this phoenix has the extremely powerful power of phoenix, which can absorb the flame to condense, and then sublimate the flame, making a huge energy. The "Justice" currently being developed by Pearl Star has a lore weapon that needs the heart of this phoenix, which they call the Heart of Nirvana. After using the heart of Nirvana, you can compress the flame power and launch it. One attack can destroy a world of stars!

"Haha, you really have good things hidden!" However, at this time, a treacherous voice sounded behind Fang Changzhou.

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