My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2744: A higher level!

For Tang Ye, what happened right now was completely unexpected. Become a blacksmith? It was indeed not what he planned in the first place. What he thought at first was to collect the materials by himself, and then to find a powerful forge, and then let that forge help him forge a powerful weapon.

However, just as the plan cannot keep up with the changes. From the Phoenix, I learned that the power source crystal of the undead flame is a precious thing, the blacksmith outside, even the tenth-level pinnacle blacksmith, although the skills are sufficient, but because of the lack of some hard conditions, such as tempering power The power of the source crystal cannot be used perfectly, and at most 80% of the power can be exerted. In other words, even if a forge of level 10 is allowed to build weapons, 20% of his power will be wasted. This is difficult for him to accept. Because of such waste, it is a permanent loss.

The power source crystal will be the basis for forging a growth weapon. How good this foundation is, means that there is a gap from the starting line. Of course, the artifacts possessed by outsiders, forged with power source crystals, will basically have 20% or more of their power wasted. So even if Tang Ye is like this, there will be no gap with them. However, if this 20% is not wasted, can it be said that it is better than those who have magical tools outside?

Even if compared with Asiya, if the source crystal of the undead flame can be used 100%, then an artifact forged like this is even stronger than Asiya's Demon Sword!

This kind of power gap can be used in the growth of weapons and personal strength in the future, and it will become more and more open. In the end, other people who have the same artifact will not be able to compare with him!

So, if you can become a blacksmith, Tang Ye certainly wanted to. Stepping into the sky now is a new beginning. He doesn’t know how long his life is, but he knows, because he has been practicing continuously when he was in the ancestral land of the earth, his body has been tempered again and again, constantly breaking through the original limit, so now his life span should be very long. Up. At least he is still very young now, knowing that he can live a long time if nothing happens.

If that's the case, let yourself have more play in your life! Tang Ye thought for a while, made a decision, and said to Phoenix: "I don't know what you think of that would make me a blacksmith. However, if possible, I am willing. Here, first Thank you senior!"

Phoenix was a little speechless about Tang Ye's words, knowing that Tang Ye really wanted to be a blacksmith, he really dared to think about everything, when he was almighty. However, in that case, let's see if she can train Tang Ye. If she can, it will be a very good thing for her. She said to Tang Ye: "It's very good for you to have such an idea, so I will tell you about the blacksmith."

The Phoenix pondered for a while, as if reminiscing, and then said: "Actually, if I had not existed for too long and had experienced everything, I would only know so much. I don't know much about the profession of a blacksmith. Although my flames are very useful for blacksmiths, it does not mean that I have to know them well. However, one thing that happened to me made me know them well. Or It can be said that this incident made me directly become a powerful forger."

"There is such a thing?" Tang Ye was shocked, and could he directly become a powerful forger? What kind of joke this was made directly became, as if he had the identity of a powerful blacksmith directly. Unless it is to seize the memory of a powerful forge, it is equivalent to becoming that powerful forge!

Wait... Tang Ye had this idea in his mind, and suddenly felt that it was not impossible! It was indeed like swallowing that person and turning everything about that person into his own. And since there is such an ability that he can swallow other people's essence, it may not be impossible to swallow everything of a person, including memory.

Sure enough, the Phoenix said to Tang Ye: "Because I once swallowed a person and trapped everything in my soul realm. Maybe it shouldn't be called the soul, but the essence. After all, this world is not like the earth ancestor. It’s called like that. But it’s all the same. Because I swallowed that person, I know everything about that person. That’s right, he is a powerful blacksmith, reaching the tenth rank! And he, at the time , Is one of the most powerful blacksmiths in the world. As for why I swallowed him, I can only say that everything blames him for being too greedy."

Phineas said with some irony and anger, and said, "In that era, it was the most brilliant and prosperous era in the world. Even the tenth-tier blacksmiths appeared. But it may be such a prosperous atmosphere. Those people are kind of arrogant. Therefore, one of the tenth-tier blacksmiths actually stared at me and brought a few people from the Heavenly Realm to my lair, trying to kill me and seize my undead flame , So that he can get the power that can perfect the power source crystal. Such a move, of course, angered me. I am the holy beast who guards them. How can they make me not angry?"

"Furthermore, they wanted to kill me with a few people in the Heavenly Realm. They didn't even reach the Sky Realm. They really underestimated me." Phoenix snorted coldly.

Tang Ye was shocked when he heard that he felt that he had received a new message, that is, the cultivation realm of this world, it is not that the master of the star realm is the strongest, and there is also the saying that the heavenly realm and the sky realm are the best. He just doesn't understand, is there a cultivation system in the world of the strong?

But it seems to think about it. If the strongest realm is the master of the star realm, then now he has reached the master of the star realm, and there are two more realms that are the top powers. This seems too easy in such a vast world.

Tang Ye just wanted to ask about the Phoenix, but the Phoenix continued to speak. She said: "Actually, the reason why I am so angry is because the weapons forged by the tenth-level blacksmith, which were used by those in the Heavenly Realm realm, did harm me. It even made me feel that they The combined power can indeed threaten me. Therefore, in order to get rid of this hidden danger, I killed them all, even their essence. In this way, we are cutting the grass and roots. And killing their essence After the Yuan Dynasty, I was equivalent to swallowing them, so for that Tier 10 Blacksmith, I also mastered the powerful power he mastered. It is undeniable that this Tier 10 Blacksmith is very powerful. It is the Void Emperor, and he must be afraid. A forge of the tenth rank not only has super high forging ability, but also has very powerful power."

Tang Ye nodded, and said, "Achieving the level of the Transformation Realm in any field will be powerful."

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