My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2727: set sail!

Gu Xie knew that Tang Ye was leaving the border corpse sea. Tang Ye had not concealed this plan. Since the time had come, it was naturally time to plan. In order to leave the Border Corpse Sea, a spaceship has been fully transformed for a period of time, removing all the marks of the evil ghost race and replacing it with the marks of the Border Corpse Sea necromantic creatures.

The logo is very important, like a symbol of the world of stars. The symbol of the sea of ​​corpses on the border is a fusion of three undead creatures. A head, with a skull on one side, a ghoul on the other, and a fire above it, this fire is the undead. This logo is like a banner. The establishment of this logo has further called on the dead creatures in the sea of ​​corpses on the border, united everyone more together, and began to form a sense of honor of the ethnic group.

Therefore, the undead creatures in the Border Corpse Sea are increasingly condensed to build the Border Corpse Sea together. In this way, they began to no longer think of themselves as necro creatures, necromancers!

Of course, there are dead souls in every star world, but not every dead soul is born with wisdom like them. Many undeads are actually pure monsters. They are the objects hunted by others. They are monsters that carry resources and obtain resources after being hunted by others. And they are also about to eliminate living things. There are also some undead creatures that are controlled and enslaved by others. For these things, everything has to wait for the Necromancers to develop and grow before they can interfere in other star worlds. This is a very long road, but they are confident to do a good job.

"You are here." Tang Ye came to the docking point of the reconstructed spacecraft, and Asiya came over to say hello to Tang Ye. The spaceship is also printed with the logo of the Necromancer, and they will act on behalf of the Necromancer in the border sea of ​​corpses.

Leaving the border corpse sea this time, there are Tang Ye and Asiya, Sivir, Disya and Ackerman, as well as several elite necromancers. This spaceship was named the Necromancer, and as the first spacecraft representing the Necromancer to sail from the Border Corpse Sea, the Necromancer has a huge meaning.

However, due to technical issues, the Necromancer will not be unable to fly directly to the Pearl Star. Otherwise, they would not be able to support flying in places like the Void Abyss, and if they fall down, even Asiya and the others would die. Therefore, the character of the Necromancer is very simple this time, that is, to reach the nearest transit star world-the megalithic star. The environment of the Giant Stone Star is not too good, but it is also much better than that of the Border Corpse Sea. There are also many trade contacts here. After arriving at the Giant Stone Star, Tang Ye and the others would purchase a batch of things that the Border Corpse Sea did not have, and let a few necromancers take them back, and study them for those artisan necromancers. Then Tang Ye and Asiya will take other spaceships to turn around, and finally reach the Pearl Star.

Gu Xie stayed in the border corpse sea to manage the border corpse sea, and one thing that is currently underway is identity establishment. It is to give identities to the undead creatures in the border corpse sea, register the records one by one, and then conduct effective management. The necromancers are very excited that they will get a name, which will greatly enhance their wisdom.

At this time, several necromancers carried a batch of items on the Necromancer. There were high-purity necromantic power gems and exquisite bone crystals that Tang Ye went to retrieve. They were very good decorative materials and many Resources discovered after obtaining the territory of the Black Corpse King. These resources are very good, especially the high-purity necromantic power gems, those with a purity of more than 90% can be described as priceless. These items can be used to exchange for enough gold coins, and then buy a batch of items to add to the Border Corpse Sea. These will be purchased in batches. The Border Corpse Sea needs a lot of things, such as weapons and equipment, various construction measures, and reference items.

The few necromancers brought will learn how to trade, and in the future, the sea of ​​corpses will carry out this kind of trade one after another, which will be handed over to these necromancers. Don't worry about being stared at the Border Corpse Sea. One is that no one has any thoughts about the Border Corpse Sea, and the other is that even if someone reaches the Border Corpse Sea, they will be affected by the highly toxic miasma. The Boundary Zombie Sea is constantly growing and will not be easily defeated.

And the only thing that needs to worry more is the evil ghost tribe. After all, a general of the evil ghost tribe, Yan Mo, died in the sea of ​​corpses, perhaps the evil ghost tribe came to settle accounts. However, as long as it is not for someone like Sahai, the head of the evil ghost clan, there will not be much danger in the border corpse sea. But now Sahai is going to prepare for the Hundred Years Ceremony of Emperor Void, it will be impossible to go to the Border Corpse Sea for a while, so don't worry.

Everything was ready, Tang Ye arranged for Gu Xie and the others, and boarded the spaceship with Asiya and the others. At this moment, Tang Ye was excited, Asiya and the others were also excited, and the necromancers were also excited.

For Tang Ye, leaving the border corpse sea to go to another world of stars is equivalent to starting a new journey. This is what he has always expected. In fact, leaving aside the need to lead the necromancer, he himself also wants to walk around alone and experience some adventures. Now, it's time to do this.

For Asiya and the others, this is also a huge turning point. After being besieged and killed by the evil ghost tribe and almost annihilated, they also became fallen angels. They thought that their life was over, but they did not expect to be thrown into the border corpse sea. But now, setting sail again and restarting the revenge plan is not reckless, but planned step by step. They are very happy and very hopeful.

For the Necromancers, when the Necromancer flag is flying on the Necromancer, they are the most exciting moment. Because they seem to see themselves turning over and becoming the masters, there is a huge sense of belonging to them. They are not the kind of dark, evil, murderous monsters that are destined!

They will change history!

The necromancers gathered at this time, at a glance, they can't see their heads at all, they are densely packed with thousands of them. They gathered together and watched the spacecraft with their necromantic logo set sail. Not to mention, this scene is quite shocking and touching.

The spacecraft took off slowly, and finally Yang Fan rose up, waving the flag of the Necromancer.

"Respectfully send the great military division, and wait for the return of the military division!" Gu Xie shouted, and then the other necromancers shouted together, the voice was huge, and it was really encouraging.

The spacecraft slowly moved away, Tang Ye and Asiya officially left the Border Corpse Sea and headed to the Giant Stone Star.

"It's finally here..." Tang Ye said with emotion as he watched the spacecraft move away from the ground and rise into the sky, feeling like flying in an airplane.

Asiya also felt that, and said: "At the moment I was abandoned to the sea of ​​corpses on the border, I never thought that there would be a day like this. I am so excited, needless to say, and still have a dreamy feeling."

Tang Ye smiled and said, "You said before that you have other plans after leaving the Border Corpse Sea. Then we are probably separated. I don't know what your plan is?"

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