My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2715: Press box power!

Gu Xie was actually very worried and nervous when he knew that the forces of the Black Corpse King were approaching. Because of the existence of the Black Corpse King, it has always been a legend of the Border Corpse Sea. It was a very scary existence, even if the other four kings joined forces, they were not the opponents of the Black Corpse King. Anyone who wants to unify the sea of ​​corpses in the border has a huge mountain in front of them that is difficult to cross, that is, the Black Corpse King!

As long as the Black Corpse King is not resolved, it will not be possible to unify the Border Corpse Sea, nor will it truly unify the Border Corpse Sea. And a possible situation is that when all other territories are commanded, and the territory of the Black Corpse King is still missing, the Black Corpse King may eventually be counter-killed by the Black Corpse King. All the past efforts will not only be in vain, but will also make wedding dresses for the black corpse king disciples.

Therefore, if Tang Ye wants to unify the border corpse sea, he must solve the Black Corpse King.

Seeing Tang Ye and Sledgehammer come back safely, Gu Xie breathed a sigh of relief. Although the sledgehammer is seriously injured, as long as they are not killed, their necromantic creatures will slowly recover. If there are necromantic power gems, they will recover very quickly by absorbing the necromantic power. Gu Xie is not without any gems. Although there is no such pure power gem given by Tang Ye, he has also collected a lot, maybe the purity is fifty or sixty percent. However, this can be regarded as a relatively normal resource for cultivation, and this is generally the case. Even in the border corpse sea, if they did not find such a gem, it would still be very rare. Now seeing that the sledgehammer was seriously injured, Gu Xie took out a fifty percent pure one for him to recover from his injury.

Sledgehammer was very happy and grateful. I didn't expect Gu Xie to be so kind to him. This was indeed the best king he had ever encountered. He felt that his pledge of allegiance was not in vain. He was a wise king who could create a great cause.

"Lord... Great Army Master, what do you think is the situation, can you fight the Black Corpse King?" Since it was discussing how to deal with the Black Corpse King, Gu Xie directly asked this question. It's just that he may be called the wrong name if he is not careful. If he is called Master Tang Ye in front of others, it would be bad.

It will let you know, and it will be easy to misunderstand, he is indeed a puppet cultivated by Tang Ye to control the border corpse sea. Such a thing, as long as a wise necromantic creature, I am afraid it will mind or even oppose it, and then cause a rebellion.

Tang Ye said: "The Black Corpse King's large forces should not have taken action yet. The one we solved must be their advance troops, who came to investigate the situation. However, this does not make us relieved. Since Hei The corpse king sent someone over, so it just means that the black corpse king has noticed our side and has taken it seriously. Now we have killed the investigation team of the black corpse king. I believe it will be a few days later. After the king has not disappeared, we will pay more attention to it. If this is the case, we may face the powerful troops of the Black Corpse King."

"How is that good?" Gu Xie expressed very worried, and said: "The Black Corpse King's subordinates are generally very powerful. Even though there are more people here than the Black Corpse King, all of the Black Corpse King's subordinates are If one enemy is one hundred, then we can't beat it either."

The sledgehammer was silent for a while. For such a situation, he also has no good solutions. After all, in the face of a huge power gap, any method seems weak. Perhaps they can use the terrain they occupy, such as the black mountain of the mountain corpse king for defense. However, defense alone is useless. If you want to win and complete the plan to unify the sea of ​​corpses on the border, you must attack.

"We don't know much about the situation of the Black Corpse King now..." Tang Ye squinted his eyes and thought. He thought of using the spaceship ballista. This plan was made at the beginning. Since the Black Corpse King is so powerful, it is necessary to use their powerful force.

Tang Ye was worried that the Black Corpse King also had the spaceship ballista, in that case their spaceship ballista would not have much advantage. If so, we must first understand the situation of the Black Corpse King.

"Ackerman, you go to the territory of the Black Corpse King to investigate the power of the Black Corpse King, so that we can have a reference. Then, if we do, we will use the spaceship ballista and take the initiative to attack their base camp!" Tang Ye said to Ackerman next to him.

Ackerman was instructed to act immediately.

"Be careful, if you are in danger, get out of it as soon as possible and contact us." Tang Ye exhorted Ackerman.

Ackerman expressed his understanding, flashing his figure and disappearing into the camp.

Hearing Tang Ye's words, Gu Xie and Sledgehammer were very surprised. Wouldn't it be too dangerous to send Ackerman alone? Moreover, it is necessary to take the initiative to attack, which is probably a bit risky.

Tang Ye knew their worries and said, "I believe Ackerman's strength, she should have no problem with spying on intelligence."

It has been predicted before that the dead creatures in the Boundary Corpse Sea will not reach the realm of the Star Sea Lord. With Ackerman's strength, even an enemy who encounters the strength of the Lord of the Star Sea can get away smoothly.

As for the initiative to attack this point, if only they have the spaceship ballista, suddenly attacking the base camp of the Black Corpse King with the ballista will have a very good effect. Especially, when the main forces of the Black Corpse King are all concentrated, bombing with a crossbow can directly harvest one piece, which can save a lot of things.

Tang Ye told Gu Xie and Sledgehammer about his thoughts, and they thought it was feasible. Of course, this is not a 100% success. But there is no better way. Now facing the Black Corpse King, no one has a 100% success.

"My Lord Evil King, please continue to stay in the new territory, rectify and train the necromancers, just in case. And I will return to the Withered Bone Zone and mobilize the spaceship ballista unit. When Ackerman returns, I can determine whether it can Take the initiative to attack." Tang Ye said to Gu Xie.

Gu Xie nodded, and said, "Then trouble the generals!"

Tang Ye and Asiya returned to the Withered Bone Zone, leaving Sivir to help in the new territory. If there are strong men of the Black Corpse King, Sivir can help deal with it.

Tang Ye and Asiya returned to the Withered Bone Zone alone, and no one else was there. Assia could directly use the flying ability of the wings to quickly reach the Withered Bone Zone. This way back to the dead bone area is very fast. At the same time, Ackerman also used the ability to fly to enter the territory of the Black Corpse King to carefully investigate the relevant situation.

What she needs to understand is the power distribution of the Black Corpse King, and to determine whether the Black Corpse King has equipment such as spaceship ballistas. Coming down from a high altitude, she shuttled at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye to discuss and find out the situation here. It was also confirmed that there was no spaceship ballista here, and planned to leave.

But at this time, she felt a powerful force, and she was about to approach the realm of Xinghai Lord! Very strong, she can judge, that is the Black Corpse King. She originally wanted to give it a try, but thinking of Tang Ye's order, she held back and left quietly.

Tang Ye returned to the Withered Bone Zone and immediately mobilized the spaceship ballista unit to the new territory. The battle with the Black Corpse King is about to begin!

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