My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2688: The statement of fate!

The Blue Bone King and the Heavenly Spirit King reached an agreement to first cooperate to solve the Mountain Corpse King, and then to solve the White Spirit King, and then they want the territory of the Mountain Corpse King and the other to the Bai Ling King. If there is no problem with the Heavenly Spirit King, the Bailing King's people will definitely not be able to come to support the Mountain Corpse King. But now, the people of King Bai Ling are here!

"Sky Spirit King, what the **** are you doing!" The Blue Bone King just saw that the undead elite soldiers were dealt with, and was upset. Now he heard his subordinates report that an elite soldier of the Bai Ling king rushed from behind. Come, this is obviously to support the Mountain Corpse King, and the Blue Bone King has become more irritable.

"My lord, what are we going to do now?" The next man was very worried and asked Blue Bone King.

The Blue Bone King was thinking, he was still very irritable, his face was unhappy, and he had a hostility to kill. He was thinking, if something happened to the Heavenly Spirit King, or betrayed him, and joined forces with the White Spirit King, then he would not be able to deal with him if he came to deal with him. Maybe he would be wiped out. Then you can only retreat first and wait until the situation is clear.

Even if he was flanked by the undead soldiers of the White Spirit King, the Blue Bone King was not worried that he would not be able to retreat. With his large army now, there is no problem going out of the conflict. He was just not reconciled. Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, he took the Mountain Corpse King and obtained the Black Mountain Territory, so that he could gain the power not lost to the Black Corpse King. Now something went wrong at the critical moment, and he was furious.

"How many undead soldiers of the White Spirit King are coming?" The Blue Bone King asked the subordinates of the inspection report.

The subordinate said: "The exact number is not clear, but it is certain that it is an elite unit led by King Bai Ling. Moreover, since King Bai Ling can dispatch such a unit, it must be the King of Heaven. No one restricts King Bai Ling anymore. In this case, even if the troops coming now are just a small team of King Bai Ling, then, the strength of King Bai Ling will continue to come. And we can no longer attack the mountain corpse quickly Wang’s line of defense, so this situation is already very unfavorable to us."

"Nonsense, I don't need you to tell me!" The Blue Bone King snorted, very angry, and then looked at the Black Mountain defense line. The undead elite soldiers who originally helped them attack the Mountain Corpse King defense line from the inside have been wiped out. Now they rely on Ghouls and bone soldiers are difficult to attack. After an estimate, the Blue Bone King can only decide to retreat.

"Tell me to order, all retreat!" The Blue Bone King shouted in a low voice. Although he was very unwilling to do this, he would not feel good if he was attacked from behind by the power of the Bailing King. Instead, he would be in trouble. Retreat first.

As the Blue Bone King issued an order, the ghoul soldiers and bone soldiers who were frantically attacking the Black Mountain defense line immediately retreated. Soon, the Blue Bone King took the lead to leave, and the skeleton soldiers and the ghoul soldiers followed. The noise under the Black Mountain gradually disappeared, leaving a messy scene. These were normal conditions after the war.

The Mountain Corpse King did not expect the Blue Bone King to retreat. What a fortunate thing, is Black Mountain saved?

But the Mountain Corpse King was still worried that the Blue Bone King was playing tricks and did so deliberately, and when he opened the defense gate, he rushed out again when he came down from the mountain. Therefore, the Mountain Corpse King continued to keep his subordinates on guard, and he carefully observed within the defense line, and was relieved after confirming that the Blue Bone King really left.

Tang Ye had asked Ackerman to confirm, and Ackerman reflected that the Blue Bone King had indeed retreated. Then Tang Ye walked to the Mountain Corpse King and said, "The Blue Bone King has retreated, you can rest assured."

"Really?" The mountain corpse king looked at Tang Ye happily. He already trusted Tang Ye and was very grateful, because if Tang Ye hadn’t helped him just now, he would fall here. Then he and the corpse on the Black Mountain The ghosts must be miserable.

As for Tang Ye, who was able to solve that undead elite soldier by his own power, the Mountain Corpse King was also very convinced and agreed with him in terms of strength, and he appeared more cautious and kind in front of Tang Ye.

At this time, you can talk a lot with peace of mind. Tang Ye looked at the mountain corpse king and smiled: "You are welcome, the mountain corpse king, I am here to help you, although part of the reason is that I am Qianqian's friend and I am entrusted by Qianqian. However, I also have my own selfishness in doing this. And my purpose may make you feel angry with the mountain corpse king, and even become an enemy of me, so you should not think that I am a friend so quickly."

"What?" The Mountain Corpse King was stunned, and then his face was a little ugly. He didn't expect Tang Ye to say such a thing. Could it be that this human race has the same purpose as the Blue Bone King, to save himself, but doesn't want to be swallowed by the Blue Bone King, but when he turns around, he wants to annex himself?

Tang Ye saw the unsightly face of the Mountain Corpse King, smiled, and said, "Master Mountain Corpse King don’t have to worry so much. Indeed, I want your power, but we can discuss it carefully and try to avoid it. War. And I want your power, just because I want to unify the border corpse sea, become the lord of the border corpse sea, bring order to this land of death, so that this land of death can also emit a dazzling light. And here The undead creatures will become a race like other races, will be accepted by other races, and we will become an upright member of this big world."

The Mountain Corpse King looked at Tang Ye and said nothing.

He was very surprised, he didn't expect Tang Ye to say such a thing.

"You are a human race, why do you want to do this?" The Mountain Corpse King couldn't help asking curiously. He also wanted to know how Tang Ye, a human race, could adapt to the environment here in the border corpse sea?

The human race that suddenly emerged was indeed very strange. If it were not for the special environment of the Border Corpse Sea, there had been no living people for thousands of years, and it was destined to be incapable of living. Otherwise, the Mountain Corpse King would still think whether other ethnic groups would intervene in the Border Corpse Sea. It's up.

Tang Ye looked at the Mountain Corpse King and said, "Because I come from the Border Corpse Sea, you may not believe it, but I was born in the Border Corpse Sea, otherwise I would not be able to adapt to the toxic environment here. I think this is fate, so I want to do this."

"You were born in the border corpse sea?" The mountain corpse king was really surprised by this kind of thing, he never knew that the border corpse sea also gave birth to living creatures.

However, Tang Ye's particularity does have such a possibility. Therefore, if this is an arrangement of destiny, it is justified.

Of course, this is actually just what Tang Ye said. When he was in the ancestral land of the earth, he was the most talked about destiny. Of course, his own destiny was in his own hands, otherwise it would be a chess piece and it would be painful to be played by others! However, the term destiny is always accepted by the public and used as an excuse or a rectification. I always feel that a destiny guide is put in place, and fate is destined or something, and it becomes very tall.

Tang Ye looked at the mountain corpse king and said: "Yes, I was born in the border corpse sea, witnessing the development here, and I want to make the development here faster."

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