My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2672: Secret hunting!

First, two undead soldiers slowly came to look at them. Behind them, there was probably a figure like the captain watching them. This is a special time, and they can't have any surprises, because it is about the big plan of the Heavenly Spirit King. Two undead soldiers came to inspect there just now, but they haven't come back for a long time. I don't know if something happened.

The two undead soldiers who had been dispatched were on guard carefully, and slowly drifted past. The front is very quiet. It should be said that a quiet environment is beneficial to these undead soldiers, because they are very sensitive. In a quiet and gloomy environment, the enemy is usually afraid, and then they can quickly find it based on this, and Kill it.

However, at this time, the two undead soldiers were very afraid of this empty silence. They slowly floated past, feeling like a beast more terrifying than they were staring. They are here to check the situation. Just now the two companions disappeared when they came here. They may be enemies. Then the enemies of the two companions can be solved, and they can also be solved naturally.

However, they still believe that there will be no accident, because they have the captain watching them. Once something happens, the captain will come right away. So rest assured. The two undead soldiers got rid of their fear and boldly went over to check.

On the other hand, their team leader arranged for someone to guard the gate of the White Spirit King’s habitat, because he wanted to protect the Heavenly Spirit King, and the Heavenly Spirit King was in the White Spirit King’s habitat. He can't walk around at will, because he can't get caught in the enemy's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain.

The two undead soldiers who patrolled in the past went further and further, slowly out of the captain's line of sight. The captain was worried, and sent two more undead soldiers over, keeping the distance from the first two undead soldiers, and reporting to him at the same time.

At this moment, Tang Ye and Qianqian stepped back a lot, in order to avoid confronting a large number of undead soldiers. Then, they hid in a place where they could also carry out sneak attacks to achieve the goal of a fatal blow. As the body of the undead, Qianqian perceives the two undead soldiers coming slowly.

They retreated a certain distance, and after finding a suitable lurking position, they would not retreat anymore, because if they retreated, the two undead soldiers would not follow, and their purpose was to kill these undead soldiers, so To attract these undead soldiers to come.

The distance was just right, and the two undead soldiers who came to check did not return. At this time, Tang Ye knew that he should give them some hope, otherwise they would go back. So Tang Ye jumped out, then swiftly swept, making a sound, let the two undead soldiers notice.

The two undead soldiers originally came to check the distance far enough, thinking it was nothing, they planned to go back and report, but suddenly heard the movement, they immediately stood on alert, and quickly moved towards the place where the movement was made. They didn't consider whether it would be dangerous. It was probably the first reaction. They came to check and thought that there was the team leader's support behind them, so there was no need to be afraid.

However, they did not notice that they were already a certain distance away from the captain at this time. If the enemy could kill them with one blow, they would only become the dead of the enemy.

Tang Ye deliberately made a movement to lure two undead soldiers over, of course, he was sure that one hit would kill. If Qianqian can't do it, then let Ackerman come. At this time, you can give play to Ackerman's ability. Even in this gloomy and gloomy place, as long as Ackerman's speed is fast enough, even if she comes out, no one will notice it, even Qianqian may not feel it.

Tang Ye was so sure of it because of the power around him.

"Qianqian, get ready!" Tang Ye whispered to Qianqian after attracting two undead soldiers.

At this moment, Qianqian was hiding in a hidden place nearby, waiting for the two undead soldiers to plunder, she could immediately shoot and kill one undead soldier with one blow. As for the other one, Tang Ye teamed up with her to quickly subdue it. Even if there is some movement, there is no way, it is impossible to hide it. Rather, it is good to make a little movement, because it can stimulate the undead soldiers behind and let them chase them, so that they can be solved one by one, so that they will not face the lost undead soldiers at once.

As planned, when the two undead soldiers chased over, they reached the place where Qianqian was hiding, Qianqian suddenly shot, and directly stabbed an undead soldier to death. Another undead soldier noticed that he was startled first, and then terrified. Companion was killed. There was more than one enemy, and they were stronger than them. This is very dangerous and must be fleeing first.

"Ka...!" The undead soldier uttered a low voice of horror, and then quickly turned and fled.

But his reaction was in Tang Ye’s expectation. Tang Ye had arranged Qianqian how to do it, so Qianqian immediately attacked. Because of Tang Ye’s expectations and arrangements, her action was to kill that. It started after the dead soldiers. For this, she was ready when another undead soldier fled. Then, with a sudden blow, she stopped another undead soldier.

At this time, Tang Ye rushed up, and according to what Qianqian told him, about the deadly place of the undead soldier, directly pierced with a dagger and pierced the central place, and the undead disappeared and died. However, the sound he made just now attracted the two undead soldiers at the back. The two undead soldiers rushed away quickly, but suddenly stopped.

One of the undead soldiers felt that there must be a dangerous situation ahead, which may be beyond his control. He was still very smart. He turned around and notified the captain to let the captain pay attention.

The captain is a powerful figure who has reached the second level of the Star Territory Lord. Even if Qianqian takes the shot and hides, it is difficult to kill with one blow.

After staring at the front, the captain nodded to the two undead soldiers, and then the two undead soldiers went to check again.

"It's two undead soldiers coming again, they are really stupid, so come alone, we will solve them one by one!" Qianqian was quite happy, because according to the current situation, we can slowly and alone Kill these undead soldiers, who will let these undead soldiers come one by one.

Tang Ye didn't speak for a while, looking ahead thinking. He felt that these undead soldiers can guard here, it is by no means that simple. There have been two incidents of his subordinates, it is impossible to send two people over to check it like this.

Just in case, Tang Ye felt that it was necessary to put Ackerman on standby, and if a critical situation occurred, Ackerman would take action.

Now the surroundings are quiet and dark, and it is very advantageous for Ackerman to be ready for this real dark game. No matter who appeared, for Ackerman, it was the prey she was staring at.

What's more, Ackerman still has the power of absolute crushing, even if it is facing the strength of the master of the star field, he can quickly kill. Unless the opponent reaches the strength of the Master of Star Sea, this is impossible.

Even the Heavenly Spirit King does not have such strength.

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