My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2669: Say yes!

To Tang Ye, this undead girl is indeed very naive. However, there is kindness in this innocence. This is not difficult to feel. Tang Ye thinks this kind of thing is simply precious. Because an undead nurtured by darkness and the power of the undead, actually has good intentions!

It’s not that the undead don’t have good intentions, but that the undead, the creatures bred by dark power, are almost without wisdom at the beginning. They act like puppets to survive and grow, so as long as it is beneficial to him Will do it, no matter how it is to be a human being or whatever. In the eyes of others, it is extremely evil. And he himself cannot change this, because it is all instinctive reaction.

However, if he has good thoughts, it means he has developed the concept of good and evil, which is the proof of the growth of wisdom. The higher the wisdom, the more one will have one's own will, and the outlook on life, world outlook, etc. will be formed. And this is basically no different from a wise race.

Therefore, the undead girl is no longer as simple as a single undead, she has opened up a lot of wisdom, just like a person. Such undead will certainly not be too low in the undead army. It is impossible to say that every undead has reached this level, just like the bone soldier, the level of openness reached a certain level, only a small part. Most of them are just "simple minds and well-developed limbs". Therefore, Tang Ye felt that it was a very beneficial thing to make friends with such undead.

If the wisdom is high enough, the more intelligence information can be provided.

However, for the identity of the undead girl, Tang Ye felt that if the undead girl is a high-level existence in the undead army, then the undead army should not be so afraid. Because the higher existence is only the primary level of the master of the star field, it is not difficult to deal with it. However, if the undead girl is only a low-level figure in the undead army, it means that even the bottom of the undead army has reached this level, then in the face of higher existence, is it not necessary to reach the realm of Xinghai?

This is a very serious matter! In this case, it takes a lot of strength and time to deal with the dead.

"Oh, it seems that this is indeed the case." When Tang Ye considered the great cause of conquering the border corpse sea, the undead girl was simply thinking about making friends. She looked at Tang Ye expectantly, and said, "My name is Qianqian, or I can be called Xiaoqian. What about you, what is your name?"

Tang Ye looked at Qianqian and laughed and said, "My name is Tang Ye."

"Then I'll call you... Tang Ye!" Qianqian still wanted to help Tang Ye choose a name that she could easily call herself, but she didn't expect it, so she continued to call Tang Ye. She felt a little spooky. Then she looked at Tang Ye and said, "You fellow, why do you feel so serious. Honestly speaking, just like my father. If I were not curious about you, I wouldn't be friends with you." ."

"Um..." Tang Ye was also speechless to Qianqian. If he speaks so directly, he really doesn't understand human relations and society. It seems that he has not been "baptized" by society.

Tang Ye shrugged indifferently, smiled at Qianqian, and said, "There is no way, I am no longer the young me, I no longer have the youthfulness and humor that I had at the beginning, and after hardships, I have to mature. Get up, now I'm doing something serious again, no joke."

Qianqian couldn't help but roll her eyes, feeling that Tang Ye spoke a lot, although he looked serious, but not very honest. Such a guy seems to have to be careful. This is what my father often teaches. However, Qianqian couldn't feel the hostility from Tang Ye, and she felt that Tang Ye was a good person directly, and would not be a wicked person. So she doesn't have so much scruples. Moreover, she herself is a person who does things according to her own feelings and intuitions. She is beautifully named, free and unruly.

"You mean, if you are mature, I am not mature? If you are not young, am I young?" Qianqian raised her head to Tang Ye, humming a little unconvinced, and finally gave it back There was a "hum".

Tang Ye was really depressed. Facing a somewhat arrogant girl like Qianqian, he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Haha." Qianqian laughed when she saw Tang Ye's embarrassing appearance, and said: "Well, let's not talk about you, you just said you were doing a serious thing, what was that?"

Qianqian is like a curious baby, looking at Tang Ye with big eyes. She also floated over, approaching Tang Ye. Tang Ye suddenly felt a lot colder, and it seemed that Qianqian, the undead, carried a very strong necromantic power, and could actually emit such a compelling chill. Therefore, Qianqian is not a simple undead.

Tang Ye looked at Qianqian, thought for a while, and then said: "I want to fight this border corpse sea and become the lord of the border corpse sea!"

"You..." Qianqian stared at Tang Ye for a while without speaking, as if she was shocked when she heard Tang Ye's words.

Tang Ye thought she was frightened, after all, such words came from a big living creature, and it would really surprise the dead creatures. In fact, what he said to Qianqian was a temptation. Because if you want to become the lord of the border corpse sea, you must conquer all the forces here. Among these forces, the undead must be very large. In this case, I don't know what Qianqian's position is?

"Do you think I'm joking? Haha, maybe." Tang Ye laughed at Qianqian, not wanting to scare Qianqian, and the trial also thought that it would end.

However, Qianqian looked at Tang Ye and shook her head very seriously, and said: "Can you do it? You want to be the lord of the sea of ​​corpses on the border, can you do it? I approve of you doing this, but I feel your The strength is not enough. If necessary, I can help you."

"This..." Hearing Qianqian's words, it was Tang Ye's turn to be stunned. Listening to Qianqian's words, it was not because his plan was scary to be surprised. Qianqian was not surprised, but also agreed with him to do so, and wanted to help him. He was a little puzzled. He is a big living creature who wants to fight this place dominated by dead creatures. As a dead creature, Qianqian actually agrees?

Still want to help!

I really don't know what Qianqian thinks.

Tang Ye shook his head, sobered his head, then looked at Qianqian and said, "Did you not hear me clearly? I mean, if I want to become the lord of the Border Corpse Sea, then I must defeat all the forces in the Border Corpse Sea. , Including bones, undead and ghouls. You are an undead, are you not afraid of me hitting you?"

"Why are you hitting me? I'm your friend, so I'm not an enemy. If you hit something else, I don't care. As long as you don't hit me or the person I care about, I will I'm too lazy to care about you. But..."

Qianqian looked at Tang Ye's attitude a little disapproving, then glanced at Tang Ye a few times, expressing suspicion, and said: "With your strength, how can you beat the Undead Legion?"

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