My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2654: Split up!

If it hadn't been for the restriction of contractual relationship, Tang Ye would still be very strenuous to face so many skeleton soldiers. Now it's because of this contractual relationship that you can quickly conquer the Bone Bone Zone. Then settle down in the Withered Bone Zone, and after the stability is good, you can send troops to other places to conquer the entire border corpse sea.

Now the bone soldiers from the North and South Districts are coming, but they don't seem to know the changes in the West and East Districts. In this case, let Gu Xie, the skeleton soldier, go to negotiate with the bosses in the North and South districts. It is actually a "fiddle". Then, when the bosses in the South and North districts are not paying attention, they will make a surprise attack to kill the boss and take control. Two armies of skeletons.

This is just one way. Gu Xie thinks it can be used. However, with their current power, Gu Xie thinks that they can use another kind that is a bit more rude, which is to directly challenge the boss of the North or South District, defeat them, and become a new leader. Can control both forces.

However, the issue of the arrogance of the bosses in the South and North is actually the same as the boss in the East. If this point is not resolved, then even if a contract is concluded, there will be no loyalty. Not to mention betrayal, there is a contractual relationship, and betrayal may be less, but it is very possible to do things perfunctory and lack enthusiasm. Therefore, Tang Ye has already made a decision, not to keep one of these bosses!

When Tang Ye chatted with Asiya and the others, he learned a lot. Among them, Asiya also suggested to him that for a skeletal soldier, there is no need to slowly observe and cultivate loyal backbones. These backbones, as long as Gu Xie is the only one. enough. As for the other skeleton soldiers, let Gu Xie cultivate them. Because, in this firmament world, the skeleton soldier is not even a tribe, it can only be said to be a kind of creature that has been bred from the environment of the border corpse sea. If you have to worry so much when facing a creature, how to put the pattern in the entire sky world. The true leader is to train only one, but the backbone of the elite among different tribes and different creatures will do.

After all, Asiya was the princess of the angel race, and the things she experienced in this sky world, as well as the people and things she had seen, were definitely more than Tang Ye's, and her experience was relatively rich. So, what she said makes sense. Moreover, what she said was actually thinking from the perspective of being a leader.

Tang Ye was actually surprised. Asiya had such a wealth of experience, she was willing to let him be a leader before, leading them, arranging them to act, and conspiring together if they had the opportunity. Did Assia see that he has this talent?

Tang Ye was very embarrassed at that time. However, since Asiya said that and her attitude was clearer, he did not decline. Of course, if the leader is not the leader, let's not say it for the time being. At least now he wants to take the border corpse sea, and what the situation in the border corpse sea is, it is not clear for the time being. It is estimated that there will not be only a creature like bone monsters. If there are other creatures, there are as many as bone soldiers, then if you want to control, Asiya's thoughts are worth learning.

Rather, Tang Ye is now affected by many Asiya's ideas. Now he intends to use the set suggested by Asiya, mainly to train the elite and not to do it. It doesn't need to be more, other hierarchical management is just fine.

Therefore, only now did Tang Ye have the decision to directly kill the skeleton soldiers in the North and South Districts. Killing those powerful figures who have established majesty, possess a certain deterrent power, and may shake the bones of soldiers, is not only to establish their own majesty, but also to eliminate threats and hidden dangers.

"According to the report of the scouts, now the people from the North District and the people from the South District come together and ask you to solve the bosses in the North District and the South District alone. I am afraid that time will not be able to catch up. Then, you can solve the boss in the South District. I will solve the boss in the North District. Then I control the forces in these two districts and hold the Withered Bone District in my hands, how about?" Tang Ye said to Gu Xie.

"No problem!" Gu Xie nodded immediately.

And he soon realized that such an answer seemed a bit equal to Tang Ye’s status, but Tang Ye was his master, so he immediately changed his words and said to Tang Ye, “Yes, the master’s arrangement is very good. Follow your arrangements!"

Tang Ye looked at Gu Xie and smiled, without emphasizing anything else. In fact, he always told Gu Xie not to be so polite and not to do so much etiquette. Normally, he didn't have too many obvious arrangements for Gu Xie to order from superiors and subordinates. Perhaps this approach had affected Gu Xie invisibly and made Gu Sometimes evil really let go of these. This was actually what Tang Ye wanted to do, the preparation before the termination of the contract. If it is the trust earned under this kind of thing, he believes it will be very strong, and Gu Xie is not only his subordinate, but also his friend.

"Then let's start to act. Although our current strength is much stronger than the people in the dry bone area, we must always pay attention to it. There is a saying that is careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, paying attention to safety is the first." Tang Ye Said to Gu Xie.

Gu Xie nodded in agreement, and at the same time expressed great gratitude to Tang Ye. He felt that Tang Ye was very concerned about his safety, and he was very moved!

After the two moved separately, Gu Xie headed to the boss of the Southern District, and Tang Ye went to the boss of the Northern District in front.

At this time, the bosses of the North District and the South District are both heading towards the West District, and soon the two sides will approach the territory of the West District. This will form an encircling formation against the West District.

"All are fast forward, and I will arrive in the western zone soon. Prepare for battle!" Among the skeletons in the northern zone, the boss of the northern zone with the main army of the northern zone is about to see the border of the western zone. Be prepared for battle, because I don’t know if it will meet the forces of the Eastern District and the Western District. Fighting may happen at any time.


However, at this moment, suddenly, a man swooped down from mid-air, and the skeletal soldiers that had been speeding up were shocked and flew back, crackling to the ground. Some are directly broken and dead. Those who weren't dead regrouped back babbling.

"Who?!" The boss of the North District took the lead, leaning farther forward, and the people who came did not attack him, but made him highly alert.

The people who dived out of the sky naturally came to solve Tang Ye who was the skeletal force in the North District. Tang Ye stood on the ground very securely, looking at the boss of the North District. Although these were bone monsters in front of him, their strengths were different and their appearances would be different. And the status will be different.

The boss of the North District is the leader of the bones forces in the North District. His strength is very strong. There are seven or eight levels of the master of the stars, so the color of the bones is very bright and beautiful. At the same time, some equipment was worn, such as armor heads to protect deadly places, and powerful weapons.

But no matter what equipment he is equipped with, Tang Ye's strength is much higher than the boss of the North District, and it is not difficult to deal with it.

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