My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2627: Not very reliable!

Asiya and the others really thought Tang Ye's words were a bit joking. Power spar of that purity, as high as 90% or more, rarely appears in auction houses, and there are many?

Does it matter if one is too much to waste?

How many are there?

"You said there are many more power spars like this?" Asiya looked at Tang Ye in surprise and asked.

Her body trembled a little, because it was shocking news and very exciting. If this is the case, then let yourself get it, and you can solve many, many problems.

Tang Ye was a little embarrassed, but Athea and the others reacted so strongly. It feels that he is very lucky to find so many undead power spars. Over there, there is a piece of undead power spar that is extremely rare. It may be formed by the accumulation of dead bodies for thousands of years and the accumulation of undead forces. This is not surprising. For thousands of years, it is all corpse bones and undead power, forming a resource that looks like a mineral.

"I think the quantity is still okay." Tang Ye said to Asiya.

Then he smiled awkwardly and said, "It doesn't matter, this one has already been used. I think it is necessary to make a fine needle with such a spar. Because I polished such a fine needle, I want to help you heal your injuries. The evil ghost race has been staring at us now, and I don’t know when they will come again. The faster your injury heals, the better it will be for us."

"Help us treat?" Asiya was puzzled, looking at Tang Ye, there was such a thing.

Disya, Ackerman and Sivir are also puzzled, how to treat with a fine needle?

Tang Ye was naturally not sure about this, because the two previous questions had not been resolved. He said to Asiya and the others: "So, you still need your help in this matter. If you want, I will try. If you don't want to, there is no way. After all, this matter...not easy to proceed."

Tang Ye looked a little embarrassed. Although Athea and the others are angels, they are also beautiful women. When it comes to studying their bodies, it makes people angry from time to time?

It should be very angry!

Asiya and the others think Tang Ye's expression is weird, why are they embarrassed. Asiya asked Tang Ye, "What is it? If it can treat our injuries, I think we can accept it."

Tang Ye didn’t think it was that simple, and said, “I don’t know if there is a way of using fine needles for treatment, which is to stimulate the acupoints of the body, open up the acupuncture points, so that the body functions better. This kind of open ability allows vitality to progress, so that the body becomes comfortable and relaxed, and it can also speed up the healing of injuries.

"Can you still do this?" Disya next to him was puzzled and said: "Our treatment here does not have those things. We only need to have a healer. The healer has professional healing spells, or masters configuration treatments. Medicine for the injury. Now that we use strength to treat, it is actually very basic and can only relieve the injury. But it takes a very long time for the injury to get better. Even, we can’t completely recover from the injury. After all, we are still Need a healer."

"So that's it." Tang Ye nodded and said, "Unfortunately, we don't have a healer here, and I am not a healer, so if my method can be successful, I can help you heal."

"What is the solution? We want to hear it." Asiya said.

Tang Ye has polished the needle. This thin needle was polished with spar, like a snow-white silver needle, very beautiful and exquisite, and it was even better than the silver needle Tang Ye had used before. He raised the silver needle and said to Asiya and the others: "Just like I said just now, get through the acupuncture points in your body...Do you know the acupuncture points?"

Asiya and the others shook their heads together.

Obviously they don't know this. Tang Ye believes that this world has not developed such medical knowledge as traditional Chinese medicine or even Western medicine on the ancestral land of the earth. Therefore, whether this treatment will be useful is still unknown.

"In this case..." Tang Ye was a little embarrassed and embarrassed. He hesitated and said, "If you want to know whether the treatments I have at your disposal are useful for you, you must conduct an experiment. This is the first thing to do. , Is to check your acupuncture points to see if they are the same as what I have. If they are not, they will probably be classified again."

In fact, Tang Ye was not sure about this kind of thing. Even if he conducted experiments, he still used the human body structure he had mastered to find out if this was the case with Asiya and the others. Having said that, he has always had a question. That is, when the true **** Nuwa created the human race in the ancestral land of the earth, then this human race should be just a tribe of the ancestral land of the earth. But why are there still human races outside of the earth's ancestral land in the firmament world? Moreover, quite a few races are similar in appearance to humans. So, what is the origin of the human race? If it is only Nuwa who created human beings, it cannot be said that the people created by the true **** Nuwa have come outside. You must know that this is the time even for the true **** Nuwa to set foot!

Perhaps the true **** Nuwa created humans with reference to the outside world? In this case, the body acupuncture points may be common.

There are huge doubts, but there are also things to look forward to. Tang Ye hopes that's the way it is. In this case, some of the acupuncture points of Asiya and the others may be the same as those of the human race. In this way, the treatment is much more convenient, and it will not be too embarrassing to experiment.

Asya and the others didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do, and they became more and more curious by Tang Ye's words. Asiya said directly to Tang Ye: "Why don't you tell us what to do first."

Tang Ye nodded, it was indeed time to say it, otherwise it would be meaningless to keep discussing. He said to Asiya and the others: "I just want to explore the structure of your body, in other words, I must see your body, and even touch it..."

Tang Ye felt that it was understandable to say that Asiya and the others, that is to say so bluntly, it seemed very offensive, and I didn't know how Asya and the others would react.

Asiya and the others looked at Tang Ye, there was no reaction for a while, as if they hadn't reacted yet.

"You..." When Asiya reacted, she looked at Tang Ye and didn't know what to say.

Then Disya, Ackerman and Sivir also reacted, and couldn't help but blush for a while, thinking this was really a very bad thing.

It's like a joke again. It depends on your own body, and even groping...If it's just a kind of exploration, it's okay, but the problem is that there is a difference between men and women.

Seeing their reaction, Tang Ye sighed, knowing that this method was not reliable.

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