My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2625: Polish the medical needles!

Several skeletal monsters swiftly moved, while talking. Now Tang Ye can understand the dialogue between them, so she has some information from it.

"There was some movement before, but the boss didn't know what it was. In addition to the fight with the North District, he ignored it for a while, but judging from the recent news, the boss knew that it was the power of the disaster body. That is. It’s an incredible power, so we must get it. When we get the power of the disaster body, then solving the northern and southern regions will no longer be a problem. At that time, the boss will be the king of the whole dry bone region." Said one of several skeletal monsters that swept.

Several other bone monsters listened to this bone monster, and he was obviously a character like the captain.

After the Skeleton Captain spoke, a little brother Skeleton monster answered, "What about the Western District? Do we not want the Western District?"

"Ha!" The Skeleton Captain laughed, feeling very disdainful, and said: "The West Zone does not need to care, so weak, it can be solved casually, why bother. When the North Zone and the South Zone are resolved, the West Zone will automatically Come to surrender. The West End only has such a talent, haha."

Captain Skeleton laughed, and several bone monsters felt the same way. They laughed, probably because the Western District has always been the weakest. No one takes the Western District seriously, so it will not be regarded as a threat at all, and there is no need to go specially. If you want to fight, you can conquer it. As for the fact that it hasn't taken any shots all the time, it's because whether it's the Eastern District, the North District or the South District, it's all here. If one of them takes the first shot, the other two will definitely get involved. If this is the case, the first shot will be depleted, and then facing even the regional combat power, there will definitely be pressure, or something will happen. Therefore, the Eastern District, the North District, and the South District did not attack the Western District, but waited for other districts to be conquered before coming to eat the Western District.

Tang Ye heard the dialogue between these bone monsters and realized that the purpose of their actions was originally for the power of the disaster body. But unfortunately, now the calamity body power is gone, one is absorbed by Gu Xie, the other is absorbed by him.

However, Tang Ye feels that he still needs to pay attention to the actions of the bone monsters, because when these bone monsters arrive in the west area, they will find that the boss of the west area has changed. The situation in the west area has also changed drastically, so soon Fighting will break out. This kind of thing doesn't matter, he thought that for Tang Ye, the fight between the various regions was a matter of time. Moreover, even if the North and South and the East do not come to trouble the West, he will take the initiative.

Now that you have enough power, there is no need to wait any longer. The enemy now is not the most important of these bone monsters, the most important is the evil ghost tribe. Therefore, when facing the evil ghost race, it is better not to let these bone monsters become a stumbling block.

Tang Ye originally wanted to get rid of these bone monsters, but when he turned around, he felt that it would be an opportunity for Gu Xie to declare war on other areas. Then, just wait for these bone monsters to arrive in the west area, see Gu Xie, and then Gu Xie declare war on them. You can kill these bone monsters, as long as you keep one leader who goes back and tells it.

Therefore, Tang Ye notified Gu Xie through the **** ability of the contract, and made Gu Xie ready for this matter.

The declaration of war does not begin immediately, and there will be a few days of relaxation after the declaration of war. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the opponent will be angered and immediately lead troops to attack. Even so, Tang Ye knew that with the power of the ancient evil, he could deal with it.

Therefore, after Tang Ye notified Gu Xie, he did not worry too much and continued to return to the oasis base. He felt that it was necessary to treat Asiya and the others, whether it was to fight the border corpse sea or deal with the attack of the evil ghost tribe, it was a very important force.

Returning to the oasis base, Tang Ye saw that Asiya and the others had rested, after thinking about it, they didn't bother, and then he went to the edge of the stream alone to adjust his state and explore the place he was confused. One of them is the failure of the diversified strength of dead wood in spring. Now he has cultivated the power of the undead, and within the power of the dead wood and spring, it is only the power of the undead. But before, it could accommodate multiple forces. He knew the reason from Phoenix. It was a kind of elemental power here, which was equivalent to a kind of origin power in the ancestral land of the earth. Even if he could possess the power of chaos later on, he would become a Cthulhu.

However, from this point of view, Tang Ye felt that he could still accommodate multiple powers. The origin power of the Pangu God Emperor and the chaotic power of the Cthulhu are two origin-level powers that can be accommodated at the same time, even if it is necessary to switch states. Maybe it's not that convenient, but it's better than nothing. But now, even switching states is not okay. This must be something wrong. In the discussion with the Phoenix, it is believed that the power here is very strong, and it is not comparable to the ancestors of the earth.

For example, when I first arrived here, although there was the strongest power on the earth's ancestral land, the power exerted here is really mediocre and even negligible. Therefore, when the power of the undead here is integrated, the power of the earth ancestors is directly gone. Because in front of the power of the undead here, those powers are so small.

"Maybe need to strengthen the power tree." Tang Ye pondered this question. The current withered tree and the spring strength tree are still the same as before, and this endurance limit is only one kind of strength. But if it is strengthened, it may be able to accommodate several forces.

As for how to strengthen the power tree... Tang Ye has no idea yet. Maybe let the phoenix come out to tell, but the phoenix has fallen asleep, there is no way.

This problem has been sorted out, and Tang Ye began to think about helping Asiya and the others in treatment. Since we want to restart medical skills, we need the exquisite needle props. But now there is no silver needle, so I can only make it myself. He thought of the bone spar, and the needles polished with such crystalized bones would definitely not be a problem.

So Tang Ye left the oasis base, went to the place where the bone spar was buried, took a bone spar, and then returned to the oasis base. The bone spar here is still a precious resource for cultivation. However, as Tang Ye's strength increased, a skeletal spar played less of a role.

Back to the oasis base, Tang Ye saw that Asiya and the others were still cultivating, so he went to the flowing water to polish the needles. Now that you have the power, it is very easy to cut the bone spar roughly. The next thing is to polish it slowly. While Asya and the others took a break, he slowly made the fine needles needed to restart the medical technique.

At this time, Asiya and the others woke up, sweating profusely, maybe they had a nightmare.

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