My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2621: Hundreds of men!

Seeing the boss of the West District rushing to attack with all his strength, the power he gave out was nothing but this, even very unbearable, Gu Xie really felt boring, so he didn't even plan to dodge.

He was still very emotional, and felt that things changed so quickly. In a blink of an eye, he became so strong and the boss of the West End became so weak. I still have to thank the owner for his help. If there is no owner, I might still be threatened to survive.


The boss of the Western District rushed to Gu Xie, jumped up again, swooped down, with an astonishing momentum, and raised a broadsword in his right hand to make a powerful blow to Gu Xie. At this time, he has exhausted all his strength. As usual, he would not use the strongest power so quickly. Now the strongest power is directly used because he wants to eliminate Gu Xie with a single blow. Because Gu Xie is really too arrogant. He was once a defeated opponent of his men, but now he is so despised, do you think you can win him?

Isn't it embarrassing to myself! The boss of the West End will definitely not let himself be so embarrassed!

Therefore, he tried his best to split the skull of Gu Xie directly! He thought, other people must have never thought that he tried his best in the beginning. And this, he won't tell others that this is his exhaustion. Others will think that he is just a normal supply, and then solve the ancient evil, then his strength will be very strong.

"Go to hell!" The boss of the West District whispered to Gu Xie.

However, he didn't know, because Gu Xie's strength was greatly improved, he had already seen that he had used all his strength. However, even if he used all his strength, there was still a big gap between Gu Xie, who had reached the eighth level of the Star Lord without a violent state. Therefore, Gu Xie doesn't have to worry at all.


The boss of the West District severely chopped down with a big knife, and it was Gu Xie's skull that was facing him. This really gave Gu Xie a way to survive. If Gu Xie couldn't stop him and the skull was broken, it would be dead.

Seeing other bone monsters, I thought it was a pity. The boss is still so cruel, provoke him, even if it is only a little offensive, it will kill people, no matter how much. Many bone monsters felt that Gu Xie was definitely not their boss' opponent. Someone laughed and challenged their boss, just to die. Is it so easy to be the boss?

However, I didn't think so when I saw the bone monster with the strength of the ancient evil. It's just that they don't say what they think. After all, if Gu Xie was really killed by the boss of the West District, wouldn't they provoke the boss of the West District? Actually think Gu Xie will get rid of him, do you want to rebel because you don't want to recognize him as the boss?

These skeletal monsters are all restricted by the contractual relationship of the boss of the West District, how dare you to do this. If the boss of the West District knows about the irritable character of the boss in the West District, he will definitely be killed.

In any case, it depends on the outcome. Was it the ancient evil energy blocking the attack of the boss in the west, or was it just looking for death?

At this time, in the face of the ferocious dive attack from the boss of the Western District, Gu Xie just raised his right hand, only the hand under the bones, which looked thin and long, with visible joints, and felt very fragile. However, there was a "bang!" Even if the attack of the boss of the West District was cut off in this way, Gu Xie's outstretched hand still didn't move.

"It seems that you are really looking for a dead end, and you want to block my attack with one hand. Even if you have seen your strength increase a lot before, it is impossible to block my full blow..." See Gu When Xie just stretched out a hand to resist the attack, the boss of the West District was very angry and felt that he was greatly underestimated. However, at the same time he felt happy and proud, because Gu Xie's underestimation of him would make him directly win.

However, the result is that even when he cuts down the big sword, the power is very fierce, and the vibration sound is real enough, and it is not playful at all. However, with such a huge power, Gu Xie really blocked it with one hand.

The boss of the West District wanted to stop abruptly when he was proud of the ancient heresy.

When he reacted, he looked incredible. Looking at Gu Xie, who had blocked his full blow with one hand, the skull's mouth opened wide, and he hummed, "How, how is it possible? This is not true!"

But this is true.

Gu Xie looked at the boss of the Western District, very calm, and said, "This is the reality today. As the leader of the Western District of the Withered Bone, you should bear this fact and accept it. Because your strength has proven that you are not qualified to do this here anymore. The leader is now. Now the victory has been divided and there is no need to fight again. From now on, I am the leader of this Western District, and you can be my subordinate. As long as you remain loyal, I will treat you well. If you don’t Yes, then the result is death."

"You..." Of course the boss of the West District wouldn't give up like this, and snorted to Gu Xie coldly, "Huh, it's just the beginning of the battle. How can I explain that I lost. This time I attacked, I haven't used all my strength , Do you think you really beat me? Foolish dreams!"

The boss of the West End is still very stubborn, or in other words, can't show his face. In fact, he did use his full strength, but he didn't want to admit it.

Gu Xie didn't want to slowly toss with him here, and said: "I don't have much time to discuss with you here. Since you feel that you haven't lost yet, then I will make you feel that you are truly defeated."

Having said that, Gu Xina's hand that held the big knife of the boss of the West District gave out strength, increased it a bit, and then made a "crack", and saw that the big knife was crushed.

"Oops!" Seeing this, the boss of the West District groaned in his heart, and immediately wanted to withdraw.

However, Gu Xie did not allow him to withdraw successfully. After squeezing the big knife in his hand, Gu Xie quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed the hand of the boss of the Western District, and then pulled it. Under the huge pulling force, the boss of the West District fell down, unable to maintain his balance. He must have fallen to the ground.

However, before he fell to the ground, Gu Xie raised his right hand and hit his skull with a hammer.

With a click, the skull of the boss in the West District was separated, fell to the ground, and rolled out a few meters.

"KaKa, KaKa..." The skull head was separated, and the boss of the West District felt great pain and couldn't help but yell.

When he wanted to roll back and gather the bones back together, Gu Xie walked up to his skull, held his skull, and lifted it up.

"As long as I want, I can smash your head at any time. So, do you think you haven't lost yet?" Gu Xie said to the skull of the boss in the west.

The boss of the West End dare not speak anymore. By this time, everyone could tell that he had lost. Those hundreds of bone monsters watched this scene together, all dumbfounded. They really didn't expect Gu Xie to become so powerful. Even those who had seen the power of the ancient evil before felt that the power of the ancient evil was stronger than they had seen.

Gu Xie looked at these hundreds of bone monsters and said, "From now on, I will be your leader and you will be my subordinates."

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