My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2610: Strange and contradictory person!

Asiya's situation was very dangerous, Tang Ye hurried to the base. However, no matter how fast he took the three people, he couldn't go anywhere. He looked at Assia's situation, worried that Assia would die.

"His Royal Highness can't hold it anymore!" Ackerman said anxiously when he saw Athea's situation. Then she looked at Tang Ye and asked, "Where are you going to take us? Can you save us? If you can save the princess, please save the princess, I will promise you no matter what the conditions are!"

Although they didn't know who Tang Ye was very much, but judging from Tang Ye's actions just now, at least he was not trying to deal with them, so now they can only ask Tang Ye for help.

Tang Ye looked at Disia and the others, and found that the injuries of Disia, Sivir and Ackerman were not so serious, and they should be able to last a while before making a decision. He said to Disya and the others: “I’ll take her to the treatment alone first, you can just follow him, but you must be careful. I am not very clear about other places in the border corpse sea, there should be many dangerous places ."

"Okay. Thank you." Disya agreed. Now as long as they can save Asiya, they are willing to do anything.

However, Sivir and Ackerman still hesitated about Disya's decision, because if Tang Ye took Asiya alone, they didn't know what would happen. Asiya is the princess of the angel clan, there are too many places that are precious. Tang Ye was taken away alone by a man, but Asiya was seriously injured, if Tang Ye was a bad person, the consequences would be very serious.

However, Asiya spoke with a weak consciousness. At this time, Asiya probably knew what was going on, she said, "Don't worry, I will go with him."

In fact, it was Athea who knew her condition. If there is no peculiar way to treat her, she just let it go, or just form a shield to protect her, then she may not live long. Therefore, it should be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If Asya said so herself, Disya and the others didn't say anything. Then, Tang Ye left quickly with Asiya alone. However, Gu Xie did not neglect, he still ran with all his strength, leading Xivir, Disya and Ackerman to the base area. His speed was only a little slower than Tang Ye's. However, under the power of the calamity body just now, he broke through to the eighth level of the star lord and was tied with Tang Ye. However, Tang Ye's speed was faster than him. He felt that this might be the reason why the calamity body power exerted its effect on Tang Ye.

Just now, Tang Ye absorbed three calamities. Asiya’s, Disya’s, Ackerman’s. And these three disasters are stronger than Sivir's absorbed by him. However, Tang Ye didn't see any substantial effect after absorbing the calamity body power just now.

This is a little acceptable to everyone. Because Tang Ye was a living person, if he could still obtain the power of the calamity body, it would be totally unreasonable. Now Tang Ye has absorbed the calamity body power, but it has no effect, which shows that, as rumored, the calamity body power is only useful to the undead creatures.

However, Gu Xie felt that the three calamities absorbed by Tang Ye were faintly useful. Because he felt that there was still a big gap between his strength and Tang Ye. But this doesn't make sense, as far as the level of strength is concerned, he is the same as Tang Ye. The only difference is that Tang Ye is the master and he is the servant of the dependents. However, this relationship complements each other, and it should not be who restricts the other. As a subordinate, he became stronger and would help Tang Ye. However, he felt that even if he broke through to the eighth level of the Lord of Stars, he still had a great distance from Tang Ye and he had to keep chasing after him.

How is this going?

Gu Xie couldn't see through Tang Ye's situation.

Just now, Tang Ye had absorbed three calamity body forces, which was indeed much stronger than Gu Xie had absorbed. Moreover, after absorbing these three disaster body forces, he did not immediately show an increase. This actually made Tang Ye wonder, did the calamity body power really help him at all? Is it really only for the Phoenix to resolve it?

That's really a pity.

However, Tang Ye felt that these three calamity body forces had not disappeared, and they still stayed in the dead wood and the spring power tree. As for the specific situation, he wants to save Asiya now, and there is no time to figure it out. When the situation stabilizes, he plans to check again, or ask Phoenix.

"Where are we going?" Gu Xie and the others who have been chasing Tang Ye, but were thrown away by Tang Ye, this is Disya asking Gu Xie Dao.

After Gu Xie concluded a contract with Tang Ye, he could also speak. Although it was not so smooth, the basic communication was fine. He said to Disya and the others: "Go to a place suitable for your life."

"Huh?" Disya was very puzzled, as did Sivir and Ackerman next to him. What is a suitable place to live?

Gu Xie explained again: "It's a place where you can stay without always using your strength to gather the protective shield, and this place is in the border corpse sea. I think it will be very beneficial to you and you can heal your injuries. Well, otherwise the master won’t take you there. Besides, even if you use your strength to form a shield to protect yourself, you will not be able to survive after a long time in the shield. I think the master is really kind to you, for Save you by exposing such a secret place."

Disya and the others were really surprised when they heard Gu Xie's words. In the border corpse sea, there is such a place?

But think about it, since Tang Ye can survive here without a power shield, it is not surprising that there is such a place. On the contrary, this is exactly what can be explained... But it is not right. Because when Tang Ye rescued them just now, he wasn't in such a beautiful place, but he didn't use a power shield to protect himself, so how did he avoid the influence of the border corpse sea environment?

It's really big! Disya and the others found that their guesses about Tang Ye were useless, they were all contradictions. I can only say that Tang Ye is really weird!

Disya couldn't help asking Gu Xiedao: "Who is your master? Which tribe belongs to?"

Gu Xie shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know much about the master, and I just signed a contract with him."

Gu Xie didn’t want to say so much anymore, and said, “You still don’t ask so much. Whatever I can tell you will naturally tell, if I can’t tell you, no matter what you ask, I won’t tell. Now follow me to the master’s Go to the base area and treat the injury first."

After that, several people stopped talking, and while paying attention to the surrounding situation, they hurried to Tang Ye's base.

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