My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2608: Family Breakthrough!

Yan Mo saw that several of his subordinates were directly cut in half by the power of Asiya’s Demon Sacred Sword, and then he saw the others who were affected. Without the protection of the shield, they were robbed of their vitality by the undead power of the Border Corpse Sea. He himself was very afraid of the dry body.

Even if he was attacked by the power of the Demon Sacred Sword, he might not be unharmed. Even if it is only the shield that is broken to protect the body, it will also face the threat of terrible undead power in the border corpse sea.

Therefore, he lost a few of his men at once, but he didn't bring many men. Under this situation, the situation is indeed very unfavorable for him.

However, in fact, it is not that easy for Asiya to use the Demon Sacred Sword. She is already seriously injured, and she has to send out strength to protect herself from the harsh environment of the border corpse sea. The burden is already very heavy. The power of the holy sword almost exhausted her physical strength and strength. At this time, she had no strength to make a second attack.

However, her attack had scared Yan Mo and the others, and achieved the desired effect, which was worth it.

"Your Royal Highness, please stop using your power!" Disya next to Assia said to Asiya. She and Ackerman both knew that Asiya had consumed enough, it could be fatal if she used her power again.

At the same time, Disya and Akers are also preparing to attack. Disya can control the power of frost and is considered a frost mage. Although she was also injured, but in the past half month, Asiya was supporting them with strength, giving them relief and giving them time to treat, so they can still attack. Disya activated the spell of the Frost Mage, and formed a storm by gathering the power of frost. After the attack, several evil ghost tribesmen who rushed up were frozen. Others that are not frozen are also affected to some extent by the freezing, and their actions become slow.

At this time, the Akers also attacked. However, she is an assassin-type cultivator who uses a short blade, and she is at a distance from the evil ghost tribe, so it is not easy to attack. So she threw the dagger in her hand and pierced the neck of an evil spirit tribe, killing the evil spirit tribe on the spot.

However, Ackerman is not satisfied with this. Now the few evil ghost tribes were finally frozen by the power of Disya, while the evil ghost tribe was unable to move, it was actually the time when she reaped her life. She really didn't want to miss this opportunity because of the distance. So she looked at Tang Ye and said, "Can you let your power vine grow a little longer? I want to kill some evil ghost people."

Tang Ye turned his head and looked back, thinking it was a good time, and said, "Yes, but I'll give you a few seconds. Whether you can kill it or not, come back immediately. The evil ghost clan behind is not easy, don't get entangled!"

"Good." Ackerman nodded.

As a result, Tang Ye released more undead power, causing the power vines that tied Ackerman to stretch out, spreading to the few frozen ghost clansmen. Ackerman can act on these power vines. However, in order to be safe, Tang Ye still pulled Ackerman with a vine, so that Ackerman could be quickly pulled back.

Ackerman didn't talk nonsense, and seemed to cooperate with Tang Ye very tacitly, showing her good speed and agility. She quickly swept to the front of the evil ghost tribe, waved the short blade in her hand, kaka, and the sound of wiping off her neck swiftly and neatly sounded, and then heard the cry of pain, "Ahhhhh", one by one the evil ghost tribe fell , Were killed simply by Ackerman.

Only these evil ghost tribes were affected by Disya's freezing power, none of the others, they moved very fast, and their power was not affected. At this time, he had rushed forward and was about to attack Ackerman. At this time, Tang Ye manipulated the power vines and quickly pulled Ackerman back. Then, Disya exerted his freezing power again, freezing the evil ghost tribe who had caught up, preventing them from getting close.

Ackerman still wanted to kill these evil spirits, but Tang Ye immediately said, "Don't go!"


Then I saw that Yan Mo chased him up. He used the big hammer that burned the flame power to dissolve the freezing power of Disya with one hammer, and several evil ghosts recovered. That big hammer, with barbed thorns, was very sharp, and it was cruel and painful to be hit. Everyone knows the thorns of the barb. If you want to pull it out after you pierce it in, you must pull it out slowly, otherwise it will only get tighter and tighter. If you pull it forcibly, a whole piece of meat may be hooked off. When the evil ghost tribe went to battle the vast sea to deal with the people of the sea tribe, the sea tribe people saw Yan Mo's barbed hammer, it was like a nightmare.

"Don't be greedy to attack, it's useless to kill a few more soldiers, now the first thing is to save your life." Tang Ye said to Ackerman.

Ackerman did not speak, and agreed with Tang Ye's statement. She felt that Tang Ye's judgment was correct, and Asiya and Disya also thought so. They looked back at Tang Ye. Although they didn't know who Tang Ye was, they felt as if Tang Ye could indeed save them. They had lost hope, but there will be hope again in their hearts, maybe there is hope!

"Guxie, how has the calamity body power been absorbed?" Tang Ye asked Guxiedao next to him.

Gu Xie has been absorbing the calamity power of Sivir that he rescued from just now. It is almost finished now, and at the same time, his strength is growing rapidly. The calamity body power is an absolutely rare training resource for the undead creatures, and there are many other benefits. Even the calamity body power cannot be described by cultivation resources, because this kind of power is almost impossible to obtain. Even if the angel race turns into fallen angels, only a very small number of people show calamity power.

This time Asiya and the others appeared calamity power, it was probably because of their extreme anger and hatred towards the evil ghost tribe, along with their depraved heart, that the calamity power was stimulated.

Therefore, now that he got the calamity body power, Gu Xie's power increased dramatically, and he could directly raise the fifth level of the star lord to the eighth level. This may also be due to Tang Ye's power limit limitation, because Tang Ye's power is only the eighth level of the Star Lord. As a dependent, cannot exceed the master's power level. Otherwise, Gu Xie's power may continue to grow, even breaking through to the realm of Star Territory Lord.

However, although he did not break through to the realm of the master of the star field, more power has been transformed into other benefits. It is that the hardness of Guxie's bones has been greatly strengthened. If it was the quality of iron before, it is now steel, or even better. And, he also realized a special skill-Explosive Flame Demon Claw, and it has a poisonous effect.

With such a strength, Gu Xie is already the strongest among the bone monsters. He is confident that whether it is the boss of the Western District, the North District of the South District or the most powerful Eastern District, he is no longer his opponent!

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