My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2603: Death!

He was injured, even more afraid to be exposed to the environment of the border corpse sea. Asiya and the others did not expect that the people of the evil ghost tribe would be so persistent, waiting so long in the sky for their bodies.

At this time, in the sky above Asiya and the others, several spaceships were suspended, one of which had equipment similar to a cannon attacking the opposite side. That kind of power is indeed like a cannonball.

Yan Mo is in charge of these spaceships. He is one of the powerful subordinates of Sahai, the head of the evil ghost clan. He offered to recover Asya and their bodies. They did not go under the Border Corpse Sea, because they were also afraid of the harsh environment of the Border Corpse Sea. And they judged the location of Asiya and the others by the location of the disaster body. Now the calamity body has not disappeared, indicating that Asya and the others have not died. But after waiting for ten days, Yan Mo has no patience. If you delay any longer, you may not catch up with the angel horn. Therefore, now he ordered an attack on Asiya and the others.

There was no attack before because he wanted to recover the entire body of the angel race. Now I can't wait, I can only attack, let Asiya and the others die, then send puppet soldiers to test, and then go down to recover the body.

In fact, for the border corpse sea, because of the horrible rumors that have been circulating for thousands of years, it has been "demonized" to a certain extent. In fact, as long as the power is strong enough, there is no problem staying under the border corpse sea for a period of time. But the rumor is that you can't get involved easily, or you will die. Of course, if one enters the border corpse sea territory, the terrifying existence here will be caught up, and if an accident occurs, death will indeed come soon.

"Unexpectedly, Athea and the others are so stubborn, it's **** it. The next thing is clearly the border corpse sea, they can actually live in the border corpse sea for more than ten days? Is the border corpse sea not as scary as the rumors?" Yan Mo frowned, already Very impatient.

One of his subordinates said: "My lord, it may be true. After all, there are not many people who have really visited the Border Corpse Sea. Everything is rumors. The Border Corpse Sea is a place that is of interest except for the eerie undead warriors and wizards , Who else has an idea? So, if the following is not so scary, we can go straight on. Of course, to ensure safety, we can give it a try."

"How to try?" Yan Mo asked.

His men looked at the prisoners on the spaceship. These prisoners belonged to other tribes, including dwarves, high-horned tribes, and long-eared tribes. In short, the evil ghost tribes were plundering and burning their way, plundering other people’s resources, and then burning other people’s homes. In the end, it is necessary to capture people as prisoners as labor, or as cannon fodder in war, or even as shields for living people. The methods are extremely cruel. There was no one on the side of Emperor Xinghe who did not hate the ghost tribe.

Yan Mo understood the meaning of his subordinates and said, "Come here, grab a prisoner and tie it up, then throw it under the sea of ​​corpses on the border, then pull it up after a while to see what's going on."

"Yes!" The two evil ghost tribes immediately acted, tied a captive with a huge chain, and then dropped the border corpse sea.

This is to experiment with the environment of the corpse sea on the border to see if it caused death immediately.

"You should stop attacking first, and wait for my experiment. If I can go down, I will go directly to catch Asya and the others. This may be a huge gain. I thought that Asya and the others would only die. After all, the resources of dead corpses are not as good as living ones. Therefore, if you can go to the border corpse sea, you don't have to rush to kill Asiya. The power of the calamity body is almost over." Yan Mo said to his opponent.

"Yes!" a group of subordinates nodded.

These evil ghost races, one by one, are full of fun to destroy and play with life. It seems that it is very refreshing to see how other people die and how miserable. The prisoner who was **** and thrown under the sea of ​​corpses was very pitiful at first, struggling and begging for mercy. However, seeing this situation, these evil ghost tribes laughed and responded with great interest. Captives commit violence and so on.

They threw the captive down. At this time, the boss of the West District was attacking Asiya and the others with the bone monster, and he ignored that much. The captive got under the border corpse sea and was quickly invaded by the undead power here, unable to breathe, and quickly suffocated to death. Then the vitality was deprived, just as the number withered, it was already dead, the whole body shrank, and the death was very miserable.

Yan Mo felt that it was almost the same, so the captive pulled up, and then saw the captive's tragic death, still very jealous. In just such a little time, they had already died lifeless, and only a pair of withered skins remained. It seemed that the environment under the sea of ​​corpses was indeed very harsh, and they could not survive.

"I don't know how Asya and the others survived for so long!" Yan Mo was very angry and irritable. The environment under the Border Corpse Sea was indeed very bad, but Asya and the others have survived for more than ten days, what is going on. ?

One of his men went down and looked at the tragic prisoner, found the problem, and said, "My lord, I think this prisoner died of suffocation and then was deprived of his vitality. This is very similar to the evil spirits we have encountered before. Circumstances. Evil spirits will emit terrifying undead power, suffocating people, and rob people of their vitality. This is very powerful and deadly, but it is not impossible to defend. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can be turned into a shield by turning the power into a shield. It’s a way to protect it from the body, so that you can’t be affected by the power of the undead. But doing so is to consume a lot of power, and if the power is not strong enough, it is also very dangerous."

"So..." Yan Mo thought for a while, and said, "Although Athea's power is very strong, but because of the injury, it is not much different from me. However, Athea can survive underneath. After more than ten days, in this case, they must use the flow to open the shield to protect themselves, so they persisted. In this way, even if the four of them take turns using their power, each of them will hold on for a few days. In this case, I will go down. It won't take too much time. Don't talk about a few days, give me an hour, I will be enough to solve them. It seems that I have to go down and have a look."

Upon hearing this, several subordinates immediately said: "My lord, it is still dangerous, so let's take it first."

Yan Mo was still quite arrogant, and coldly snorted: "No, let's go down together. There is no time for us to toss slowly. The speed of the angel horn is very fast, Lord Sahai will not wait for us all the time. So, we They must be recycled today, otherwise it will be too late."

"You are ready, we have to go down and take a look!" Yan Mo ordered.

"Yes!" Several evil ghost tribe fighters nodded.

Beneath the sea of ​​corpses, Asya's shield was already very weak, and she was attacked by the boss of the western side of the bone monster again, and a crack was opened!

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