My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2604: No danger!

Gu Xie was indeed worried that the evil ghost tribe would be brought back and killed by the evil ghost tribe. Although he is now very strong because of Tang Ye's contract, he is still vulnerable to the evil ghost clan. He didn't want to be like this, because he just became stronger and seemed to have ambitions to achieve it. He couldn't be killed just like that, right?

When Tang Ye heard what Gu Xie said, he laughed out loud and said, "Gu Xie, of course I have considered this issue. However, I tell you, even if there are dangers, we have to do something. In addition, we have to Obey the heart. I cannot agree with the behavior of the evil ghost clan. Most of it is to be an enemy of them. Even if I tell you, maybe one day, I will be an enemy of the Void Emperor?"

"This..." Gu Xie didn't know what to say when he heard Tang Ye's words. Is it so powerful? The Great Emperor Void could be someone who even the Great Emperor Xinghe couldn't do with him, now Tang Ye, a guy who is only the Lord of the Stars, actually wants to fight the Great Emperor Void?

I'm afraid it's a bit too overwhelming.

Of course, these words Gu Xie just thought about it in his heart, Tang Ye is his master, and now it is the kind of situation where he marries a chicken and a dog and a dog, so he has to follow whatever Tang Ye wants to do. Even if it is to die, he has to follow.

As a subordinate to the contract, if the master dies, perhaps he will not die, but he will also be greatly affected and will not be easier than death. Therefore, he must be **** with Tang Ye.

Seeing Gu Xie's surprised expression, Tang Ye smiled. It's actually a bit embarrassing. Indeed, after changing anyone, hearing a guy with the strength of the Lord of the Stars said that he was going to deal with Emperor Void, that would definitely be a matter of laughter. So Tang Ye changed the subject and said: "I told you at the beginning, to conquer the sea of ​​stars. If you can do that, then it will be a matter of time before you face Emperor Void. However, with our current situation Strength, this kind of thing is still too far away. So, let’s take a look at the moment. You said that it is dangerous to have **** with the evil spirits, and it is indeed dangerous. However, I really can’t accept the cruel behavior of the evil spirits. So At this time, I will follow my inner thoughts and do it, that is, to save the angels. Of course, doing this kind of thing is not impulsive or hot-headed. I dare to do this now because of Advantages can be used."

Tang Ye continued to say to Gu Xie: "Have you forgotten what this place is? This is a sea of ​​corpses on the border. No one can stay here for a long time unless they have sufficient strength to support it. However, this requires a lot of strength. . There are so many dangers in the border corpse sea, no one can guarantee that they will be safe in such an environment, let alone in a situation where they need to fight. I think this is why the people of the evil ghost race stay in the sky all the time. The reason for the delay in coming down. The evil ghost people are waiting, waiting for the angel people to be killed by the environment here, and then come down to collect the corpses. As for the evil ghost people, why don’t they just come down to catch the living, I think There must be a reason. These will be known when we get to know it. So, if we want to fight the evil ghosts, we will use the environment of the border corpse sea. If we don’t fight them head-on, we can use kite flying Tactics, or guerrilla tactics. In short, it is to consume. Consume them, wait for their strength to weaken, then we will collect their heads!"

"Um..." Gu Xie didn't understand Tang Ye's words very well, but he always felt very powerful. Since Tang Ye said so, he obeyed the arrangement. In fact, Tang Ye didn't need to tell him so much, as the master, just ordered directly. However, Tang Ye still talked about Gu Xie one by one, which made Gu Xie feel that Tang Ye, the master, was a bit different.

It seemed that Tang Ye didn't treat him as an attribution department at all to arrange, but as an equal person to discuss and discuss with him. This is really flattering, no master would be so kind to his subordinates.

Gu Xie acted with Tang Ye. He felt that if Tang Ye made crazy moves, he would follow at all costs, it was probably because of Tang Ye's treatment. Because of this treatment, he was deeply moved and felt that he was very dignified.

To the west of the mountain range, where Asiya and the others fell. Tang Ye and Gu Xie hid behind a rock, observing the situation. Gu Xie discovered that almost all the bone monsters in the west came here. This is very unusual. Under normal circumstances, even if you fight for something precious, you will not dispatch everything at once. In case of any accident, will the whole army be wiped out? Up?

Gu Xie went to observe again, and was shocked when he saw Asiya and the others.

"It's a calamity body! It's a calamity body!" Gu Xie shouted out very excitedly.

Tang Ye was puzzled and looked at Gu Xie, "What calamity body?"

Gu Xie endured his excitement, looking at Asiya and the others' hollow skull eyes, they all seemed to be fascinating, and said to Tang Ye: "That's a calamity situation that is only possible for the angel race. Because the angel race has fallen. Later, he will become an extreme fallen angel, which is the exact opposite of angels. According to legends, fallen angels are actually demons. And because of the direct transformation from angels to demons, this transition period is extremely extreme, which can be said to be a direct change from light to darkness. Therefore, this situation will cause a kind of filthy power. This filthy power is called the scourge body. The scourge body is very terrible, and it is a power that even the Void Emperor cannot understand. The most important thing is, Even a character like the Void Emperor may be injured by the invasion. The power emanating from the calamity body is like a kind of invincible poison. If you are injured, you will die. However, very cleverly, this The power of the calamity body is an extremely precious training resource for us dead spirits. It can even be said to be the holy medicine for power promotion. If we are given to us dead spirits, our dead spirits' power can be greatly improved. .Now I understand why these guys in the west are so desperately attacking those angel races, thinking they want to get the power of the calamity body. Ha... if they are allowed to get the power of the calamity body, then this land of bones No matter how strong the forces in the north and south are, they will become their subordinates. It is even possible to continue to conquer the entire border corpse sea!"

Gu Xie said, becoming very serious, and said to Tang Ye: "Master, if we still want to gain a foothold in the border corpse sea, then we must prevent the guy in the west from gaining the power of the calamity body!"

Tang Ye nodded, and said, "Listening to what you said, it is certain that the calamity body's power cannot be taken away by other undead spirits. So let's go out and rescue these angel races. Maybe, save. If they don’t, you can still get this calamity power."

When Gu Xie heard this, his hollow eyes suddenly appeared red, and said, "Of course!"

At this time, Gu Xie was afraid that he was attracted by the calamity body and obsessed with it, so there was a danger of evil ghosts in the sky.

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