My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2599: Soul world!

Tang Ye was originally waiting for the bone monster to take him to the place suitable for his life, but he didn't expect the bone monster to kneel down to him. He didn't understand what this meant. Could it be that the bone monster wants to bow to himself?

If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand. After all, he is now the strong, and it is not surprising that the weak surrender to the strong.

"Are you trying to surrender to me and follow my orders from now on?" Tang Ye asked when looking at the skeleton monster.

"Ka Ka!" The skeleton monster nodded heavily, saying yes.

It said that it was surrendering to do so, but it was also a kind of self-help. It is common for a dead thing to surrender to a living person, as is the case with those dead things that have concluded an ownership contract with the living person. Because their dead objects are very special, they can either stand on their own as kings, or they can be subordinate to others and become summoned objects. The choice of the skeleton monster is very wise, it is willing. Because since you can't make yourself a king, you still have to save your life, that's the only choice left.

Tang Ye didn't expect the bone monster to do this suddenly, and he was quite suspicious while he was puzzled. He wouldn't be overshadowed by the bone monster. After all, the previous bone monster still wanted to kill him. If it is really overcast, it would be funny.

"You can conclude an attribution contract with it, so you don't have to worry about being a trap." At this time, Tang Ye's voice rang out from the Phoenix.

Phoenix continued to tell him: "Dead things, skeleton soldiers, undead, ghouls, these can be belonging to, once subordinate, you can summon and order at will. I think this is a very good one. The thing, since you want to become the master of the Border Corpse Sea and set out as the master of the Border Corpse Sea, then it is necessary to conquer the dead here, like a kind of battle."

Tang Ye feels that it is true, to fight the world, naturally there will be war. So, recruiting soldiers and buying horses must be done, and now earning a bone monster is such a thing.

Phoenix said again: "You did not let me down, and even your progress was faster than I thought. Because of your continuous breakthroughs, I also got some treatment, and now there is no problem talking to you. However, in order to let you Growing up, I won’t help you this way at all times. All of this depends on you. And my power does not need to be passed on to you by me, you can use it. In the past so long , My power has already filled your body and merged with you. When you emit flame power, there is actually my power. Once, you can condense the flame power like a fire spirit, that is, the green spirit Fire, in fact, it is because of my power that it can be so wonderful. Otherwise, under the conditions of the world where the power was limited at the beginning, and the aura was closed, it would be impossible to do that much."

Tang Ye understood the meaning of the phoenix, that is, now there is no need to specifically find the phoenix for power, because the power of the flame is actually the power of the phoenix. In fact, Tang Ye didn't think it was necessary for the Phoenix to praise him so much. He practiced fast, but it was actually not due to Phoenix's power. Without the power of the Phoenix, this body cannot adapt to it. The combination of the power of the Phoenix and the power of the dead wood in spring, perfect match, is the reason why he can adapt to any environment. Therefore, for the Phoenix, he doesn't know how much gratitude he needs to be.

The phoenix said again: "Now you can't appear in front of me in the form of a soul, otherwise, you can enter the soul world and see me, so that I can teach you the stunts that the phoenix should have. Only That way, you really have my power. Now, you are just taking advantage of the power of the Phoenix. Therefore, I hope you will cultivate to the level of separation of soul and consciousness as soon as possible, and then accept my power inheritance."

"Huh?" Tang Ye was very surprised, and his soul ideology?

But think about it, he thinks this is not difficult to understand. In fact, it's the state of being out of the body like before. However, according to Phoenix, the world of soul consciousness is definitely different from the out-of-body soul that he had contacted in the ancestral land of the earth. Otherwise, Phoenix doesn't need to say that. Now, it must be because he hasn't done it yet.

Phoenix explained: "The so-called soul-conscious world is actually another world. It is equivalent to that you act in the form of a soul, and this action is not that your soul has left your body. It is precisely that your soul is still in yours. In the body, it’s just that there is an astral world in your body. Your soul will not leave the body, but will enter this world. And I am in this world now. Only when you come to this world can you interact with When I meet, I can teach you the stunt of Phoenix."

"That's it..." Tang Ye probably understood a little bit, and said, "Then, how can I get my soul free and reach such a world of soul consciousness?"

"There is no specific way. This level is not something everyone can do. Those who can do this will usually have super skills. Therefore, very few people master this ability. And what I know is, first of all, you You must have a strong enough soul power. Then, when your soul becomes strong enough, you need an opportunity. This opportunity can be met and unattainable, and it will bring you into the world of soul consciousness. So, what you can do is Make your soul stronger. And now, when you conquer the dead and conclude the contract, you actually use the soul to complete. In this case, it is the exercise and improvement of your soul. So, you can conquer the dead with peace of mind. Become your subordinate, become your attribution subordinate." Phoenix said to Tang Ye.

"I understand." Tang Ye nodded to Phoenix.

"Ka Ka?"

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of the bone monster, expressing very doubts. It turned out that Tang Ye just started talking with the Phoenix because of the sound of the Phoenix, ignoring the bone monster kneeling in front of him. The skeletal monster felt that he was talking to himself, which was very strange, so he issued a voice reminder.

Tang Ye returned to his senses and looked at the bone monster. Since the Phoenix had said that the soul could be strengthened by concluding a contract, he must have agreed to the bone monster's request. Not only promised, but also to conquer more dead objects. He said to the bone monster: "Then, let's conclude a subordination contract. I am willing to let you follow me, and then conquer this border sea of ​​corpses together and become the king here. Then, we will conquer the sea of ​​stars!"

"Ka Ka!" The bone monster was very excited and excited. At first, it thought it was just saving itself and was willing to belong to Tang Ye. Now that it heard Tang Ye's words, it looked forward to it, and it would have a day to conquer others?

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