My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2593: Darkness and persistence!

If it were not for the extreme anger and hatred, no angel family would choose to activate the fallen heart and become a fallen angel. Because becoming a fallen angel is the most extreme practice. It is not only abandoning the identity of an angel, but also choosing to become the most opposed existence of the angel family, that is, a character like a demon. Yes, another version of the fallen angels is the horror tribe in the rumor-the demon tribe.

The demons had disappeared for too long, and disappeared for a long time before the appearance of Emperor Void. Some people say it was wiped out by the angels. However, from the history of the angel tribe, even from the history of the disappeared ancient city, the angel tribe denies this claim, and the angel tribe has not completely eliminated the demons. A long, long time ago, after this rumor, the first person in the angel family fell to become a fallen angel, very much like the demon in the rumor. As a result, it was again rumored that the Demon Race had indeed not been eliminated.

Because angels are demons!

The person who fell out of the angel race became a fallen angel, which is very much like the demon in the rumor. Therefore, it is believed that demons were actually born from angels. In this case, the angels will not die, and the demons will not disappear completely.

The appearance of the fallen angels was a huge blow to the angels and made the reputation of the angels plummet. The originally noble angel race, because of the stain of fallen angels, has become less holy. Even many tribes who regarded them as their beliefs have separated from them. The blows and losses caused by the fallen angels are almost devastating. And this is also the reason why the angel race has zero tolerance for fallen angels and demons.

It is a filthy thing to make the angel race no longer sacred, no matter who it is, how it was born, what kind of original intentions, etc., it is unforgivable!

But now, the most hated and taboo existence of the angel race, Asiya and her three capable men have all become fallen angels!

Even the princess has become like this, which means that the whole angel family is finished.

Asiya also knows this kind of influence, so she is even more determined in her heart. She must destroy the evil ghost tribe and the Void Emperor, or destroy everything under the Void Emperor. Because she chose to become a fallen angel, it meant giving up the angel race, and declared the destruction of the angel race, just like annihilation.

This is like the last emperor of the dynasty, that is, the emperor who destroyed the country, who is recorded in the annals of history. Who would think of this shame?

What Asya did to the evil ghost clan has caused her to ignore this, and she must save her life and take revenge!

Because they have seen the darkest scene. If you haven't seen it, how can you have the courage to fall into a fallen angel.

They have witnessed, no, it should be from beginning to end, they watched, their tribe members were pulled off the wings by the evil ghost tribe, just to forge the flying wings of the angel horn, which is the power source for the flight. . What's even darker is that before the angels were pulled off their wings, they were treated as tools for the evil people to vent their desires because of their beauty. Therefore, the captured angels, both mentally and physically, have experienced cruel things that are worse than nightmares. But none of the angels who have been to the prison room at the bottom of the angel's horn are not as good as dead.

Asiya is the princess of the angel clan, and it is a gift that Sahai, the head of the evil ghost clan, intends to present to the Void Emperor, so she did not suffer. However, after seeing her own people encounter something like that, she couldn't bear it anymore, even if she became a fallen angel, she would escape and get revenge. Or, if you have a terrible power after you fall into a fallen angel, you will have to take revenge on the spot.

When Asiya became a fallen angel, her three subordinates, Disya, Sivir, and Ackerman, also became fallen angels. At that moment, they did gain incomparably powerful power, and immediately shredded a few evil ghost clansmen with very brutal methods. At the moment they became fallen angels, their hearts were indeed very dark, they just wanted to vent their inner anger and hatred, full of thoughts of destruction and destruction. Probably, it's like an explosion of negative emotions, no matter how much you care about, the only thing you want to do is to vent.

After tearing up a few evil ghost tribesmen, Sahai rushed to see them degenerate into fallen angels, furious. Because he intends to say that Asiya dedicated to the Emperor Void, and now she has become a fallen angel, then there is no value in being an angel clan, and there is no value in it. In this case, it can only be used as the power source of the angel horn's flight system. So he took action against Asiya.

At that time, even though Asiya became a fallen angel and gained great power, she was already injured and was also subject to the imprisonment curse of the evil ghost clan, and Sahai was another person who was about to break through to the realm of the master of the star sea, so Ah Thea and her three men are not opponents when they join forces. Assia was wounded and almost pulled off her wings. If an angel, whether it is an angel family or a fallen angel, is deadly if its wings are pulled off, then it can no longer be called an angel. But at this moment, Asiya triggered the disaster body. Now, even Sahai didn't dare to approach her anymore.

So Sahai opened the door of the prison room and knocked Asiya and her three men under the sea of ​​corpses on the border.

If you can leave the angel's horn and get rid of Sahai's control, it may be possible to survive. This is Asiya's idea. However, they did not expect that the place where they fell was actually recognized as the place of death-the border corpse sea.

Here, there are no living people, nor is it a place where living people can live. But there are people from the evil ghost clan guarding in the sky, and they can't leave the border corpse sea. If this is the case, it will still die after all.

"Damn..." Asiya has become very cold and ruthless, and even more cold after becoming a fallen angel.

She wanted to live no matter what, she had abandoned everything, just for revenge, couldn't this wish be realized?

At this time, for Asiya, her biggest injury was the wing broken by Sahai. Whether it is an angel race or a fallen angel, the source of strength is the beautiful wings. If the wings are broken, the power will quickly fade and eventually become powerless. Even if the injury is not healed, the wings will fester and eventually threaten life. Therefore, the injured wings must be pulled out. However, if the wings are unplugged, they no longer have power.

Wings were injured in the war, and they were finally pulled out. Asya met those tribesmen, they eventually became ordinary people, not even as ordinary people, ordinary people can bully them, Asya absolutely does not want to become like that!

Bang bang bang!

The bone monsters formed a team and attacked them.

Asiya looked angry and snorted coldly: "No matter what, I will stick to it!"

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