My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2586: Lots of crimes!

The women of the angel tribe are very beautiful, and they have always been wanted by men of all tribes, whether they are playthings or other things. And the princess of the angel race is even more so. Originally, Sahai wanted to dedicate the princess of the angel clan to Emperor Void, but the princess of the angel clan caused a fallen heart and became a calamity body, so he couldn't get it. He could only give up, but it was a pity of course.

"Although there is no angel princess as an unexpected surprise, we still have another surprise for Emperor Void. This angel horn, plus that surprise, hum, this one hundred years celebration, we will definitely get Emperor Void's Reward!" Sa Hai smiled triumphantly, narrowing his eyes.

There is another secret of the Angel Horn, which is that it can lead them to find the birthplace of the Angel Race, a very mysterious place, even the Emperor Void cannot find it. It is the ancient city where the ancestors of the Angel Race are located. The heart of angels originated from the sky. If you get the heart of an angel, it will have a huge effect on controlling the entire world of the sky, which is exactly what the Emperor Void dreamed of.

"I dare not touch the calamity body caused by the angel princess, otherwise I will not let her go. Let her join the'soul guide' of the angel's horn, which has a greater impact on finding the city of the ancient country. Function, you can find the ancient city more accurately. Think about it, it's really a pity." Sa Hai sighed again.

Seeing that Sahai was like this, one of his six subordinates, called Yan Mo, with red skin, took the initiative to ask: "Master Sahai, in that case, it is better to let me stay and wait for the angel princess’s calamity. After the past, reclaim her body so that she does not have to lose her role. Even, she can be added to the'soul lead'. I believe that the princesses of the angel clan will improve the ability of the'soul lead', which is useful for finding the ancient kingdom. The city must be of great help!"

The other five Sahai's subordinates were shocked when they heard Yan Mo's words, including Sahai couldn't help but glanced at them, looking quite surprised.

They were surprised because Yan Mo said that the body of the angel princess would be recovered. Now the angel princess was thrown under the sea of ​​corpses on the border. You know, the border corpse sea is the famous place of death in the entire sky. Living creatures cannot survive underneath, and the accumulation of death for thousands of years, who knows what other dangers are. If you go on rashly, you will die.

Therefore, Yan Mo's approach was tantamount to seeking death, which naturally surprised others.

Is it bad to be alive?

Even if you want to make merit, you don't have to work so hard.

Yan Mo knew the horror of the corpse sea in the border, but he naturally had his way and said: "Master Sahai, I left the angel princess, and I know where the position is. After a few days, the angel princess I die, the disaster body disappears, and I can go down from wherever I go. Of course, I won't go down right away, but let the ghost soldiers go down first. The ghost soldiers are about the same strength as the sea of ​​corpses over there, and I can probably adapt. Take advantage of this. Within this period of time, I have the confidence to recover the body of the angel princess. So, Lord Sahai, I think I can give it a try."

After hearing Yan Mo’s words, Sahai squinted for a moment. He really couldn’t give up the body of the angel princess, so he made a decision and said, “It’s fine, then you just wait. If the angel princess’s body can be recovered , That is a great achievement, and I will definitely reward it!"

"Master Xie Sahai, Master Sahai will surely rise, and this one hundred year celebration will definitely become the lord of the stars!" Yan Mo said loudly to Sahai.

In this firmament world, there is a position that is, the Lord of the stars, the Lord of the Star Territories, then the Lord of the Star Sea, and then the Lord of the Star Realms, this is the greatest. The master of the stars is actually the master of a planetary world. In this case, Tang Ye happened to be at this level, so he was just starting out.

"Although Yan Mo, you are going to recover the body of the angel princess, but the journey to the sky city cannot be delayed. Therefore, we must go first, and you can arrange a small battleship and wait for the angel princess to be recovered. The corpse quickly caught up to us." Sahai said to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo nodded and said, "Yes, the subordinates know it!"

Sahai's mood improved a lot. Because Yan Mo said that, he felt that he was indeed confident of recovering the body of the angel princess. This is a great thing for him. The wings of an angel's horn need the power of the wings of an angel princess. And the ability of Soul Yin also needs the strength of the angel princess to perfect.

On the head of the spacecraft, Horn of Angels, there is a device forged with precious stones, similar to a compass. In the installation, there are countless souls of angel tribesmen, imprisoned and wailing in pain. This is the soul-attracting function. The angelic souls inside will miss their roots together and seek help from the roots, so they will respond to the ancient city. The ancient city is the birthplace of the ancestors of the angel tribe, as well as the birthplace of several other ancient tribes. There, there is the most powerful core gem of the angel family-the heart of angels. Obtaining the angel's heart is also a great help in uncovering the secrets of ancient power.

Therefore, the angel horn has assembled so many advantages, how can the Void Land not like it?

Sahai wanted to use the gift of the Void Land to be promoted to the Lord of the Star Sea, and it would be better to break through to the Lord of the Star Realm, so that he would no longer have to be restricted by someone higher than him.

Then, under the Angel's Horn spacecraft, several small airships were released. The equipment also looked very sophisticated. They all had obvious signs of two-horned evil spirits, and they knew they belonged to the evil spirit family. This tribe is very famous in the sky world, and it is frightening, because the powerful angel tribe was defeated by them. Although it was the Void Emperor who first attacked the Angel Race, the evil spirits harvested the Angel Race's heads in the later period. The level of torture and brutality was really frightening.

Take the spaceship that built this angel's horn, for example, the huge wings on both sides are all forged by cutting off the wings of the angel tribe, and the tail is forged by cutting off the tail of the mermaid tribe. And the bottom part was made by cutting off the iron hoof of the centaur. Therefore, the angel's horn, listening to the name of this "angel" seems so glamorous. In fact, it is full of crimes and blood dripping. A person with a conscience will not agree to such a thing.

Yan Mo took a few small airships alone, staying above the border corpse sea, waiting for the angel princess's calamity body to pass, and then went to retrieve the angel princess's body.


At this time, a mountain of corpses under the sea of ​​corpses on the border caused a shock due to the fall of a few angel clansmen, causing violent dust. The angels who fell were the angel princesses. They have triggered the Fallen Land, are losing the power of angels, becoming fallen angels, experiencing disasters.

Tang Ye originally hid and practiced, but the sudden shock shocked him.

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