My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2584: Rare resources!

Tang Ye came to this place full of bones. There were no corpses around, but only bones. The reason why he came here is because of the invisibly guided by the dead tree and the powerful tree in spring!

Tang Ye knew that if Withered Wood Fengchun were to guide him, it was because he felt a strong power. Now the strength of the dead wood and spring has been hollowed out and urgently needs to be supplemented. Just like a big tree needs nourishment, it is natural to worry.

"Now the dead wood Fengchun power tree only has the little undead power absorbed just now, and now the dead wood Fengchun tree feels, it must also be the undead power, then..." After Tang Ye came to this place full of bones, he guessed here. Circumstances, according to the situation of the powerful trees in the dead wood Fengchun, he guessed that there should be strong undead power here.

Although this border sea of ​​corpses is full of undead power, the words that radiate in the air are actually only a small part. What Tang Ye had absorbed just now, even if it took a lot of effort, was only a little bit. Therefore, it can be speculated that if a person is cultivating the power of the undead, then this border corpse sea is simply a holy place for cultivation. However, it is not a place in the border corpse sea that can have strong undead power, but also needs to find it, like a secret realm completely filled with undead power.

Tang Ye felt that the place of bones here was just such a place.

However, this place is open, not a secret or enclosed space. If there is undead power here, it will also be emitted. For this reason, it can be guessed that the power of the undead must be in something that makes the power of the undead cannot be emitted. For example, in some gems. In the cultivation age, things like gems, spirit stones, and spars are very common. Through the absorption and integration, there are a lot of attribute powers, which cultivators want very much. And these power gems also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Such as rough, ordinary, delicate, and even some can be called perfect. The more perfect and rare, the higher the value.

Although guided to the bones by the big tree with the strength of the dead wood every spring, Tang Ye had to be careful. Because he thought of the bone monster just now, here is full of bones, if there is such a bone monster again, wouldn't it be his own death?

Hiding behind a rock, Tang Ye carefully looked at the bones in front and found that there were no bone monsters. But he continued to be careful, picked up a few small stones and threw them into the bones to see if they would be alarmed. Because bone monsters, or some other monsters, may be sleeping under the bone pile.

After Tang Ye tried, he found that there was no movement, and he was a little relieved. Then he began to respond to the guidance of the big tree with the strength of the dead wood and the spring season, and he felt it carefully, and then he discovered that there was a strong undead power in the bones next to him. So, he stretched out his hand to pick up the bones beside him. Unexpectedly, the bones are still piled deep, almost a meter thick. After peeling away the thick bones, he saw a white crystal stone!

It is this white crystal stone that emits a strong undead power. Then, Tang Ye immediately guessed that these white crystal stones are gems that contain the power of the undead. And this is exactly the cultivation resource that cultivators dream of!

Didn’t you make a lot of money?

Tang Ye couldn't help being excited inside. If this is the case, wouldn't it be a blessing in disguise that I fell into this sea of ​​corpses. This is not an ordeal, but luck. Because through the undead power resources here, you can definitely cultivate to a very strong level. Although this is the power of the undead, it is not very popular, but who cares about that, as long as you become stronger and have no side effects on yourself, it is a great thing.

When Tang Ye was in the ancestral land of the earth, he was originally a melting pot. He tried all kinds of power, including the power of the righteous elements, the power of the saints, the power of evil dark power, and the power of the dead. He is very clear that the nature of power is only high and low, not good or bad. The so-called good or bad are all artificially used. Therefore, even if you are practicing the power of the undead, as long as you are not evil, you are not a bad person. If the concept of this world is that the cultivation of undead power is evil, then it would be too pedantic. If it is only the disgust and hatred of a few people, it cannot represent all.

The world of the sky is very tolerant. No power in cultivation will be defined as evil or not allowed, as long as the way of cultivation is not evil. If some people cultivate, such as the power of the undead, who are acquired by killing others indiscriminately, then it must be evil.

Tang Ye is still not very clear about what the cultivation system under the sky is like, how to define powerful, how to break through, etc. However, there is one thing he knows that can't be wrong, and that is to store power. The more power you have, the faster you can use it to upgrade and breakthrough after you know the cultivation method. Who else would dislike too much power, just like who would dislike too much money?

Therefore, Tang Ye began to absorb the power of the undead into the withered tree and the spring power tree after confirming the safety of the surroundings.

However, it is not straightforward to absorb the power of the undead from the white crystal stone. Tang Ye didn't understand it at first, but later simply broke a little white crystal stone, and then the undead power surged out. He doesn't care so much, he will absorb it first.

These white crystal stones are formed in the precipitation of thousands of years of corpses to bones. In fact, these white crystal stones are precipitated by white bones, which are beautiful crystal stones formed by fusing a large amount of undead power. It can be said that the undead power contained in these white crystal stones is more than 95% pure, with only a little flaw. Even some spars are 100% pure. Such a crystal stone is perfect, but outside, as a cultivation resource, it is priceless!

General power gems, regardless of their power attributes, are basically 50% pure. And 70% is a boutique. If it reaches 80%, it is rare. And ninety percent, almost none, so it is priceless.

The world of the sky is colorful, prosperous, and civilized, and there are institutions such as auction houses. Even if there is an invasion by the Void Emperor, things like auction houses, currency circulation, and commercial transactions will not stop. At most, they will be affected.

Even if there is a battlefield, it is impossible to say that everything else has stopped. The operation of life is in all aspects and will not stop because of war. Even in a war zone, these things must still be done. And cultivation is an eternal topic, so no cultivator will stop because of the war.

For cultivation resources, no one will refuse. Even the war army is very eager for these. Because getting such good training resources means that the army has an advantage in replenishment and strengthening.

When Tang Ye was absorbing the power of the undead, a spaceship like a large warship flew over the border corpses over the sea, throwing a pile of corpses.

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