My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2561: Stop it!

The many true gods never expected that they were evil gods!

Cthulhu, among the gods at the time, was a very special and weird existence, and no one even knew how he came.

Only on one day, when Vulcan and God of War wanted to break through the limitations of the Emperor Pangu, and wanted to explore the vast sky outside, a person appeared from the gods and said that they could try to break the limits of the gods. And this **** is an evil god. At that time, Cthulhu was only at the level of ordinary gods, and among so many gods, it seemed inconspicuous. Therefore, no one will put him in the eyes of an unknown junior, and no one will hold him too much.

However, when Cthulhu showed the ability to quickly obtain breakthroughs through transformation, the gods all valued him, especially the God of Fire and God of War who wanted to break the restrictions of the Emperor Pangu. Therefore, they let Cthulhu start the "God Creation Project." This "creation of gods" is not the creation of gods. They are gods themselves and do not need to be created. The so-called "creation" means breakthrough. The highest goal is to target the true **** so that the true **** can break the restrictions set by the Emperor Pangu.

The Cthulhu transformed the Celestial God, continuously achieving success and rising status, but after all he failed to reach the true God level, so he stayed at the Ancient God. Later, when Hei Ji was successfully infused with Chaos power, Vulcan and War God realized that Cthulhu was no small thing. Although this might help them break the limitations of the Pangu God Emperor, the ability to control the power of chaos is much more evil than their gods, so they decided to investigate the situation of the evil god.

However, just when they wanted to investigate the evil god, Nuwa, Fuxi, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a plan to deify their gods. Their gods were expelled to the chaos to have a look, and the investigation of the truth about the evil **** stopped. After being expelled to the chaotic space, they did not find the trace of the evil god.

For this reason, they guessed an amazing result, Cthulhu was not exiled to the chaos space!

But why? The deification plan carried out by Nüwa, Fuxi, and Jizo King Bodhisattva used the will power of the Pangu God Emperor. Except for the three of them, all other existences using divine power, including the gods and those creatures who obtained the power by chance, All were exiled to the chaotic space. And Cthulhu, since it has achieved the position of an ancient **** in the heavens, it must also have divine power. So, how did he escape the deification plan?

Now that the Cthulhu reappeared, everyone was surprised. Even the **** of death, who was sealed before the **** creation plan and the deification plan, couldn't help but froze after seeing the evil god, and then was very surprised. He is a **** of death, and he knows the death side of living beings very well, but he can't see death at all in the evil god. In other words, this evil **** will not die?

Or maybe, with his death god's power, it was not enough to see the evil god's information. Could it be said that the power of Cthulhu is stronger than him?

And there is a situation where the **** of death is certain, the evil **** in front of him controls the power of chaos!

Based on this, it is a big enemy!

"Who are you?" The **** of death didn't know the evil **** like Vulcan and the **** of war, and stared at the evil **** and asked coldly.

The destiny **** saw the evil god, already surprised. She had suspected one thing once, and this was also suspected by Hei Ji. That is, will Tang Ye be an evil god!

Just now Cthulhu wants to merge with Tang Ye, doesn't it just show that Cthulhu and Tang Ye are inextricably linked? Even the Cthulhu is willing to be part of Tang Ye's power, not to say that the Cthulhu is a part of Tang Ye, or that the Cthulhu is also serving Tang Ye!

This kind of thing is terrible, it is really unexpected. Cthulhu is the mysterious **** who once dominated the "God Creation Project", and he actually wants to serve Tang Ye?

However, seeing these situations, Hei Ji felt that it was not so difficult to understand. Because she had guessed before that Tang Ye was a melting pot where everything could be merged, so Tang Ye might have been transformed by Cthulhu. Because in this world, the only people who can do such weird things are evil gods.

But Hei Ji was still very surprised, that was the situation where Cthulhu wanted to serve Tang Ye. She guessed that Tang Ye was transformed by the Cthulhu, then the Cthulhu was the creator of Tang Ye. How can the creator listen to the words of the created person? Isn't this upside down? It should be the creator who wants to listen to the creator!

Tang Ye has now broken through to the realm of true gods, and is not afraid of anyone. He feels that even if the **** of death and Nuwa join hands against him, he can guarantee that he will not be killed. He has this self-confidence, and the Cthulhu's calmness and calmness gave him a kind of self-confidence invisibly.

Although he still doesn't quite understand it, the Cthulhu just said that he is the Cthulhu, and the Cthulhu is him. That being the case, why the evil **** is not afraid of things. By now, Cthulhu certainly didn't want to be eliminated. Therefore, the Cthulhu calmly dealt with the current matter, and he calmly dealt with it.

However, he himself was very surprised. When Hei Ji wondered if he was an evil god, he thought it was very ridiculous. Is he an evil god? What do you think about this? The Cthulhu was originally a character who helped transform the gods. The gods all knew the Cthulhu. How could he be a Cthulhu? It's better to accept that he was transformed by the Cthulhu.

But now, the fact is that he is really an evil god!

He wanted to figure out what was going on, so he didn't want Death and the others to bother him, and let the Cthulhu into his body. The situation just now has shown that Cthulhu is just a power body, just like the power incarnation he condensed before, and of course the power can be integrated.

"You'd better not stop me, otherwise I'm welcome." Tang Ye glanced at the death gods and the others. The obsidian with twinkling eyes was very mysterious and weird, but also powerful.

Death God definitely couldn't tolerate Tang Ye being so arrogant to him, no matter whether Tang Ye broke through to the realm of the true god, he still felt that he was the strongest existence in this world. So he shouted angrily at Tang Ye: "Boy, who do you think you are? Remember your incarnation just now? I just shook my hand gently and he broke, hahaha... Now, what are you capable of? ?"

After that, the **** of death suddenly rushed towards Tang Ye, arrived in an instant, slapped a bone claw, and faced Tang Ye's neck with blood.

However, at this moment, the Cthulhu in front of Tang Ye stretched out his hand, only using one right hand to directly grasp the bone claw of Death.

The death god’s bone claw was originally opened, but it was hit by the power of the Cthulhu’s right hand, causing pain, and he closed it, and then the Cthulhu held the bone claw with his right hand.

Suddenly, the **** of death could no longer move forward.

"Wh, what?" Death didn't expect that he was actually stopped, and was shocked.

The same is true for others. The **** of death is so powerful that they can't deal with it together, but now the evil **** has stopped the **** of death directly!

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