My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2613: Looking for Jizo!

The power of the **** of death has a huge destruction attribute, even if he is still trapped in the seal of the **** emperor now, but the power emitted from it is also very powerful and terrifying. Whether it's a **** or Nuwa, they are very jealous. The Underworld was only hit by his tail just now, and he was greatly injured. At this time, he felt the keel tail was very painful.

The power of death is the purest among the power of the dead. The original local realm is the domain he controls, and the power of the dead can even be said to have grown from him. It is a pity that no matter how strong it is, it will eventually be born from the original power of the Pangu God Emperor. Therefore, it is still subject to Pangu God Emperor.

But now, the God Emperor Pangu has long since fallen, and the power of Origin is no longer as strong as the will of the God Emperor Pangu before. Therefore, the power of death can be said to be the strongest. It is not that the power of the dead is stronger than other types of power, but the death itself is constantly consuming the power of other creatures, strengthens itself, so it becomes stronger, and strengthens the power of the dead.

For this reason, even if the death **** is trapped under the seal of the **** emperor, it just sends out power, but it threatens the **** of the gods and Nuwa. For this reason, the destiny **** and the **** of death can cope with the union of Nuwa and the **** of darkness at this time.

When the destiny **** was trapped by Nuwa just now, it was the best time to destroy the body of the princess. Unfortunately, under the power of Death to stop, Pluto failed. And now, the destiny **** has read the trajectory of Nuwa's movement just now, thereby strengthening her own strength. And as time goes by, the more she can read and adapt to the true **** level. Therefore, she will be stronger.

Now she is not the strongest, she still can't keep up with the power of Death, so she can constantly read and reform herself. It's like using the heavenly book's ability to control the trajectory of destiny to improve oneself and let oneself catch up with the strongest person. As long as the strongest person does not get rid of the destiny book, then she can be transferred out for reference.

In other words, now, she can constantly transform herself, let herself be closer to the power of death. When she becomes as powerful as the **** of death, then the true gods such as Pluto and Nuwa are probably not her opponents.

However, if the strongest person in the world becomes Tang Ye. Then, the destiny **** cannot catch up with him. Because he has long been separated from the Destiny Book, the Destiny God cannot retrieve and refer to everything about himself, and then transform it.

Tang Ye's particularity is unmatched by other true gods. This point, so far, is still puzzling. What is his origin?

The body of the princess who stayed with the destiny **** was not destroyed. She volleyed above the abyss of the black hole. Underneath was the surging seal of the **** emperor. Inside, the **** of death was in action, constantly attacking and struggling, as if a huge wave was set off.

When the **** of death roared, his head rushed into the barrier sealed by the **** emperor, and because of the slack of the barrier, the scary red-eyed skull of **** of death could clearly see the outline. Very hideous and scary, scary.

Even the Destiny God could not help frowning. To release such a monster is not a plan with 100% certainty. Hope that in the back, death will not become an obstacle. Otherwise, you have caused yourself trouble. But compared to being eliminated by Tang Ye, even the trouble is nothing.

The destiny **** affirmed his plan again and continued to execute it.

Nuwa and Hades stood in the air, gradually approaching each other, and they became the same camp by default. The destiny snake is suspended above the death god, and it can be regarded as their camp.

"Fate, do you really plan to release that monster that you can't control? You are not afraid that your ability for thousands of years will fall short? Death, is it possible to make you fall short!" Nuwa said coldly to the destiny **** .

At this time, Nuwa realized that there was a **** of death, and with her and the **** of darkness, it was difficult to solve the problem. Even if it is to destroy the body of the princess and stop the destiny gods, it will not be possible!

Then, I can only hope that the other true gods will wake up quickly, and their true gods will join forces together, so that it is possible to stop the destiny gods and seal them back to death.

Therefore, she is now going to make a delay plan, waiting for Tang Ye to talk about Fuxi and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to find out. She has given Tang Ye guidance, and believes Tang Ye can do it.

The current war is at the level of a true god, so Tang Ye's strength is not worth seeing, unless he is strong enough to suppress the death god. But now Tang Ye's strength level is just the peak of the ancient gods. According to the rules of heaven and earth, the real god's world is fixed, so since Tang Ye lost when he started running, he was doomed to lose. So, now Tang Ye can only be an errand runner to help solve some necessary things, but I don't know if it will work.

At this time, Tang Ye was looking for the reincarnation of King Fuxi and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva according to the instructions given by Nuwa.

In other words, Tang Ye also had a great chance with the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. A hundred years ago, Sima Yupu was pregnant with his child. He was an infant spirit boarder. He should have died, but because of Tang Ye's chance, he obtained the Ksitigarbha Heart Sutra and gave it to Sima Yupu, who then read it every night. recite. Because after the first chanting, she found that her stomach no longer hurts so much, and later learned that the Ksitigarbha Heart Sutra is useful for suppressing the power of the infant spirit. Therefore, Sima Yupu used this to slowly eliminate the infant spirit, giving Tang Jiujiu a chance to be born, and combined with the power of the twelve demon branch infant spirits to become an extremely terrifying figure, and even kill ancient gods before.

Although Tang Ye used the Ksitigarbha Heart Sutra not much power, after all, he also had a chance with it. Therefore, now she has followed the guidance of Nuwa, and feels according to her own Buddha's predestined relationship, to find the reincarnated person of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

At this time, according to Nu Wa's perception, Tang Ye quickly followed. What surprised him was that Nuwa's guidance finally led him to the sacred heroic cemetery northwest of the Red Wall Palace.

Did Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva appear in the cemetery of heroic spirits?

Tang Ye was very curious, but he thought it was normal. Although the heroic cemetery is very sacred, to put it plainly, it is actually the place where the dead were buried. After the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva as the **** of death, it is normal that the person who controls the realm is related to the dead.

Tang Ye is no stranger to the heroic cemetery. A hundred years ago, he relied on the power of the heroic spirits to deal with the Wendingmo Rebellion that had entered the holy way under the shackles of heaven and earth and luck.

Now here, in order to find the Bodhisattva of Earth Store, perhaps it is also a kind of fate. Would you please move all the great infants a hundred years ago, and there will be Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in it?

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