My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2653: Black hole abyss!

Reaper is one of the true gods. The **** of death was also the first to threaten the horrible existence of Emperor Pangu. Although he is a true god, he was born by the origin power of God Emperor Pangu, but because he has always been in charge of the dead. Everything has two sides, life and death. Everyone likes the life side, not the dead side. Feeling that death is the end of everything.

But in fact, this is not the case.

The causal reincarnation of all creatures, the state of existence, is not just life, but also death. Life and death are complete. It's just that life and death are separated, and life and death do not intersect. Therefore, if you die, the life side is indeed completely over. It can be understood that everything as life is over. However, the past life experience can actually be retained in the dead state.

After death, people will reach the boundary. The land boundary is not just a place, it is just an organization that manages the land boundary. Just like outside the big world, the Red Wall Palace is an institution that manages humanity and maintains order. The land boundary is like the outside world, and the underworld is like the red wall palace of the outside world. Therefore, after death, a person can actually start a second life in the realm. In this life, some inherit the memories of human time, some do not, and some exist for a short time, because it is necessary to reincarnate, and then to the world of life, to realize the cycle of life and death, and to maintain a balance between life and death.

In a dead state, you can choose not to forget the memories of your life, live in the land boundary, work hard, and then become an "official" under the land boundary, that is, the so-called ghost soldiers and ghosts. And other choices can also become the labor force of the land boundary and develop the land boundary. But no matter what the choice is, you can't interfere in the world of life when you are dead, so as to avoid confusion. Therefore, whether the living enters the dead realm or the dead enters the living realm, it is a taboo behavior. It will be restricted by the law at the beginning and will be strictly handled by the forces of the two realms.

These, the underworld management of the main land boundary is particularly strict. However, after the deification, the Ksitigarbha king disappeared, the underworld stopped functioning, and the cycle of life and death ceased. Now, there are a large number of dead people, that is, ghosts. These are almost saturated and will soon be unsustainable. If the realm collapses, the upper human realm will also be affected, and each one may collapse.

Fortunately, now the shackles of Qi Luck have been lifted, and the power of deification has returned. Then, as long as the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva returns, the underworld will return to normal and operate the realm in time, then this crisis can be resolved.

However, before that, the destiny **** wants to let the former king of the earth, the **** of death, come out!

The **** of death, a true **** who was tired of managing the endless stream of deceased and created the secret technique of devouring the **** of death, threatened the law of heaven and earth established by Emperor Pangu. The reason is that the cycle of life and death among all creatures can maintain their balance, and the two worlds complement each other. The creatures in the entire world have a complete system of existence, and the source of power can also be endless. However, because of the appearance of the secret skill of Death Devouring, even if it only swallows the ghost, it will completely wipe out an existence. And if the living side is swallowed, it will exist completely, and the dead side will no longer appear. It is equivalent to completely erasing an existence from heaven and earth.

Originally, the living beings circulating between the heaven and the earth, whether they live or die, are already stipulated by the Pangu God Emperor, but because of the secret skill of the **** of death, the living beings are constantly decreasing, which also causes the fluctuation of the source of power. The death **** swallows those creatures and merges with him with the power of aura, causing the death **** to grow infinitely. If this continues, if he is allowed to swallow all living beings, it means he has merged the origin power of heaven and earth into his own, wouldn't he be like the Pangu God Emperor?

This kind of threat is not allowed by other true gods and the Emperor Pangu. So back then, several true gods joined the other **** of death, Nuwa, Fuxi, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, **** of war, **** of water, etc. All true gods wanted to destroy the **** of death. However, the **** of death is too powerful, even if a few true gods work together, they can't solve it. In the end, Nuwa had moved to the supernatural power left by the Emperor Pangu to suppress the **** of death. But they still couldn't destroy the **** of death, they could only seal the **** of death.

And the place where the **** of death was sealed was in the abyss of the black hole in the earth.

Regarding the existence of the **** of death, the destiny **** was actually sealed before the change. The destiny gods can change, and the death god's battle against several true gods in the first place actually helped this happen. The **** of death swallows the living beings, together with the source of power, causing a large amount of air transport power to converge on the **** of death, which disrupts the balance of air luck and destiny, giving a chance for destiny to germinate.

The impact of the turmoil of the Reaper is not only the battle of Death alone, but also the battle between the dead in the earth and the human and heavens under his control. So this war actually lasted for hundreds of years. During those hundreds of years, the world was particularly chaotic, and the changes in fate, from germination to growth, were all completed in this process. He thought he was born thanks to the chaos of the **** of death, so the fate god's control over the dead is relatively weak. The creatures she manipulates mainly refer to the side of life.

After that, the **** of death was sealed in the abyss of the black hole, which is said to be the deepest place in the earth. It is a dark cave with no bottom. The seal is also a moving seal, allowing people to fall forever. The land boundary is not under the management of the **** of death, but in order to make it less chaotic, an institution of the underworld has appeared, which is controlled by the Bodhisattva of Earth Store. But Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva couldn't do it alone, so he established the King Yama in the underworld, and the ghost generals Yin soldiers jointly managed to maintain the order of the land.

After realizing the fate of the abnormal change, several true gods began to deal with it again. At that time, the destiny of the mutation had actually developed and matured in secret, not afraid of everything, no one was its opponent, but it still ignored the power that the true **** actually controls. For this reason, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva condensed the fate of the earth boundary, refined the earth script, and resisted the influence of the heaven script, making the two independent of each other. For this reason, the existence of the earth book greatly hindered the heavenly book from manipulating dead objects. This has been affecting the present, making the destiny gods have relatively little influence on the dead.

The script from the earth played such a big role, and Wang Fuxi followed suit and used the spirit of the human race to refine the script. However, human books are only for people, so the effect is worse than that of local books. And because the human race is the most complicated and the wills are the most diverse, the effect of fighting the destiny **** is not significant. However, it also affected the manipulation of some heavenly books, which was considered a force that could harm the heavens.

The book from the earth and the book from the earth have become the forces that must be merged in order to achieve perfection. Therefore, the heavenly book has always wanted to devour the book from the earth and the book of people.

The destiny **** can hardly influence the **** of death, but now, in order to deal with Tang Ye, she will hurt both sides and help the **** of death break the seal and let the **** of death come out!

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