My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2650: Fully deal with it!

Even the Destiny God, who controls the fate of all things and has seen the existence of miracles countless times, couldn't help feeling ridiculous when he discovered the identity of Tang Ye's incarnation of chaos.

Most of the miracles of people are those that she finds interesting, so she changed fate and allowed those miracles to happen! And now Tang Ye's affairs, of course, can be regarded as a miracle, but it is not a miracle she adjusted!

And this miracle was a blow to her!

"Damn it!" The Destiny God couldn't help cursing. She failed to control Tang Ye's destiny, and now Tang Ye's blow and threat to her was so great.

A hundred years ago, after the princess crossed out Tang Ye's destiny track from the book of fate, she originally thought that Tang Ye would become a special person in the future, but it would be easy for her to get rid of Tang Ye. But she never expected that Tang Ye, who she had not dealt with in time, now became a threat to her existence, and it was really possible to eliminate her!

Is this digging a hole for yourself?

No matter what it is, the past is hard to change. Even the book of destiny, before swallowing the luck, it is difficult to reverse the past. It’s not impossible to reverse the past, but you need to be the Lord of Heaven and Earth. History always moves forward, and the changes that have been advanced are very large, and the number is huge. Even if it's just a minute, the things that the whole world is advancing and evolving are extremely huge. Therefore, to reverse the past and move the whole body by a single move, the pressure to bear is very great. Even the destiny **** can't do it, so all she can control is the destiny that goes forward.

If she wanted to reverse the past, unless she swallowed her luck and became the Lord of Heaven and Earth, it would be impossible to reverse the past without the power to change the laws of Heaven and Earth.

Since the past cannot be reversed, it can only be solved now. The destiny **** had already used Tang Ye and wanted to get rid of Tang Ye. Before using the Chaos Power Layer under the Chaos Stone God Stage, I thought it could be solved, but I didn't expect it to be solved. On the contrary, Tang Ye has now produced a powerful chaotic power distraction. This is really incredible. Is Chaos Power so easy to control?

It should be said that the power of chaos can be controlled by one person?

Not only refers to people, even gods, or any existence in this world, it is not easy to control the chaotic power! Because the chaotic power is the opposite of the Pangu God Emperor’s original source power, as long as he lives in this world and uses the power of this world, he shouldn’t be able to use the chaotic power. How can two hostile forces exist in the same body at the same time!

Even Hei Ji, who was transformed by the Cthulhu, must suppress the divine power of the lower heaven when using the chaotic power, otherwise the chaotic power and the divine power of the heaven will conflict, and Hei Ji will be extremely painful. Therefore, it is really absurd that Tang Ye can control the chaotic power.

Chaos power is beyond the scope of this world, even the destiny **** is not very clear. Because of this, the destiny **** was worried that Tang Ye would become more and more out of her control, and even using the people and things around Tang Ye could not affect Tang Ye. This is a threat, it must be eliminated!

"Damn it!" The Destiny God yelled again, because her plan was destroyed too much by Tang Ye. Now she felt that for those plans, killing Tang Ye was the top priority.

She immediately went to the heavens to see what happened to Tang Ye at the Chaos Power Layer under the Chaos Stone God Stage. Why is such a powerful chaotic force unable to kill Tang Ye, instead let Tang Ye control the chaotic force, and create such a powerful incarnation purely formed by chaotic force!

Just the avatar can deal with her. She had already fought against Tang Ye's avatar, and in terms of individual strength, she couldn't deal with such a chaotic power avatar. Then, if Tang Ye came out, wouldn't she be even more unable to deal with it!

This kind of thing is something that destiny gods absolutely cannot tolerate.

At this time, Lu Celadon and the double-headed Demon Jiao Xiaozi are here under the chaotic stone gods in the heavens. They have a deep sense of love for Tang Ye. They had previously informed Tang Ye that Tang Ye was trapped here. There are important things to do there, but they still chose to come to the heavens to save Tang Ye. They finally got here, but they were close to the Chaos Power Layer. It is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, they will be killed by Chaos Force.

Even if it was Lu Celadon, when approaching the Chaos power layer, the celestial maiden's abilities could not be used, and it was even greatly rejected. Could it be that the Chaos Force is independent and hostile to the forces of this world? Therefore, when the power of this heaven and earth tried to spy on it, it fought back fiercely.

The power of this world opposes the power of chaos, and regards it as an invasion. However, why can the power of chaos exist so blatantly, but the power of this world is useless to counterattack? Could it be that the power of chaos is stronger than the power of this world?

In fact, it can be said. However, this was not the case at the beginning. The origin power of the God Emperor Pangu was able to counter the power of chaos. Moreover, the chaotic power that exists here is also a very small force for the entire world, but the source of power can't handle it. There must be a reason for this. The reason is that the Siyuan forces have split and are not united. That is to say, luck and destiny are no longer unified. Destiny changes into an independent will, making the two people together as the perfect source of power weakened by half, so the chaotic force will be so strong and unscrupulous.

This is probably the reason why the blood demons could invade. If it were not for the split of luck and destiny, the blood demons should not be able to invade.

Lu Celadon didn't expect that his celestial power could not play a role in the face of Chaos Power. She began to realize that the highest level of the heavenly girl's power was also a kind of power in this world. There were rumors that it might be an eye of the God Emperor Pangu. She has tracked it down. Although there is no definite evidence, she can simply speculate. That is to say, the things about miracles were actually encountered as early as a hundred years ago. Her parents were scientific researchers, and later discovered miracles and spied some magical powers.

It was a small stone, crystal clear, and it was presumed that it contained infinite divine power, and the people of the dark organization also focused on it. She also found her parents and asked her parents to hand over the miraculous stone. Her parents did not give in. At the critical moment, the power of the miraculous stone was extracted and injected into her body, giving her that power, which was initially manifested. It was able to spy on all things, and was called the "Goddess" at the time.

It is now speculated that the miraculous stone might be the eyes of the Emperor Pangu. If not, how can you have the ability to see everything. And all things in this world were born after the creation of the Emperor Pangu. Therefore, whether it was created by the Emperor Pangu or bred afterwards, they all live within the laws of heaven and earth formulated by the Emperor Pangu. People with eyes can naturally see the secrets of everything.

This is probably the root of Lu Celadon's ability to spy on everything and rewrite as a goddess.

"You don't need to be here anymore." When Lu Celadon and Xiao Zi were helpless, Tang Ye's chaotic incarnation appeared here and said to them.

Because they have stayed here before, they don't know the identity of Tang Ye's chaotic incarnation. Tang Ye didn't have much time to explain to them, so she directly transformed into Tang Ye's appearance, told them the truth, and asked them to leave and return to the Red Wall court to participate in the plan to transform the puppet's corpse.

To deal with the destiny gods in an all-round way!

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