My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2648: It's a headache!

Tang Ye acted crazy, not without him in the past. Although he has always been a person who takes a steady course, things are fickle, and it is impossible to go smoothly and follow his own plan, so sometimes he inevitably has to take risks, or even take his life to gamble. Tang Ye has experienced too many such things in the past, and it is also because of this that he has continuously improved and made breakthroughs. It is a successful case of "seeking wealth and wealth in insurance".

So, now when he has crazy behavior again, although it is surprising, it is not unacceptable to think about it. Chen Yourong just felt that Tang Ye would deal with the destiny gods by transforming people into puppets, which would have a great impact. In the event of an accident, the consequences would be quite serious, it might lead to the destruction of the human race. So she wanted to make sure, is she really going to do this?

Only when you have enough awareness to do this can you be determined, and then concentrate on doing it, even if it is a gamble, you must do your best.

From Tang Ye's attitude, he was very firm. In this case, Chen Yourong did not object. In fact, she didn't think about opposing, just wanted to be more cautious. She still made the issue of identity with Tang Ye more obvious. Tang Ye was a human saint, a hero of heaven and earth, and she was just an ordinary woman. Such a character came to her, and it was too late to obey, and he would dare to oppose anything.

Chen Yourong analyzed the results of the current experiment to remove the poison of the corpse and judged that it is completely possible to use the power of chaos and the divine power of Nuwa to eliminate the poison of the corpse. The puppet Yin corpse chicken that was rescued in the last experiment passed out in a coma at the time, and has now regained consciousness. He was locked up and observed for a while, and found no other abnormalities, and the state was no different from that of ordinary chickens.

The later selected puppet corpse, which was selected by the Red Wall Court to be more representative, was also successful after passing the test. In other words, if you use the power of chaos and the divine power of Nuwa, you can remove the poison of the corpse and return the puppet corpse to normal. This is the antidote. It's just that this antidote cannot be produced in large quantities like potions to rescue every puppet's corpse. Because at the moment, only Tang Ye and Chen Yourong can release the poison of the corpse, which is limited by the question of Nu Wa's divine power.

Even if they are not limited by Nuwa's divine power, they only rely on the two of them to treat the puppet's corpse. And there are so many puppet corpses, it is impossible for both of them to be saved, so the current method can only be said to give hope, which is not practical. It is very likely that this will develop into the privilege of some people, such as those who are powerful, those who are related to Tang Ye and Chen Yourong, or those who are important in management. As for ordinary people, don't expect to be treated. Up.

But if this kind of thing is exposed, other people will feel that Tang Sheng is nothing but selfish, and those who are related can be treated, but ordinary people can’t. What does this mean that everyone is equal... …That may cause huge resistance and even unrest. Therefore, for the method to remove the poison of the corpse, we need to find a more popular way.

Tang Ye naturally thought about this problem, so let Chen Yourong continue to study, maybe we can find some antidote from the people who have been cured, just like those people who have corpse poison antibodies or something, we can solve this through scientific means. problem. Now that the shackles of air transport are broken, the two civilizations are intertwined. The power of deification and the power of science and technology are actually slowly merging together. There is no clear distinction. Maybe scientific means can also solve the power of deification.

Now I want to take the initiative to accept the poison of the corpse and transform those who are capable of being unaffected by the poison of the corpse into a puppet corpse, mainly to create conditions to deal with the destiny god. But doing so is very risky. If there is no guarantee that they can be saved, it may lead to the loss of humanity's final strength, and it may be annihilation. Therefore, now he must also ask Chen Yourong to retain Nuwa's supernatural power in order to rescue those who later took the initiative to transform into puppet corpses. This is also a personal guarantee to them. Of course, this requires their consent, otherwise they will not do it.

Since it is to deal with the destiny gods, they must agree.

Moreover, Tang Ye had another idea, perhaps he could remove all the poison of the corpse. That is, after he eliminated the destiny gods, he used the earth script and the human script to fuse the heaven script, and then he controlled the luck and became the second Pangu **** emperor, that is, the master of this world. Then, you can intervene in this world at will, and you can do what you keep and remove. Then, removing the poison of the corpse from this world is like cleaning up garbage, there should be no problem.

In this case, the poison of the corpse will be solved. This is a very good idea. It is perfect to become the lord of the world, eliminate the poison of the corpse, then renovate the world, and then go to the vast universe outside. It is perfect!

Under Chen Yourong's confirmation, the combination of chaotic power and Nuwa's divine power can relieve the poison of the corpse. In this way, Tang Ye went to contact those who were not infected by the poison of the corpse, and told them his plan.

When Tang Ye told them about his plan, he was basically surprised at first, and then hesitated in silence. Because no one wants to become a puppet corpse. In order to make them agree and feel relieved, Tang Ye proved to them that he can remove the poison of the corpse. However, most people were still worried and failed to agree immediately.

Tang Ye knew that they didn't trust him enough. For this reason, he can only reveal his identity, he is actually Tang Sheng. Tang Sheng's identity is still very useful. After knowing that it was Tang Sheng, most people's attitudes changed quickly, especially those of the Red Wall Palace, who felt they could do so. Moreover, Tang Ye discussed this plan with Wang Jiuxiao. Wang Jiuxiao agreed, so most of the power of the Red Wall Palace agreed.

However, some people still did not agree. They have their own thoughts, even Tang Sheng, in the process of removing the poison of the corpse, will inevitably be selfish and take care of their own people first. They are not very familiar with Tang Ye, so they feel that if there is an accident, then They must be abandoned.

And, there are some people who Tang Ye doesn't know about them, so they think they will agree, but in fact they don't know what kind of thoughts they have. Even some are still hostile to Tang Ye. Although Tang Ye is a saint of the human race, it is not RMB, everyone will like it.

For these people, it is a headache.

At this time, the destiny **** was still thinking of ways to deal with Tang Ye, and then she found that people were constantly turning into puppet corpses. Those were very capable and were within the scope of her previous plan. Now that she became a puppet corpse, it didn't do much to her.

She knew that Tang Ye was acting.

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