My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2639: Cthulhu guess!

Tang Ye felt that his guess could not be wrong. Although he was trapped in the Chaos power layer and did not see the specific appearance of the Destiny God, from the words of the Destiny God, it seemed that there was still a person in her. . If this is the case, it is reasonable to guess that the will of the princess still exists.

In this case, the princess can be rescued.

In this way, Tang Ye wanted to destroy the destiny god. Whether it is to get rid of the life that is being toyed with, or to rescue the beloved woman, it is imperative to eliminate the destiny gods.

Bai Xi said to Tang Ye: "For a long time, the destiny gods have infiltrated the world through the name of'Tian Dao'. After knowing about the first emperor, I am afraid that the first heaven to be infiltrated by the destiny **** is Xu Fu. Since then, I don’t know how much the Destiny God has penetrated. However, these are irrelevant, because now the Destiny God has chosen the princess. She seems to have a kind of attachment to the princess, and she has always lodged in the princess’ body and never left. Perhaps. , This is the destiny **** selected the body of the princess. In this case, the princess is very dangerous. Because since it is a selected body, the destiny **** definitely wants to occupy it all, and will not let the princess have extra will to resist She. Then, we must find the Destiny Deity sooner. I saw Destiny Deity in Xiang Daoshan earlier, where the princess descended from Destiny Deity. So, if you want to find Destiny Deity, maybe you can go there. ."

"Good." Tang Ye said.

He didn't want to delay any longer, he wanted to find the destiny **** quickly, and see the princess, even if he just looked at it. If he didn't see the princess, he was not at ease, for fear that the destiny **** would swallow all the will of the princess in the next second. . He bid farewell to Bai Xi and went to Xiangdao Mountain. As for what Bai Xie would do, Bai Xie knew very well, that is, to look for books from the earth and people.

Tang Ye went to Xiangdao Mountain. Xiangdao Mountain is a high mountain that once belonged to the ancient Wu Rivers and lakes, straight into the sky, like a towering sky. This mountain is the place where the powerful people of the ancient Wujiang Lake comprehend the way of heaven, and think that it is the easiest to touch the way of heaven.

With Tang Ye's current cultivation base and the ability to jump in space, it would be extremely fast to reach Xiang Daoshan. Not long after, Tang Ye reached a peak in front of Xiangdao Mountain, and saw the towering Xiangdao Mountain in front of him, giving him the feeling of a fairyland.

Xiangdao Mountain in the front is indeed very aura, making people feel that there is a gathering place for the superior. And the clouds and mist flowing in the mountains, and sometimes the sounds of birds and beasts are heard, which makes people feel full of aura and vitality. Here, I am afraid that some are not human masters, and there are beast monsters. Since there are still many traces of humans in the reinforced concrete world outside, these mountains and dense forests are the world of beasts and monsters.

A world returning to the practice period, together with the age of science and technology, is slowly being born.

If you feel that if he can become the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the second Pangu God Emperor, he will not be deified or develop in a world that is completely based on technology. Perhaps it is correct that the world has become diversified. If a certain civilization or power development must be forcibly disallowed, it will only bring extreme results. In the past, Nuwa and Fuxi, as well as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's "de-deification plan" failed, is the best proof.

Now, because of such a plan, there is an insoluble contradiction between the gods and the monster race, as well as the demons, and the human race. The fighting between the various races will probably continue until the various races forget why they fight, and then a super king appears, and once the world is ruled, it may be possible for the various races to coexist peacefully.

Tang Ye hasn't reached that point yet, so just think about it briefly. This kind of thing must be based on the elimination of the destiny gods and the return of the world to justice. So he settled down and went to Xiangdaoshan.

In fact, he was struggling a bit inside, because if he could see the destiny god, he would see the princess. For that face, even if he saw it, it would touch a lot of things, and he was worried that he would lose control again. It's just that after so many things, it's time to look aside, so no matter what, since you have to face it, then face it as it is and obey your heart.

After Tang Ye arrived at Xiangdao Mountain, he went straight to the top of Yunwu Mountain. When I got to the top, I pushed away the clouds and mist, and I saw a slender back, dressed in a long snow-white group of immortals, looking like a princess in the flourishing age, so noble and stunning, people couldn't help but be fascinated. And when she turned around, her exquisite and dust-free face really made people think that she was a fairy who had come down from nine, without a trace of worldliness, and she looked high above, and she also felt that it was so geographically natural. She should be that way, otherwise everything else is demeaning and defilement of her.

Tang Ye couldn't help but stop. Sure enough, seeing this face, my heart couldn't help but struggle, and my thoughts became very complicated. All the past, keep coming to mind. There are very beautiful, but there are also very painful. In the end it is all separation. This separation does not want, nor should it happen to me, so I want to go crazy. Those who are obstructing yourself should be killed, killed, killed!

The face in front of him is exactly that of the princess. That is the destiny god, lodged on the princess. When Tang Ye saw her, he thought more of his relationship with Lin Yourong or the princess, rather than thinking that it was a destiny **** who was going to be eliminated.

"Your appearance made me feel curious. With such a rich chaotic power, are you a Cthulhu?" The Destiny God looked at Tang Ye and squinted coldly.

The destiny **** thought that Tang Ye was trapped in the Chaos power layer and died soon, so she never thought that the person in front of her was Tang Ye's incarnation. As for the person who can use the power of chaos, she only knows one, and that is the bloodline of the true **** that has been transformed by the evil god-Hei Ji. In addition, no one else can still use the Chaos Power, it must be the same power as the Origin Power, even if it is the True God, it cannot be used if it cannot adapt. But this person is obviously not Hei Ji. Therefore, if there is a second person who can use the power of chaos, the destiny **** thinks that only he has successfully transformed the evil **** of Hei Ji.

Cthulhu is a very weird existence, I don't know where it came from, only that it was born in the heaven. Although he was a **** who appeared after the true god, he was much stronger than ordinary gods. In the end, for his mystery and power, he was regarded as a figure of the true **** level. Just like the true **** cannot be controlled, the destiny **** is also difficult to control the evil god. Therefore, if the person in front of her is an evil god, it is still very difficult for her.

Tang Ye was curious. Because Hei Ji had also doubted whether he was an evil **** before. Now destiny gods think so, is his appearance really similar to evil gods?

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