My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2636: Waiting to arrive!

Tang Ye is indeed just like the corpse Kui thought, to give the dead power to the props, and then achieve the effect of preventing the puppet's corpse. This idea of ​​him is considered to be specialized in the art industry. If you integrate Nuwa's supernatural power, you will let Chen Yourong proceed. Because Chen Yourong can use Nuwa's supernatural power. If the power of the dead is combined, let the corpse kui do it, because the corpse kui is proficient in the power of the dead.

Of course, Tang Ye himself was also proficient in the power of the dead. In other words, he can be proficient in any kind of power. But why didn't he do it? Because he is busy! He has many things to do, and now he has to deal with the destiny gods. So there are things that others can do, not to mention that the corpse will also be interested in this matter. It would be great to let the corpse quiz do it naturally.

Where there is a boss who can do everything, then what do employees have to do. Moreover, Tang Ye has always been a hand-off shopkeeper. Even if you lay down the country, you won't be able to guard the country. If it is troublesome, it will be handed over to others.

Shikui was very surprised by Tang Ye's idea, because this thing is not something that can be done by just doing it. Then the pure power of the dead shows terrible power of invasion and destruction when the dead are cracked. For example, when the gods go to the cracks of the dead, they will Being swallowed by the power of the dead, leading to death, so the gods cannot adapt to the environment between the dead. Then, if the power of the dead is used on ordinary people, that ordinary person will definitely be killed immediately. After all, ordinary people have too many restrictions, and things are not so resolved.

This matter is of course difficult. Otherwise, Tang Ye wouldn't have to find professionals like Shikui for research, and just hand it over to Shenji Technology for integration. Shenji Technology provides weapons and props. If you can integrate your power, you can do it in one step, which can save a lot of trouble.

Tang Ye knew Ziekui’s worries and said, “The outside world is not between the dead, and the life-swallowing damage caused by the power of the dead when the dead is between the dead cannot be counted outside. In the outside world, there are other various forces, among them There is a vital force that is contrary to the power of the dead. It can be said that the power of the dead is outside, and is checked and balanced by these forces. Compared with the dead, the power is reduced by half. Otherwise, I can use the dead power here to be like the dead. If the gap is so strong, there was no need for anyone else to take action when facing the descending gods. And those of the Pluto clan, because the power of the dead is weakened, will still lose a lot when facing the gods. Therefore, they are checking and balancing. Relationship, the power of the deceased's power has been greatly reduced. You can use a small part to try and research."

"In the face of the puppet corpse, the power of the deceased has only one point, and that is defense. In fact, this defense is just a disguise. That is, it can exude a little breath and make the puppet corpse feel dead. So, The strength of the deceased fusion will not be too much, just a little bit. Just like the same bottle of essence, just spray a little bit, with that little fragrance, let people know the'fragrance'." Tang Ye said to the dead.

The corpse Kui probably understands, this is just to let the deceased's power play a little "disguise" effect, which used to deceive the puppet corpse. In this case, the strength of the dead is very small. Even ordinary people should be able to bear such a small amount. If I can't bear it, I set a little time limit, such as how long I can only wear the power of the dead at most. If it doesn't work anymore, add an extra layer of protection within the strength of the dead. That is to say, there are two layers of power in an item. The outermost power is the power of the dead, used to create the illusion of a dead thing in front of the puppet's corpse. In the power of the dead, there is a layer of power to protect people from the damage caused by the power of the dead.

Since the power of the dead is not much used, there are still many solutions. Shi Kui came up with several solutions directly in his mind. Of course, whether it can be solved, it needs to be tested. These things cannot be known only by guessing.

Shi Kui said to Tang Ye: "Then I will try."

Tang Ye nodded, showing a look of gratitude, and said, "Okay, I'll make it clear to Shenji Technology, and you can go there to experiment."

"No problem." Sai Kui said.

Regardless of the need to integrate the power of the dead, he was very interested and longing for the pure power of the dead that Tang Ye gave him just now. Now that he has the opportunity to come into contact with such power, he will definitely not let it go. The fusion of the power of the dead is only a step he is interested in researching, and of course it is very thoughtful to do. He is full of expectations and eager to try.

Then, Tang Ye gave the dead man's power he extracted from the gap between the dead to the corpse chief. However, the corpse's ability is still limited, because half of the corpse's body is still alive, and part of this living body cannot withstand such a huge force of the dead, so Tang Ye had to take back a part.

Shi Kui still wanted to get such a powerful force of the dead, so pure, he felt that he could improve his strength by a level, but he couldn't bear it and had no choice but to give up. At this moment he still looked very tired and couldn't help but sit down and gasp.

He also looked very depressed, because his limit was so big.

Tang Ye felt that he was too demanding on himself, and said, "Don't worry, since there is a world like the gap between the undead, how much power is needed for such a dead person, and when you improve your body's endurance, I will extract it for you. Come back. Or, I will take you directly to see the dead, provided that you can withstand the environment there."

"Really?" Zoe Kui asked in surprise.

Tang Ye felt that this was not a big deal, and said, "Of course."

"Okay!" Shi Kui no longer felt depressed, and looked forward to it again, and bowed to express his gratitude to Tang Ye, and said, "Thanks to the Lord! No, thank you Tang Sheng!"

Tang Ye smiled awkwardly, so polite. Perhaps this was a performance that completely convinced the corpse Kui. Shi Kui was originally a bit rebellious, enjoying life and death, unless it was something he was interested in, even death could not make him succumb. Therefore, it is an excellent thing to make him obey so thoroughly. Moreover, the potential of the corpse Kui is unlimited, a half-human half-corpse, is the only existence in the world, what kind of realm he will go to in the future, it makes people expect.

The matter of fusing the power of the deceased to the props to defend against the puppet's corpse was left to Shikui and Shenji Technology, and then Tang Ye began to deal with the destiny god. Now he is going to find another person who knows a lot about the destiny god. This point has been revealed a hundred years ago, this person is Bai Fei, a true ancestor of the zombie who slept under the whirlpool of Guimen Gorge a hundred years ago.

Bai Yin appeared when dealing with Emperor Shi Huang, Tang Ye did not have time to find him to find out the situation, the poison of the corpse bothered each of them. Now that the poison of the corpse had a solution slowly, to deal with the destiny god, he went to find Bai Hui.

Bai Xi stood on the cliff of a waterfall in Guimen Gorge, as if he had expected it, waiting for Tang Ye to arrive.

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