My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2619: Scary guy!

Tang Ye turned to look at Hei Ji, silent for a while, not knowing how to answer her. He knew why Hei Ji asked him that way, because he had a powerful chaotic power. And in this world, at present, there are only two people who possess the power of Chaos, that is, he and Hei Ji.

And Hei Ji's chaotic power was not merged by himself like him. Hei Ji's chaotic power was injected into Hei Ji's body by the evil **** in the "God Creation Project" back then. It can be said to be very passive and there are many restrictions.

However, she saw that Tang Ye's incarnation was different. The chaotic power possessed by Tang Ye's incarnation was several times that of hers. Based on this, it shows that the bearing capacity is much stronger than her. Moreover, she saw the battle of Tang Ye's incarnation just now, very freely, unlike her often worried about power consumption and conflict with the divine power of her war **** tribe.

She felt that Tang Ye's avatar was born with chaotic power, so she was very curious about the identity of Tang Ye's avatar.

"Who am I, is that important?" Tang Ye's incarnation was silent for a while, and said to Hei Ji.

Hei Ji hummed: "Of course it is important, because as far as I know, the power of chaos is not the power of this world, and in this world, only you and me have the power of chaos. I am very clear about why I have power of chaos, but For you, I don’t know at all. I’m thinking, will you and I be of the same kind?"

Tang Ye's avatar looked at Hei Ji and said, "What kind of power can't determine whether we are the same kind, but our position can be determined."

"Now Human Race is encountering an apocalyptic crisis, I want to resolve this crisis, and you just took action to prevent this crisis, so our position is the same. In other words, we are the same kind now." Tang Ye incarnate said to Hei Ji.

Hei Ji frowned and stared at Tang Ye and said, "You know what I mean is not this. You just want to know your identity, are you hiding it on purpose? Could it be that, as I guessed, you are the former evil god?!"

"This..." Tang Ye's incarnation was taken aback, but Hei Ji was suspicious of this aspect. Of course he was not a Cthulhu, he thought Hei Ji was obsessed with something, and his tone and attitude were a bit unkind. He originally thought he was a Cthulhu. What a mess of speculation, it's too impossible, the Cthulhu was the person in charge of the "God Creation Project" in the heavens thousands of years ago.

Tang Ye’s incarnation shook his head and smiled at Hei Ji: “I heard that the evil **** was a very mysterious **** in the heavens. His evil is not evil, but weird and mysterious. No one knows him. But for the heavenly world, he’s making a god. 'Plan' is led by him. I am also curious about such a character. But I don't understand, why do you suspect that I am him?"

Hei Ji stared at Tang Ye, frowned, squinted, thought for a moment, and said, "Because you have the power of chaos, and the general knowledge cannot adapt to the power of chaos. All creatures in this world are all affected by the Pangu God Emperor. The chaos power is from the outer sky world, which is different from the original power. Unless it is not in this world, it cannot adapt to the chaos power. And the reason why I can have the chaos power is because the evil **** treated me So, what I know is that the only people who can come into contact with the chaotic power are Cthulhu, except me. The Cthulhu can extract the chaos power to me at the beginning, and it’s okay to adapt to the chaos power. There were so many heavens back then. Most of the gods have been expelled to the chaos space, but the whereabouts of the evil gods are unknown. In the previous incidents of the gods, there was no trace of the evil gods. So now, you are most likely to be the evil god!"

"This..." Tang Ye incarnation listened to Hei Ji's words and felt that her guess was quite reasonable. But he is really not a Cthulhu. He looked at Hei Ji for a long time, but for a moment he couldn't find a good reason to explain, so he said to Hei Ji: "You come with me."

Then Tang Ye turned around and swiftly left, just to the heaven.

Hei Ji was puzzled and didn't know what Tang Ye's incarnation was going to do. But she still wanted to figure this out, so she followed Tang Ye incarnation. When she reached the realm of heaven, she found that Tang Ye's incarnation went to the chaotic stone **** platform. She was even more puzzled. Could this guy have something to do with the Chaos Stone God Platform? Then, maybe it was not the evil god, but another **** who was later transformed by the evil god. However, she had never heard of a second **** who was transformed by the evil **** and could adapt to the power of chaos.

The incarnation of Tang Ye didn't want to explain so much to Hei Ji, and didn't intend to hide it. Now you can't delay the entanglement because of such a little identity. The poison of the corpse is more important. When he arrived at the chaos stone **** platform, when the chaos power level was below, Tang Ye's avatar directly revealed Tang Ye's face, no longer the unknown face.

"You..." Hei Ji was shocked when she saw this, and then furious, she attacked Tang Ye and shouted in a low voice: "You want to lie to me through Tang Ye's identity, huh, Tang Ye is trapped in the Chaos Power Layer. , Can’t break free. Are you here a **** of the destiny god?"

However, Hei Ji did not believe this speculation herself. Because with such a strong chaotic power, he can directly fight against the destiny gods, how can he be manipulated?

But she still felt that the guy in front of her wanted to use Tang Ye's identity to deceive her. At first she felt that Tang Ye was trapped by the Chaos power layer, how could she come out. Secondly, even if Tang Ye came out, how could he have such a powerful chaotic power?

"Listen to me!" Tang Ye's incarnation didn't expect Hei Ji to do it directly, and was speechless. He didn't want to fight Hei Ji, and jumped into the Chaos power layer.

Hei Ji saw that, for a moment, this is all right? She can't get close to the Chaos Power Layer, otherwise she will be attacked. She could not stop such a powerful attack. But she was even more surprised that the incarnation of Tang Ye could enter the Chaos Power Layer freely. What is this skill?

After entering the Chaos Power Layer, Tang Ye's incarnation became dull and dull, as if he had become a robot, no longer free to move.

Then he said: "I am Tang Ye, nor am I. This is an incarnation. I am still trapped in the chaotic power, but I have adapted to the chaotic power and used the chaotic power to condense a clone, which is now you What you see. However, he is controlled by my will and acts according to my will. Therefore, it can also be said that I am Tang Ye."

With that, Tang Ye's incarnation approached the lightning cocoon trapped in the chaotic power, and separated a force of power to contact Tang Ye trapped inside, proving that his words were true.

"You..." Hei Ji was surprised when he saw this. Unexpectedly, there can be such an operation, it is really powerful.

She believed it, it was Tang Ye. She once again marveled at Tang Ye's particularity, what exactly was the operation that created such a terrible guy?

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