My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2608: Realistic God!

On the side of the Red Wall Palace, Emperor Shi Huang obtained the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and he was immediately extremely powerful. Condescending, it is really the posture of looking at the world. The Chuanguo Yuxi was dyed blood red, flying around the Emperor Shi Huang, like a very mysterious magic weapon.

At this time, Emperor Shi Huang was extremely energetic. The look is full of pride and confidence, despising everyone. Originally, Bai Lin was the true ancestor of zombies, he would definitely be jealous, but because of the existence of phoenix blood, he got rid of the blood **** between zombies. Coupled with various abilities, I think he has reached the realm of the true ancestor. The important thing is to break through the **** of blood, so that he doesn't think that he has been a low-level zombie ancestor.

Everyone was confused and desperate when they saw such Emperor Shi Huang. I thought that I was going to kill Emperor Shi Huang twice, but he didn't expect that Emperor Shi Huang was not dead. And the two times they thought they would kill the Emperor Shi Huang, it was because Gu Youque and the others used the strongest power. Now they still can’t kill the Emperor Shi Huang. The Emperor Shi Huang has become stronger again. Then, what else will happen next? Can you deal with Emperor Shi Huang?

Wang Jiuxiao still didn't understand me, why the Chuan Guoyu Seal would return to Emperor Shi Huang, the current Emperor Shi Huang is not the same! He tried to manipulate the luck of the ancient jade seal in order to recall the ancient jade seal. However, Chuan Guo Yu Xi did not respond at all, which made him very painful. As the emperor of the Red Wall, at this time, even the most pressing power and symbol are lost, which is very ridiculous and ironic.

When Emperor Shi Huang saw this, he watched Wang Jiuxiao sneered proudly, and said, "Do you think that the Jade Seal of the State has recognized me? No, I tell you, it is not the case. If the Jade Seal of the State was passed on, I would have recognized the Lord. Killing you all, why waste so much time. In fact, the reason why I can call the Jade Seal of the Kingdom is because of your attack on me. Chaos power, the power of vengeance, the two together, Let me recall the Jade Seal of Chuan Country!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Shi Huang, everyone was shocked. Why is this happening?

Hei Ji's mood was even more complicated at this time. Because after listening to the words of Emperor Shi Huang, she felt that she had been calculated by Emperor Shi Huang. She wanted to use the power of chaos to solve the first emperor, but she never expected that she would be used by the emperor, so that the emperor got the jade seal.

Seeing that everyone was very puzzled, why didn't the Chaos Power and the Demon Power kill him, but instead helped him to retrieve the Jade Seal of the Kingdom of the Kingdom. The First Emperor was even more proud, probably because he thought he was very clever and calculated everyone. He said to everyone: "You are very confused, are you? But, I am not going to tell you, hahaha..."

Everyone was very angry and unwilling to see that Emperor First Emperor was so rampant, but there was no way. Now they don't know how to deal with Emperor Shi Huang. They have used the strongest power just now, and now there is no better power.

"That's because the attack of the chaotic power and the demon power made you lose the characteristics of a zombie in a short time. You are like the former emperor, so the Jade Seal of the Kingdom will be called by you to recognize the master You." At this moment, a resolute voice came from the front.

Emperor Shi Huang's originally proud expression immediately changed a little, and he looked gloomily in the direction of his words. He doesn't like being obstructed, and the speaker is just talking about what he did just now. It is probably not a simple character who can see and understand this.

The others were surprised when they heard this resolute voice, and they all looked over there. Then I saw a man wearing simple clothes and a cloak. He looks like a warrior, his hair is tied, and he has a retro taste.

No one has seen him and doesn't know his identity, but he is actually the incarnation of Chaos condensed by Tang Ye with chaotic power. Since his real body wants to absorb the chaotic power in the chaotic power layer to break through, then he can't let others know. Therefore, the incarnation of Chaos changed to another appearance.

Everyone didn't know Tang Ye at this time, and they were very confused about him. Although everyone didn't quite understand what he said just now, they barely knew what was going on with Emperor Shi Huang. To understand a little bit, I guessed that the chaotic power destroyed the phoenix blood in a short time, and then the demon power restrained the zombie characteristics, so the First Emperor seemed to be deprived of the ability to be a zombie. But he did not die, so it was as if he had become a human being. Under this circumstance, when the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was summoned, it was thought that the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was the former emperor, and he responded to the call.

It can be said that the first emperor used the power of chaos and the damage to him to deceive the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom and let the power of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom be his.

This is where he is very smart. It was originally very dangerous for him to let the power of chaos and the power of Fumo attack, but, as the wealth and wealth insurance asked for, a bet, a bet, won, and the reward is huge.

If the bet is won, there is nothing to worry about next. With the Chuanguo Yuxi, whether it is to deal with people like Ma Chumo and the others, or to use it as a means to activate the poison of the corpse, then the last thing is needed is to wait for the five ghosts to come back and extract the strongest corpse. Poison is fine.

However, a mysterious person appeared now, making him very upset. Since he can see through his methods, there might be some threats. He can't allow his plan to fail. He stared at Tang Ye's chaotic incarnation, coldly snorted: "Where did you come from, do you want to stop me?"

Tang Ye's incarnation was actually acting like Tang Ye himself, it was Tang Ye's will. He looked at Emperor Shi Huang with no expression, and said: "Since I am here, I naturally want to stop you, otherwise I will come to the show?"

"You..." A rebellious person! Emperor Shi Huang was very angry at Tang Youque, and shouted, "Can you stop it?"

"Is it possible to stop it? Then I'll know if I can't stop it? Even if I can't stop it, shouldn't I do it?" Tang Ye's incarnation coldly snorted to Emperor Shi Huang.

Emperor Shi Huang smiled sarcastically, and said, "Stupid, your appearance is just to kill one more life. If you want to do this, then I will fulfill you!"

"That's not necessarily. If you want to kill someone, you didn't kill any of the people who dealt with you just now." Tang Ye's incarnation also laughed ironically.

"Damn you!" Emperor Shi Huang felt that Tang Ye's incarnation was too irritating, and he dared to stimulate him like this. He furiously said to Tang Ye's incarnation: "If this is the case, I will perfect you first. Let you see, how terrifying the emperor possesses the Jade Seal of the Kingdom!"


Emperor Shi Huang launched an attack on Tang Ye's incarnation. He drew a low voice, without seeing other unnecessary movements, he saw a blood-colored dragon flying out of the jade seal that was dyed red. This dragon was different from the ordinary dragon, with three horns. Even more hideous. It is not so much a dragon, as it is a monster similar to a dragon.

That kind of power is very terrifying, much stronger than the first emperor just issued, and it makes people feel like a god!

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