My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2605: Can't it be done now?

First, the chaotic power of Heiji invaded and destroyed the body of Emperor First Emperor, and then there were two Xeon Abusers, and two Xeon Zombies. One of them was the true ancestor of the zombie. This power could not kill Emperor First Emperor. If that is the case, it would be better to say that the power of the First Emperor has surpassed the level of the true god!

Everyone felt that this time the Emperor Shi Huang could be eliminated. This breath can really relax, right?

However, at this time, the palace where the ancient jade seal was placed suddenly saw a glare of golden light, attracting everyone's attention.

"Could it be...?" As the emperor of the Red Wall Palace, Wang Jiuxiao was the first person to control and supervise the jade seal of the ancient country, and he felt most sincere about the jade seal. He was very surprised. He did not control the ancient jade seal, and the ancient jade seal would not be so easy to control, so why did the ancient jade seal move?

He wanted to know which piece of ancient jade seal was moved.

His guess may be very bad. He was worried that the oldest piece of jade seal, that is, the "Chuan Guo Jade Seal", was changing. The change was due to the influence of Emperor Shi Huang.

Because the Jade Seal was forged by the first emperor, when the original emperor was the first emperor, he thought that the Qin dynasty could last forever and forever. At the beginning, without seeking longevity, he wanted to let his descendants inherit by hereditary method. The throne continues the Qin Dynasty. And the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, as a recognized thing, the king has the right to let his descendants have the jade seal of the Kingdom, just like his will, which is recognized by everyone and avoids rebellion.

Therefore, if it is really necessary to divide, the first emperor is the master of the Jade Seal.

What Wang Jiuxiao was worried about was that until now, Chuanguo Yuxi still recognizes the First Emperor, so that only the First Emperor can use its power. This speculation is also related to the power of passing the country's jade seal in the past. Because in the past, no one could use the power of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom. In the face of the crisis of the world, the emperors of the past wanted to use the power of the jade seal, and never once could use the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom. The emperors in the past believed that the power to pass on the jade seal of the country was too strong. After all, it was the original jade seal, so they cannot be used by later emperors.

But just before, when Wang Jiuxiao knew that Emperor Shi Huang was still alive, he had new speculations about the reason why he could not use the Qiyun power of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, that is, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom still recognized the First Emperor. The great emperor, because the first emperor is not dead!

Wang Jiuxiao prayed in his heart that at this time, the jade seal of the ancient country must not be the same as the jade seal of the ancient country. Because if the country’s jade seal is passed on, it is likely to be led by Emperor Shi Huang. Then, the power to pass on the jade seal of the country is to move for the First Emperor. In this case, the First Emperor would have the power to pass on the jade seal of the country. In this way, I am afraid that no one can deal with Emperor Shi Huang. Because the power of luck in the Jade Seal of the Kingdom was enough to bring the strength of Emperor Shi Huang to a higher level.

The eternal emperor, the zombie under the blood of the true ancestor, the blood of the undead phoenix, the jade seal of the first generation, and the destiny **** behind him, Wang Jiuxiao really didn't know how to deal with such a character.


At this time, from the palace where the jade seal of the ancient country was placed, golden light suddenly appeared, rising to the sky, and then a shabby jade appeared, spinning in the golden light. This jade seal looked vicissitudes of life, like an old dark green jade stone, even broken in some places. However, it is the oldest jade seal of the ancient country, the jade seal of the first emperor at the time!

After the vicissitudes of life, the vicissitudes of old Chuanguo Yuxi, suddenly fell off from the outside, and then the Chuanguo Yuxi became pure and flawless, as if it were the most beautiful and best jade, which could not be cultivated by the gods in the sky.

Such jade is really fascinating.

"He's Bi..." Wang Jiuxiao muttered softly as he looked at this jade seal. As the emperor of the Red Wall, how much I want to be recognized by this jade seal.

Because that is the jade seal made by He's Bi forging, He's Bi is invaluable, no, even priceless. In the Warring States period before the Qin Dynasty, this perfect jade was robbed by countless people, even among the emperors. For a while, this jade disappeared. But later, it was acquired by Emperor Shi Huang. Knowing its preciousness, Emperor Shi Huang forged it into a Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

At this time, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom revolving in the golden light, you can see that there are eight characters from the Qin Dynasty carved on it, "Destined to heaven, and to eternal prosperity".

This is where the will of the first emperor lies.


Then, the light from the Jade Seal of Chuanguo shrouded in the position of Emperor Shi Huang. After the transmission of the jade seal of the country, Emperor Shi Huang stopped crying.

"No..." Wang Jiuxiao couldn't help being blank about this kind of thing, as well as some feeling of myocardial infarction. Is this really what is afraid of? He really couldn't accept it. Could it be said that the jade seal of the country really recognized the Lord Shi Huang, and this time he came out to help the Shi Huang?

How can you do this! The First Emperor is no longer the emperor that has unified all nations. He is now a blood-sucking monster who wants to destroy all creatures. With this kind of existence, how can the Jade Seal of the Kingdom still recognize him? !

"Hahaha..." However, at this time, Emperor Shi Huang laughed arrogantly, extremely happy.


Then, Emperor Shi Huang emitted a golden light with blood-colored power, which spread out three hundred and sixty degrees, attacking Gu Youque, Ma Chumo, Ying Yinman, and Bai Yan who had attacked him, and resolved the four to Attack of the strong.

The Jade Seal of Chuanguo fell and was caught by Emperor Shi Huang.

After Emperor Shi Huang caught the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, the original sacred jade seal of Chuanguo was affected by the violent atmosphere of Emperor Shihuang, and slowly dyed a layer of red. The pure and flawless jade seal of the country has become a bit evil and hideous, and it has become an evil thing.

"Is this destined to kill us?" Upon seeing this scene, Wang Jiuxiao's heart was complicated and unspeakable, anger and despair, unwillingness and doubt, sadness and helplessness, and so on. He didn't understand that the ancient jade seal, which had been well-preserved in the Red Wall Palace for thousands of years, hadn't helped them fight against the evil people, but saved the evil existence. This is really unfair!

When other people saw this situation, they were also very confused, and then slowly became desperate. This kind of blow is really terrible. The ancient jade seal was considered by them to be the most holy, and as their last guardian force, but at this time, it actually opposed them!

Seeing the expressions of the people, Emperor Shi Huang laughed, arrogantly, and said, "Looking at how you look like, you probably know that you are bound to be defeated by me?"

"Humph, more than two thousand years ago, I could destroy the six kingdoms and unify the world. Now, will I not be able to do it?" The First Emperor snorted coldly, despising everyone, completely domineering.

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