My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2597: Immortal!

The blood coffin is terrifying. First there are so many vicious blood bats, and then there are ground meat attacks. Who can stand it?

This is Bai Xi's terrifying secret technique-strangling the blood coffin.

As the true ancestor of zombies, how could Bai Fei not have any great skills. Just like the emperor Shi Huang possessed the secret skills of powerful tyrants, such as "guillotine" and "dividing the corpse," this strangulation of the blood coffin was a horrible move.

Being dragged into the blood coffin of strangulation, it must be impossible to survive, because people have been strangled to pieces of meat. There is no problem with this trick against anyone, even the true god. After all, the power of the white ferocious is close to the true god, coupled with the particularity of zombies, it can naturally achieve this point.

At this time, Emperor Shi Huang was strangled and divided, and he remained motionless. It seemed that people felt that he must have been wiped out. This made everyone very happy that the terrible enemy of Emperor Shi Huang was wiped out! Although they were surprised that Bai Xi might be the true ancestor of the zombie, since they were not their enemy and helped them eliminate the First Emperor, there is no need to worry. It is a good thing to have a strong friendly army on your side!

However, others felt relieved, but Ying Yinman, Gu Youque, Ma Chumo, and even Bai Xi did not breathe a sigh of relief. They still looked solemn, staring at the dismembered Emperor Shi Huang. The body is still very alert.

They vaguely felt that even though Emperor Shi Huang was dismembered, he had not died yet. It is not that easy to kill a zombie, let alone Emperor Shi Huang. Using the Secret Technique of Fu Mo, also beat the body so that it cannot regenerate. Because zombies have no souls, it is impossible to judge by souls. To kill zombies, one is to deplete their zombie blood, and the other is to completely destroy their bodies. Now that Emperor Shi Huang was strangled, the corpses on the ground were still alive. The blood was not lost, and the body was not dried up and burned. This may regenerate, just like the white cat was cut off and reborn.

Therefore, we must take advantage of this time to attack and completely kill the Emperor Shi Huang!

Ma Chumo and Gu Youque knew this very well, so they immediately attacked. Gu Youque once again launched a wild dragon burning attack, and Ma Chumo once again launched a nine-character mantra of the dragon attack. Their secret skills can't be used all the time, they are all limited by power. I have used it once, but now I use it again, which is somewhat reluctant. If it is used later, it will be very laborious, and the power will not be so strong.

However, now is a good opportunity to kill the First Emperor, so they still used it. In the case of Emperor Shi Huang's body being dismembered, he can be beaten directly. Of course, he must be beaten. If Emperor Shi Huang can resist, the fight will probably fail.

The Wild Dragon Longyin came out with terrible flames, and then sprayed flames at the broken corpse of Emperor Shi Huang, and burned with flames to exterminate Emperor Shi Huang's zombie blood and destroy his body. The Golden Light Dragon from the Nine-Character Mantra also uses the holy dragon's breath, like the golden light flames, to spray the corpse of the First Emperor.

Suddenly, two giant dragons, each with supernatural power, one on the left and the other on the right, used the greatest strength to attack the First Emperor.

There was no movement from Emperor Shi Huang, and he could smell a little burnt and rancid smell. This is the body of Emperor Shi Huang being destroyed. Although it was slower, it worked.

Seeing this situation, everyone was more relieved. The two strongest abusive masters, combined with the power of the true ancestor of the zombie, killed the First Emperor, should it be reasonable? So, this time, Emperor Shi Huang should have been wiped out.

However, after the attacks of Gu Youque and Ma Chumo were over, everyone was shocked when they looked at the body of Emperor Shi Huang!

They saw that the corpse of Emperor Shi Huang was still the same as before, the blood was not dried up, and the corpse was not destroyed by burning!

"What is going on?" Everyone was puzzled. Couldn't the two strongest Fumoshi destroy the body of Emperor Shi Huang?

Gu Youque and Ma Chumo frowned greatly. Emperor Shi Huang was too powerful, how could this be?

"Be careful!" Bai Xi let out a low voice, reminding Gu Youque and Ma Chumo.


Then I saw that in the broken body of Emperor Shi Huang, the bright red blood that was not dry suddenly seemed to be conscious, forming two sharp thorns, quickly attacking Xiang Gu Youque and Ma Chumo.

Thanks to Bai Xi's reminder, Gu Youque and Ma Chumo avoided such scarlet thorns. However, Scarlet Thorn did not stop. Although they could not attack Gu Youque and Ma Chumo, the people behind could not avoid it. The scarlet thorn hit a red wall court soldier behind. The soldier cried out in pain, and then saw that his blood was immediately sucked, and soon turned into a shriveled corpse from which the blood had been drained.

After absorbing the blood of the soldiers of the Red Wall, the sharp thorn became obviously bigger, and then quickly returned to the corpse of Emperor Shi Huang, and then the blood-colored sharp thorn burst open, letting out a large amount of blood and showering it on the Emperor Shi Huang. On the corpse. Then I saw that the broken corpses of Emperor Shi Huang and the blood that hadn't dried up began to move.

The blood flowed, connected to the broken corpses, and then the corpses moved quickly, quickly gathered together, and changed back to the form of a person. That was exactly what the Emperor Shi Huang looked like. At this point, Emperor Shi Huang has recovered as before, as if nothing happened!


Emperor Shi Huang twisted his body, making a sound of bones, as if he had done some warm-up exercises, and then his whole body was relaxed. The Emperor Shi Huang looked at Bai Yin, Gu Youque, and Ma Chumo again, and couldn't help but sneer again and again, and said: "You are very powerful, you almost killed me, but unfortunately, it means you didn't kill me, haha , Sure enough, I am immortal!"

"You are really a monster!" Ying Yinman drank lowly about the situation of Emperor Shi Huang. This can't kill, what terrible power is it? Just now, Ying Yinman thought that the First Emperor was going to be killed, so she felt that she was transformed by the First Emperor, and she should die with it. She felt that things could finally be broken, and even if she died, she was relieved. At that moment, she really looked away and let go of everything. But now, Emperor Shi Huang has come back to life again, not dead!

This makes her very angry, why are things endless?

However, she is not so obsessed now, which is a good thing. Regardless of the outcome, she felt that she had to deal with Emperor Shi Huang, because Emperor Shi Huang was indeed a monster. If he was not dealt with, the people of the world would suffer.

"How did you do it?" Bai Yan asked the Emperor Shi Huang aloud. This means that he fully recognized the power of the First Emperor. In the previous words, he still felt that he could deal with it, thinking that Emperor Shi Huang was his next level of zombie. But now it seems that no, the First Emperor is too terrifying.

Emperor Shi Huang laughed at Bai Yin, and said, "Do you want to know? I can tell you, because even if you tell you, you can't help me. Do you think you are the true ancestor of zombies, you have transformed me into a zombie? People, why can't I be desperate? Haha..."

"You didn't tell me the reason." Bai Xi didn't want to talk nonsense.

Emperor Shi Huang felt that Bai Xi was very boring, so he snorted coldly and said, "Because my zombie blood is not yours anymore, it's - Phoenix blood! The blood of the undead Phoenix, so I am truly immortal!

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