My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2589: The Army of the Great!

At this time, Emperor Shi Huang was very angry and violent, and even his biological daughter treated himself that way, making him feel that everyone in the world opposed him. If this is the case, the world can't tolerate oneself, then oneself is the enemy of the whole world!

This is also the spirit of an eternal emperor. Once ruled this world, now it is against the whole world. A world can be established or destroyed. Who can stop the power of the emperor?

"If you want to stop me, then you have to die!" The Emperor Shi Huang shouted in a low voice, not only talking about Yingyinman, but also for everyone present.

Everyone clearly felt the anger and hostility of Emperor First Emperor, this is about to fight. So everyone immediately prepared for the battle, and their whole bodies were on guard. The power of Emperor Shi Huang has been seen just now. Even if Wang Jiuxiao used the most powerful king's power, he couldn't stop it. Then, unless they join forces, it is impossible to stop Emperor Shi Huang. What can be counted on is Ma Chumo, Gu Youque, Ying Yinman and Bai Yingle.

Gu Youku was originally Tang Sheng's disciple, who had great accomplishments in studying the secret technique of demonization, and was currently the strongest demon master in the Red Wall court. Ma Chumo is the patriarch of the Ma family. Although the title of the strongest Fumo master was taken by Gu Youque, her strength may not be worse than that of Gu. Together, these two people may be able to deal with the evil zombie Emperor Shi Huang.

As for Ying Yinman and Bai Yan. Everyone already knows that Ying Yinman is the daughter of Emperor Shi Huang, and Ying Yinman may also be a zombie. In this case, it depends on the zombie bloodline power between them. However, depending on the situation, Emperor Shi Huang's aura was violent and brutal, while Ying Yinman was much more restrained and gentle. I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to be his opponent. As for Bai Xi, he didn't say anything, and everyone didn't know what it was like. However, since it was followed by Ying Yinman, it must not be too bad.

In this case, Gu Youque and Ma Chumo, as well as Bai Yan and Ying Yinman, the four together, should be able to stop the Emperor Shi Huang and protect the ancient jade seal. Moreover, other masters from the Red Wall Palace are also coming, and there are other masters who are unwilling to enter the Red Wall Court and want to stay free. Just like facing the coming of the gods, in addition to the people of the Red Wall Palace, there are also many other spontaneous masters who cope with it together!

Facing the united forces of Wang Jiuxiao and the others, Emperor Shi Huang smiled ironically and dismissed it. For him, absolute power, there is no hard work that will win. He was not so arrogant just because he became a zombie and gained powerful power. In the past, he had experienced too many things when he established the Qin Dynasty. As the emperor of the ages, and not the nouveau riche, he has an excellent foundation.

"What if you have more people? I can be worthy of thousands of people!" The First Emperor sneered to everyone, and then both hands exerted force at the same time, condensing a bright red power ball, rotating between the two palms .

Then, as soon as Emperor Shi Huang opened his hands, the bright red power ball was pulled apart to form a square area. Then, this area seemed to have become a door, opening a space.

"Let you see how powerful the'Army of the Great Emperor' is!" Emperor Shi Huang shouted in a low voice.

Whoops! Hiss!

Then I saw that the blood gate opened by Emperor Shi Huang with his bright red power, there was a sound like a thousand horses neighing, iron hoofs smashing through the ground, and rushing vigorously. Soon I saw that from the bright red power gate, a **** war horse galloped out, and there was a soldier on the war horse. The horses and soldiers were all wearing armors made of iron, but they were only dyed red at this time.

This is a well-equipped cavalry. And then, from the bright red gate, such mighty and majestic cavalry continued to rush out. One after another, stepping in the air, lined up in the air. Before long, it was like an army running rampant in the sky, **** and overwhelming, despising the entire earth. Who is an opponent?

This is the "Army of the Great Emperor" played by Emperor Shi Huang under the power of zombies. They are all terrifying mysteries, as expected, they are like the skills and abilities that eternal emperors would have, sitting on the strength of thousands of troops.

Everyone looked up at the **** sky in the sky, like an army with thousands of horses, and felt that their heads were blank. They had this feeling when the gods fully descended that day. And when the gods come, they are made up of tangible gods one after another. But now, Emperor Shi Huang has released such an army by himself to oppress the earth.

"With the emperor...I really have a big gap, I'm afraid I can't deal with it..." Even Wang Jiuxiao had to feel it. He is the current emperor of the Red Wall. In other words, he can also be said to be an emperor, but he is far different from Emperor Shi Huang.

Ying Yinman and Bai Yan looked up at the **** army of the Great Emperor in Midair. Although they were also shocked by such power, they were not afraid. They are also powerful zombies, knowing that the "Army of the Great Emperor" is actually nothing more than the First Emperor as a zombie, coupled with the force of luck. Those are all illusions, but this illusion has real power and can kill people. Ying Yinman and Bai Yin knew that the real fear of this "Army of the Great" was the power under the violence of the zombie, that is, why it appeared bloody. The iron hoof cavalry that every illusion turned into had a strong violent force, extremely cruel, and feared that they would kill more.

Hiss! Hiss!

Emperor Shi Huang let the blood-colored iron hoof cavalry rush down and began to attack. He didn't want to waste so much time. He captured the ancient jade seal earlier, controlled the force of air transport that enveloped the world, and then gathered the zombie blood and the power of the corpse into it, and then penetrated into the sky, spreading all at once, forming a whole piece of coverage. Poison of the earth's corpse. When the poison of the corpse spreads all over the earth, all living creatures will become walking corpses, and the creation of the corpse world is completed.

In this, it needs extremely strong power of the corpse, zombie blood, and luck.

The power of the corpse, now that Emperor Shi Huang has created five ghosts, the five ghosts are now the corpses. They go to kill and accumulate more terrifying corpse power, and then he will kill the five corpses and merge them together. It became a terrifying power of the corpse.

Then, he only needs to seize the ancient jade seal, not all of it, just pass the jade seal of the ancient country. Zombie blood, he owns zombie blood. For this reason, what he has to do now is to capture the Chuanguo Yuxi anyway.

"All challenge!" Faced with the "Army of the Great Emperor" launched by Emperor Shi Huang, Wang Jiuxiao raised the Sword of the Emperor of King Power and shouted loudly, letting everyone fight with all their strength.

Gu Youque and Ma Chumo each looked at each other. Facing the violent power of the corpse, it was time for them to come into play.

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