My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2583: Sudden disaster!

Zombies are familiar to people, but they are very strange to actually encounter them. Because there are so many rumors about zombies, everyone has heard of it. However, in reality, no zombies have ever appeared. Even Murong Huansha, who is a zombie, acts as a "witch" in the ten mysteries. Now listening to Ma Chumo's heavy mention of zombies, Wang Jiuxiao and Gu Youque are both surprised.

"You mean zombies?" Gu Youque looked at Ma Chumo solemnly. Zombies can be said to be the strongest evil creatures, immortal and indestructible, and they feed on blood. Ambushers believe that their existence means dead people. At the same time, it is too difficult to eliminate them. Even simple zombies require a strong power to deal with.

On the way of the Volunteer, in the manuscripts left by the ancestors, only the ancestors encountered zombies at that time, and no zombies appeared in later generations. Now, there are zombies. Although it is acceptable, it is like adapting to the situation, the world has changed dramatically, and the powerful existence hidden in the past has appeared, but in view of the power and special nature of zombies, Gu Youwei still feels very amazing.

If it is really a zombie, then there is no doubt that this will be a very serious matter.

Wang Jiuxiao also knew about the existence of zombies. He knew that things weren't that simple, but he didn't expect it to be such evil things as zombies.

"How do you determine that it is a zombie?" Wang Jiuxiao asked Ma Chumo.

Ma Chumo said: "The elders of my clan were killed that day. Although the corpse was destroyed by that terrible hostility, I took it back and studied it carefully, and I also learned something. I performed the spiritual spells mentioned earlier and discovered The soul of the elder has been locked by a mysterious spell. It must be a very strong feminine power to lock the soul of a demon master like the elder. The scar left on the neck of the elder, I have found that it is very terrible Corpse Qi. In other words, it was the corpse that killed the elder."

"The corpse?" Gu Youque frowned. According to this, it might indeed be a zombie. Because when it comes to corpses, nothing is stronger than zombies.

Ma Chumo explained, taking out a golden bead from his arms, and said: "Actually, if I say that I am sure that it is the evidence of the zombie, it is because of this dragon ball. Our ancestors of the Ma clan have been conquered. The dragon is used by the family. Although more than one dragon has been bred between heaven and earth over the past few thousand years, there is even the soul of the dragon ancestor. However, the dragon used by my Ma family has its own particularity because it is accompanied by The birth of the phoenix is ​​the true dragon of the dragon and the phoenix. The dragon was willing to provide power for my Ma clan and turned into a dragon ball. So far, with the dragon ball sheltering, my Ma clan uses nine-character mantras more powerful than any other Volunteers are strong, even zombies can be killed."

"Originally, the dragon ball was sealed for thousands of years, but when I brought back the elder’s body for inspection, the sealed dragon ball flew out from the ancestor’s spirit card and reacted violently to the elder’s corpse. This is precisely because the dragon ball felt the breath of zombies. So, the murder of the Vortex must have nothing to do with the zombies." Ma Chumo said firmly.

Since the dragons of the Ma family had all reacted, Gu Youque and Wang Jiuxiao had nothing to doubt. In this way, things are really serious, and I didn't expect terrible zombies to appear.

"In addition, there is one thing, I am afraid that is more worthy of our worry." At this time, Ma Chumo said with a more worried expression.

Wang Jiuxiao and Gu Youque both looked at her suspiciously and expressed their doubts.

Ma Chumo took a deep breath, and then said: "If the murderer who killed the Demon Master is a zombie, I think it may be related to Emperor Shi Huang. Because Emperor Shi Huang may be a zombie."

"What?" Wang Jiuxiao and Gu Youque were both shocked by this incident. Wang Jiuxiao was dumbfounded, and then said, "The First Emperor... You mean, the First Emperor of the First Emperor?"

"Yes." Ma Chumo nodded.

"Why..." Wang Jiuxiao didn't understand. How could Emperor Shi Huang be a zombie?

Regarding the fact that Emperor Shi Huang might be a zombie, Ma Chumo also knew something from the handwritten notes left by his ancestors. And what gave her this guess was that a mysterious woman had asked her about the Ma family ancestor who chased and killed the Emperor Shi Huang. At that time, Ma Chumo was shocked when he heard these questions. When I wanted to come to my ancestors, there were very terrible facts. As for the mysterious woman who asked these things, it was Ying Yinman. Although Ying Yinman hides his identity, Ma Chumo can still see one or two things, one of which is the breath of the strong emperor's bloodline owned by Ying Yinman.

There are currently only three people with kingship, Wang Jiuxiao, Long Qing, and Ying Yinman. Ying Yinman appeared earlier, and a huge silver kingship giant sword appeared in the sky. People who paid a little attention knew her existence, Ma Chumo naturally knew. The blood of the strongest emperor is actually the blood of the first emperor. The bloodline of Emperor Shi Huang asked the Emperor Shi Huang to be hunted down by the ancestors of the Fumo Master, and related to the fact that the Fumo Master was killed by the zombies, Ma Chumo presumed that the Emperor Shi Huang might be the one who killed Fumo Division of bloodthirsty zombies.

Ma Chumo told Wang Jiuxiao and Gu Youque this information.

All three of them were silent. If it is really the First Emperor, and the First Emperor is really a zombie, then this sudden arrival is really a huge blow to them. Just solved the matter of the gods coming, and the zombie emperor appeared thousands of years ago. What kind of disaster should this be?

The atmosphere became heavy, and in addition to the suddenness of things, the identity of the enemy was really amazing. At this time they all hope that this is not true. When Ying Yinman, the third kingly authority, appeared, they were very afraid. What now appears is the First Emperor, the first emperor on this land, and a zombie. Such power is probably even more powerful than the ancient gods.

For such a thing, Wang Jiuxiao didn't know what to do for a while. He is the emperor of the Red Wall, yes, but in the face of Emperor Shi Huang, how should he compare?

"This is just my guess, and it may not be true." Ma Chumo felt that such a thing was too scary, and said in a calming atmosphere.

Wang Jiuxiao hopes so too, but when he is optimistic, he must also prepare for the worst. He said: "Continue to investigate and see if this is a zombie and whether it is Emperor Shi Huang. Today, we will get a result. . Then no matter what the result is, we must make a countermeasure."

"Yes!" Gu Youque and Ma Chumo nodded, and then the two left the red wall court to investigate the zombie and Emperor Shi Huang.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, Ma Chumo no longer has any disobedient thoughts, and is very united with Gu Youque, exerting their respective strengths to deal with the terrible enemies they encounter now.

At this time, Ma Chumo once again met Ying Yinman who came to ask her about the Ma family ancestors.

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