My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2572: Become the emperor!

After Emperor Shi Huang turned into a blood-sucking monster, his weird behavior was gradually noticed by abusive demons. Even if he is the emperor, in the eyes of Fumoshi, he is also a demon and evil thing, so he must be eliminated. At that time, there was a very powerful family of Fumushi, who subdued the dragon and used it for its family. The power of the dragon can kill the powerful monsters. Coupled with the nine-character mantra spell, even zombies can be killed. So even if Emperor Shi Huang was an extremely powerful zombie, he was still afraid.

Fu Mo Shi pursued and killed Emperor Shi Huang, and then Emperor Shi Huang disappeared. It is said that he was killed by Fu Mo Shi, but according to the records in Fu Mo Shi's handbook, this matter was not accurately mentioned. Therefore, no one can be sure whether the First Emperor died or not.

Ying Yinman believed that Emperor Shi Huang was not dead, and she also believed that it was Emperor Shi Huang who turned her into a zombie. For this reason, she felt that if she wanted to understand the past, she had to find Emperor Shi Huang and kill him. In this case, she might die. Because she thinks she inherited the zombie bloodline of Emperor Shi Huang. But it doesn't matter, death has never been a thing to fear for her. On the contrary, it would be better to say that she felt it was relief, and she wanted to be relieved very early.

In the previous battle between the human race and the gods, Ying Yinman, as a powerful zombie, and the power of luck with the blood of the strongest king, can play a huge role. However, in the Tiangong battle, she was not seen. Maybe she really doesn't care about these things, even if the end of the world does not matter. In fact, this is not the case, she also contributes. Because during the Tiangong battle, other places were also dispatched by gods, such as the Red Wall Palace in Kyoto. There, they were also attacked by several gods, who wanted to seize the jade seal of the ancient country, and they were dealt with by the goalkeeper of the Tang family led by Long Qing.

Among the gods they were dealing with, there was another ancient god!

Under the circumstances at the time, how powerful the ancient gods were for them, needless to say, it should be that these god-level figures of them simply couldn't deal with it. Even if Long Qing is the Dragon family, and Tang Sheng's aura is protected, but after all, it is the realm of the gods, and there is no way to overthrow the ancient gods. To this end, he brought three powerful characters from a hundred years ago, the moon **** Gu Luoxue, the music fan Xing Ji, and the heroine Li Fuping to fight together. Even so, the four of them are still hard to beat an ancient god, not to mention a few gods.

At that time, the Red Wall Palace was about to fall, and the ancient jade seal was about to be taken away. This is a very serious matter. If the jade seal of the ancient country is taken away, then the cohesive luck of the human race will be greatly weakened, and it will have a huge impact on the battle on the Tiangong side. As the king of the human race, Wang Jiuxiao, the emperor of the earth, will suddenly weaken the power of luck, which will have a fatal blow to the morale of the human race. At the critical moment, Ying Yinman appeared.

Ying Yinman, as the person with the strongest king’s blood and fortune, is also an extremely powerful zombie. Both of these points are recognized by the fortune. So after she appeared, she was directly recognized by the ancient jade seal, and the ancient jade seal was able to unleash the cohesion of the dynasties. The power of luck, relying on this power, is equivalent to the power of the Pangu God Emperor, who severely injured the ancient God in one fell swoop. Then Long Qing, Li Fuping, Xing Ji, Gu Luoxue, and Ying Yinman joined forces again and seized the opportunity to kill the ancient god. After killing the ancient gods, turning around to deal with a few ordinary gods, it suddenly felt very easy and simple. Although a few people cannot easily kill ordinary gods, there is no problem in protecting the ancient jade seal from being taken away by a few ordinary gods.

Therefore, we did not see strong figures such as Long Qing, Moon God Gu Luoxue, Xing Ji, Li Fuping, and Ying Yinman during the Tiangong battle. It does not mean that they did not do anything to deal with the heavens. In fact, there are still many powerful characters who did not appear in the Celestial War, but they have been fighting against the Celestial God. Even many of them have already sacrificed.

In the battle between the human race and the gods, the human race really did their best. The number of unsung heroes who died is still being counted by the Red Wall Court. They will all enter the cemetery of heroic spirits, live forever, and be respected and commemorated by people. Regardless of their status and contribution, they are great heroes.

After Ying Yinman helped protect the jade seal of the ancient country, he later learned that the human race and the gods had won the battle, so he was relieved to find the trace of the first emperor. After all, she also turned into a zombie alone, with the world in her heart, so when people encounter a huge crisis, even if their hearts are dead, they still come out to help. She has also taken lightly on Xu Wuming's killing. Xu Wuming has indeed been guarding her all the time, which is a great kindness to her. She should protect Xu Wuming. However, for Tang Ye and the others, Xu Wuming did too many evil things, and it was only natural for them to kill Xu Wuming. As for her inability to protect Xu Wuming from Tang Ye and Tang Jiujiu's hands, it is that her strength is no longer good, which is no wonder Tang Ye and Tang Jiujiu.

After she handled Xu Wuming's affairs, she encountered the battle between the human race and the gods, and went to protect the ancient jade seal. After the human race won, she didn't care anymore, and went to search for Emperor Shi Huang. She once asked Xu Wuming if Emperor Shi Huang was killed by the Demon Master. Xu Wuming, as the first generation Fumo master, should know these things. However, he told Ying Yinman that he had not participated in the pursuit of the Emperor Shi Huang, so he did not know the specific situation. For this reason, Ying Yinman could only continue to search. She looked for the descendants of the Fumoshi who had hunted down the First Emperor, who was the famous Ma family. She successfully received news about Emperor Shi Huang. Descendants of the Ma clan told her that when their ancestors were on the way to kill the first emperor, they were about to kill the emperor, but suddenly they were blocked by mysterious power and the emperor disappeared.

Although Emperor Shi Huang was protected by the nine-character mantra under the protection of the dragon's power, he should have died, but since the mysterious power saved him, he was not completely sure at the time. Then based on the terrifying ability of the zombie, it is still possible to resurrect. The Ma clan members have been investigating this, but they have not been able to obtain an accurate result.

They told Ying Yinman that the last place for their ancestors to chase down Emperor Shi Huang was Penglai Xiandao. So now, Ying Yinman came to Penglai Fairy Island.

Ying Yinman had already searched Penglai Fairy Island, but found no trace of the First Emperor, but little monsters and little monsters encountered many. Then she just stood on the cliff and wanted to use the power of the sword of kingship to suppress the entire island to conduct a full search, but she did not expect to encounter Bai Fei.

She didn't know Bai Xi's identity, and stared at Bai Xi, ready to fight. Because she knew that Bai Yun was very strong, she didn't know whether Bai Yun was the enemy. And listening to Bai Yan's words, it seems to know her and know what happened to the Qin Dynasty at that time. Could it be that the descendants of Fumoshi came to chase and kill her?

"What is the thing I can't avoid?" Ying Yinman said, staring at Bai Yan.

Bai Xi pointed to the sky and said, "Become the emperor."

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