My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2569: Essentially bad!

In the cultivation system of zombies, the true ancestor is the strongest existence. After all, the words of the zombie ancestors are said to exist, but they have not been confirmed.

Regarding the ancestors of zombies, it is said that there are four, Yinggou, Houqing, Hanyan and Jiangchen. However, these four reported ancestors of zombies have not appeared. Originally, the true ancestor of the zombies was said to be the ancestor, but in the Volunteer's handwritten notes, it is said that the true ancestor of the zombie was promoted from the ancestor of the zombie. The truth is still unknown.

The group of zombies is very special, unlike other cultivators that can continuously make breakthroughs. The level of zombies has a very clear blood inheritance, low-level blood is generally not an opponent of high-level blood, especially the relationship between blood inheritance. If it is a inheritance relationship, the high-level blood is killed, then the low-level blood will also die. Zombies are so special, once they are inherited, they will immediately have powerful power. There is no need to practice breakthrough slowly. Of course, the power of zombies is not limited. On the basis of being very powerful at the beginning, if you acquire other secret skills or abilities, you will become stronger.

Although the level of zombies cannot be crossed by blood, it seems that with the zombie ancestor, the descendants of zombies cannot surpass the zombie ancestor. However, as no one can become a true **** in future generations, there are some special cases. For example, Wang Fuxi, who only appeared after the birth of Human Race. It is reasonable to say that he could not become a true god. However, he was the leader of Human Race. He was at the peak of Human Race in that era. He was blessed by luck and fate, just like Promoted to the true **** by the gift of Pangu God Emperor. There are such examples in zombies, and Bai Xi is one of them. Bai Fei, known as the killing **** in the world, has an astonishing past, broke through the limits of blood, and became a true ancestor.

However, even the power of the true ancestor of the zombies failed to break the power of the Chaos layer. At this time, the white scorpion reunited with flesh and blood from the corpse, looking at the thick layer of chaotic power, felt very embarrassed.

He ignored the words of Destiny God, even if Destiny God knew his identity. By now, the identity has no effect, it is time to get rid of the fate, otherwise no matter how long it exists, it will be nothing but a ridiculous experience. I thought it was true, but in fact it was not what I did. Bai Xi remembers very clearly. When he knew that there was such a destiny god, what happened in the past, whether as a human or as a zombie, had too many tricks and manipulations.

"Bai Fei, you are a slaying **** in the world, killing to the extreme and becoming a god, this is also a special case? You are not a human, you are a god, this is my destiny arranged for you. But you are too disobedient, unexpectedly Become a zombie. After you became a zombie, you disappeared from my destiny trajectory. I thought you were dead, but I did not expect that you became a zombie. Ha... It’s a pity that even if you become a zombie, you can stand me What?" The destiny **** sneered at Bai Yan, as if he had been provoking Bai Yan.

But Bai Yin looked calm, just wanting to save Tang Ye. It's just that the chaotic power layer is really too strong, even if he uses his maximum strength to attack, he can't get close to Tang Ye. Perhaps if you want to save Tang Ye, you really can only let the true **** power out.

"You become a zombie, so you keep hiding, so you won't be controlled by me. This is a good idea for you, but do you see the situation now? You can't escape the palm of my hand!" The words continued to ring in the air.

Bai Gui knew that he could only think of other ways to save Tang Ye, so he looked up in the sky and responded to the provocation of the destiny god, and said: "I am not hiding, but I don't think it is necessary to come out. Between heaven and earth, except the true **** But who else can? You can't. Fate, do you think you can really control everything? No, you can't. Otherwise, why do you have to arrange so many things. Do you think you are playing a game? No, You are not. You just exist in fear, and you want to destroy them. Not only the book from the earth and the book, even a human being, you are also afraid! You are never the strongest, and you are not even strong, You are just an inferior existence that can only hide behind and play small tricks."

"Yes, you are an inferior existence. Because you were born out of an inferior will, and your essence is inferior." Bai Fei's face was expressionless, and he responded to Destiny God.

The voice of the destiny **** stopped, and I don't know whether it was angry or calm when Bai Xi said that. After a long silence, she continued, smiling, "Do you want to agitate me? But, I will no longer be affected by these. Since you want to destroy me so much, let's see who in the end destroys whom. ."

"Do you really think that you are immortal?" Bai Hao sneered again, and said, "Actually, there are many ways to kill you. The use of the fusion of the book of humans and the book from the earth is one, and the same is the killing of the heaven and the earth. Just let the dark demons invade, and you will die too. And our zombie family is actually closely related to the dark demons. In this land, zombies are considered to be displaced from the three realms and six realms, without souls and essences. Existence, in fact, let’s say, we don’t belong to this world at all, so you can’t control us. Therefore, if you want to kill, we can also do it with a group of zombies. If I turn all the creatures in this world into zombies, whether they are puppets Okay, zombies, as long as you inherit the blood of zombies, you can't control it, right?"

"Hmph, don't scare people like this. If you dare to do this, you would have done it a long time ago. You are not a mere alien. Instead, I heard that there is a corpse world outside the vast sky, where is your hometown. However, you are transformed by the creatures of this world, is it so easy to abandon this place?" Destiny God snorted coldly.

What she fused was the emotions and wills of all the creatures of heaven and earth. It could be said that she knew the minds of all creatures, and it was really difficult to frighten her.

"That is the last resort! I won't wait any longer. If you can't get rid of you this time, then I will let this world become a corpse world!" Bai Hao shouted lowly.

"You..." The Destiny God was shocked for a while, because the emotions conveyed by Bai Hao really have this possibility, which is to give up this world and destroy everything.

Bai Hui coldly snorted again: "In fact, the luck of the human race can also kill you. If the luck of the human race becomes pure and united, then it is possible to get rid of the inferior will that gave birth to you. The First Emperor. At the time, why did you manipulate it to make Emperor Shi Huang go astray and make the king of the world an evil monster. It is because the Emperor Shi Huang unified the world, wrote the same text, and the cars were on the same track... You were afraid, so you secretly manipulated and destroyed Qin Dynasty. It’s a pity that I didn’t save it in time, otherwise you should die at that time!”

"Don't deceive yourself, even if I don't take action at that time, do you think that human beings who love disputes can really breed absolute pure luck to kill me? As you said, I am inferior. But don't forget How did I come. I am inferior, which means that human beings are inferior! Because I am a human being..." The destiny **** said, full of irony.

Bai Xi had nothing to say for a while. When Emperor Shi Huang was seeking longevity, fate controlled him to step into the abyss of evil. These are not necessarily the first hands of the destiny gods, and it may indeed be that people have changed their qualities first.

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