My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2543: Jizo Buddha!

Huo Yun and other ancient gods decided to kill Hei Ji and Tang Jiujiu first, and then the ancient gods among several tribes began to take action. Among the power that is coming in all-round way now, there are more than two dozen of the ancient gods. Each tribe has several masters in the realm of ancient gods. There are five tribes of God of War, God of Fire, God of Water, God of Earth, and God of Wind among the tribes of gods in the heavens. The combined strength of the five tribes is not surprising.

Now that they are determined to live and die above the clouds, it can be said that they do have such power. Now several ancient gods began to attack Hei Ji and Tang Jiujiu. It was originally able to deal with two ancient gods at the same time, but one more would not work. As for Tang Jiujiu's words, he had consumed a lot of power when he killed the thousand layers before. At this time, he could still deal with an ancient god, and more words would be very dangerous. Therefore, there were enough ancient **** realm masters on the side of the gods, and he suppressed Hei Ji and Tang Jiujiu at once.

When Wang Jiuxiao and others saw Hei Ji and Tang Jiujiu being besieged by several ancient gods, they naturally wanted to help. However, it was not for them to intervene in the battle of masters in the realm of ancient gods. Only Black Light and Youfeng, and Sava can continue to block the masters of the ancient **** realm. However, they were just three people, and the gods had enough manpower on their side, and they sent three more ancient gods to deal with Black Light.

"Although the strength is insignificant, I hope it can help Miss Tang." Wang Jiuxiao couldn't watch Tang Jiujiu being killed by two ancient gods. Tang Jiujiu and Hei Ji came out to fight. They were together with their human race. save. If it is said that if they do not save, they will retreat and can successfully save their lives, retreating is also an option. But now they are destined to be unable to deal with the gods, even if they don't save Tang Jiujiu, they will be killed by the gods later. That being the case, why not go out and help Tang Jiujiu.

As a result, Wang Jiuxiao, Tang Zisang, Wang Cangcang, Fengzhu Lian, Heilong, Xiaozi and other people with power above the **** level all shot out, shouting and courageous, not afraid of death, because they only have the power of the realm of the gods. To deal with ancient gods one level higher than them. It is a pity that no matter how high-spirited they are and regard death as their home, they cannot reverse the situation. They couldn't impress the masters of the ancient **** realm, but were easily injured by the power of the ancient **** realm.

And Wang Jiuxiao and the others were injured. Others who were weaker than them, although they did not do anything, the gods did not do them, and they were not injured, but they felt that they were completely useless. They have become a decoration and have no effect on the whole situation.

Suddenly, Human Race seemed to be able to declare a failure. They all fell silent, no one was in high spirits, no one thought there was hope. Although they are not afraid of death, all their thoughts are to give up struggling, waiting to be killed by the gods, and then die, and no longer have to worry about these things.

It also seems to be a relief.

After being frightened for a while, everyone wanted to start again, feeling that this was a kind of relief, and no longer had to desperately become stronger, and no longer need to be afraid all day.

Then let death come.

There is nothing more mourning than death. People nowadays, the heart is dead.

No one helped Hei Ji and Tang Jiujiu, Hei Ji and Tang Jiujiu retreated in a row. Hei Ji can last longer, after all, he has the power of Chaos. At the same time, staying between the dead for so long, is also quite mastery in spatial ability. So even if she couldn't deal with the three ancient gods' powers, she could barely hold back. Although the injuries continued to increase, they were not immediately fatal.

But Tang Jiujiu couldn't do it. Tang Jiujiu originally used most of his power when killing the thousand layers, and he was barely able to deal with an ancient god. In the heyday, she can also deal with two ancient gods. It is very difficult to deal with two more now. If you don't pay attention, you will be seriously injured and even threaten your life!

Of course, Hei Ji did not encounter a fatal attack, and it was also related to the decision of Huo Yun and the other ancient gods. They don't plan to kill Hei Ji, so Hei Ji will be hurt and caught constantly at best. Tang Jiujiu was different. They didn't need to keep Tang Jiujiu's life, so the attacks on Tang Jiujiu were very deadly.

At this time, after Tang Jiujiu blocked the attack of the two ancient gods, the fire cloud above felt that things were proceeding too slowly, so he sent a flame power attack on Tang Jiujiu. Huo Yun is the patriarch of the Fire God tribe, good at fire power, and at the level of the ancient gods, so his power is stronger than the two ancient gods who are currently attacking Tang Jiujiu. He pursued and attacked Tang Jiujiu, and Tang Jiujiu would definitely be unable to stop it.

The flame attack from the fire cloud was just a small fireball, but when the fireball fell down, it looked like a thousand catties of meteorite, with a terrifying aura. This kind of fireball hit Tang Jiujiu's head. Tang Jiujiu had just resisted the attack of the two ancient gods. When he was easing, he faced Huoyun's power attack.

However, she could not hold it. If she was hit by this fireball, she would definitely die.

The power of the evil spirit demon branch is very powerful and terrifying, but it has already consumed a lot. When it is used up, it is useless no matter how strong it is.

"This will solve one now." Before the fireball attacked Tang Jiujiu, Huo Yun was confident, thinking that it was enough to kill Tang Jiujiu. It was not a speculation, but a direct conclusion, saying that Tang Jiujiu was bound to die.

The other patriarchs of the ancient gods didn't speak, probably thinking that this was the case.

Tang Jiujiu looked up and saw the fireball smashed down, his expression extremely cold. She knew that she could not deal with such a powerful ancient **** patriarch. She was also unwilling in her heart. If it hadn't been for the use of a lot of power to kill the thousand layers before, and then be consumed by two ancient gods, even if it was Huo Yun, the patriarch of the fire god, she would have nothing to fear. Now, Huo Yun wanted to kill her with that kind of flame ball, and she was even more unwilling.

And will not allow such things to happen. She would not let herself be killed here, otherwise there would be no way to see her mother again. Even if she can't resurrect her mother, she wants to see her again. Before the power of the true god, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the dead will not have reincarnation. And the state of death, that is, soul, still remains somewhere in this world. Only Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can control the space that contains the soul. The soul that has not undergone reincarnation still has memories, so if Tang Jiujiu wants to see her mother's soul again, it is equivalent to seeing her mother again.

This is the obsession in her heart, she will not allow anyone to destroy it.

"You want to kill me, then I will kill you one to bury you!" Tang Jiujiu shouted angrily.

Then, when the fireball was about to hit her head, suddenly, a domineering diamond force rushed out of her body.

"It's ridiculous, what did she just say? She said she would take one of us to the funeral? What a joke, she is now dead, and she can actually say such funny things..." Huo Yun said to Tang Jiujiu Drinking low, disapproving, sneered ironically.

However, when Tang Jiujiu suddenly broke out of a group of diamond power incidents, Feng Zhuo, the patriarch of the Fengshen tribe, was shocked and yelled to Huo Yun: "Be careful!"

Then I saw that Tang Jiujiu's erupted diamond power suddenly caused a golden Buddha statue to form around Tang Jiujiu's body.

"That's...?!" At this time, Tuxing, the patriarch of the Earth God tribe, was also shocked, shouting in a low voice: "That is the power of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

"Wh, what..." Huo Yun panicked at this moment. If it is the power of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it is of the true **** level, and it can kill him!

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