My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2525: Evil Dragon Skill!

How can the ancient gods be so easy to deal with, even if they are not true gods, they have survived for thousands of years. For thousands of years, they certainly did not live idle everyday. At the top level of the heaven and earth, the gods, they also have something they must pursue, and that is, they want to break through to the outside world. In this way, they are also constantly practicing and making breakthroughs.

If the strength is unable to break through, then strengthen the secret skills and comprehend more terrible moves. This is also a way to strengthen yourself.

Tianyu prison, like a web of heaven and earth, the water droplets are tightly connected, flexible but extremely sharp, forming a chain like a chain, horizontally, vertically, woven together, flowing and pulling, expandable, compressible, it is a real world **** Secret technique.

That was the power of the ancient **** realm at work, and it was impossible to break free under the ancient **** realm. This trick is very scary even when dealing with people who are also in the realm of the ancient gods, and it can even kill the ancient gods. Melaleuca used such a powerful move to eliminate Tang Jiujiu.

"You are too arrogant, I don't want to let you live anymore, so you have to die." Melaleuca said to Tang Jiujiu, who was chained in the Tianyu Prison, "You don't have to feel unwilling. Tianyu Prison is the ancient god. It can be dealt with. You were killed by such a secret technique without insulting your power. I gave you a very decent way to die. However, your death will probably be uglier. The rain cell closed that day, and your body Will be cut and shattered. This is probably what you humans say, there is no whole body."

Qianceng said that killing Tang Jiujiu in Tianyu prison was worthy of Tang Jiujiu's strength, but he wanted Tang Jiujiu to die without a whole body. In fact, he wanted Tang Jiujiu to die ugly to vent his heart. Dissatisfaction and anger. No matter how high-sounding, the heart is actually very dark.

Seeing Tang Jiujiu and Tang Zisang both being besieged in Tianyu prison, Wang Jiuxiao on the side was very worried and felt quite powerless. They are already struggling to deal with ordinary gods, and then facing the ancient gods, they really can only be played with. The Human Race is still weaker, and he feels it a pity. It is not that the Human Race is weak and it is definitely not the opponent of the gods. He just lamented that there was not enough time to make people stronger. He felt that if given a few more years, then the human race would definitely be able to arm a powerful force against the gods. There is not enough time now, and he is actually satisfied with the past development. Because in such a short time, the human race has actually become much stronger. At least, he could fight the gods for a while.

It is a pity that the gods have come in all directions, and there are ancient gods, and the human race and the gods are fighting, and the difference in power is too great.

"You want to kill me? Then you kill me and let them go!" Wang Jiuxiao felt helpless, but he couldn't just watch Tang Ye's great-granddaughter Tang Zisang being killed. He regarded Tang Zisang as his own daughter, and watched Tang Zisang grow up since he was a child. The Tang family and the Wang family are close to each other. He wanted him to watch Tang Zisang being killed, and Tang Zisang died to protect him. He felt that he might as well die first, and he would be brave. This is a helpless, but inevitable outcome. As a result, the strongest people are unable to deal with ancient gods, so how can they?

The strongest person...Wang Jiuxiao thought of this and looked into the distance. In fact, the strongest person, he thought, was Tang Ye. The gods are not on their side and never count. But at this time the strongest person on their side did not appear. I was expecting Tang Ye to bring good news, deal with the gods, and save the human race, but it seemed that he couldn't wait.

Maybe I just can't wait. Wang Jiuxiao thought so. He believed that Tang Ye must be trying to find a way to save the human race at this time, but he has not found it yet. But one day they will find it, he believes. He may not be able to wait, but there are others. That's it. Keep the hope of the human race and continue the human race. This is the big thing. As for his life, it doesn't matter.

"Do you think your life is very valuable?" However, Lasagna said dismissively to Wang Jiuxiao. He ridiculed Wang Jiuxiao, and then said: "Actually, killing you, thinking that you would destroy the human king, is actually fooled for me. You want me to kill you and let them go? Too proud. I will kill you and I will kill them. And if you want to die, you are actually calculating me. Killing you is indeed killing a human king. However, besides you, the human king is also There are other things. If I think that if I kill you, the Human Race will have no kings to condense the luck to fight against the gods, then you are really fooled."

Melaleuca sneered.

Wang Jiuxiao frowned, and his mood continued to sink.

Unexpectedly, it was seen through by Melaleuca. In fact, he is willing to die. If Melaleuca kills him, it can make Melaleucas feel, or make many gods feel that Human Race has no king, luck dissipates, no threats, and can be safely eradicated, then he will indeed feel that he has won. Because in the human race, besides he is the king, there are other kings. Long Qing is one of them. Ying Yinman, who appeared before and is now hidden again, is also the king. Killing him a king, as well as other kings, can preserve the luck of the human race and eventually bring the human race back to life.

However, Melaleuca knew there were other kings.

Melaleuca saw Wang Jiuxiao's sinking face, sneered triumphantly, and said: "Among the human races, there are other kings. After I kill you, I will continue to kill them. In this way, your human luck is really gone. .Why, does this make you desperate?"

Wang Jiuxiao was silent, his body was shaking a little. Disappointed and desperate, I really feel quite powerless. The gods are powerful and unmatched, and they know the situation of everything, so they really can't deal with them.

"Why do you still think you can kill me?" At this moment, Tang Jiujiu's cold and solemn words came from the Tianyu prison.

"Huh?" Qianceng looked at Tang Jiujiu in Tianyu prison. I don't know why Tang Jiujiu was able to say such powerful words and appeared so confident. Why?

Wang Jiuxiao also found it strange, others also found it strange, and Tang Zisang beside Tang Jiujiu was also strange. They admitted that Tang Jiujiu was very powerful, but it was not enough to deal with the ancient **** Qianchuang.

At this time, Tang Jiujiu was full of confidence, and the power of the evil spirits and demon branches was emitted from his body, and he ignored Tang Zisang next to him. Then, she stretched out her hand, and the power of the evil spirit demon branch began to gather in her hand. Slowly, the power of the evil spirit demon branch became a halberd, just like the dragon halberd of the Tang family. However, it is more vivid than the dragon halberd that Long Qing has now, because on the halberd, a dark and shiny black dragon flows around.

Condensing the halberd, Tang Jiujiu swung abruptly, and a terrifying force rushed away, buzzing as if the space was shaking. The power of this evil spirit demon branch quickly invaded the Tianyu Prison, causing the Tianyu Prison to crystallize, and then slowly shattered a gap.

"This is...?!" Tang Zisang, Wang Jiuxiao, and the people who recognize that kind of domineering power all exclaimed, "Long family combat skills?!"

how is this possible? !

They were all surprised. Long Family's combat skills... Could it be that this girl is after Tang Sheng? !

It's the Tang family!

But how could it be! Tang Sheng's current descendants only know of three, Tang Zisang, Long Qing, and Long Qing's daughter Long Ruoruo. And now this girl, who knows the battle skills of the Long Family, must be of the Long Family's blood. However, I have never heard of such a Tang Sheng bloodline.

"You are...?!" However, the emperor of the Red Wall, Wang Jiuxiao, who knew some secrets back then suddenly remembered that there was indeed a Tang family.

Tang Sheng’s daughter, Tang Jiujiu!

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