My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2520: Kill at close range!

Could that be a human girl?

Melaleuca can't believe this kind of thing, nor can this kind of thing. It was ridiculous that a human girl resolved his attack. Although it was a very simple attack, how could he be the strength of the ancient **** realm, how could a mere human girl be able to stop it?

That would not be a human being. Thousand layers of judgments like this, otherwise it would be too unreasonable. However, Qianliu stared at Tang Jiujiu carefully, and found that Tang Jiujiu had human blood. This shows that, in any case, Tang Jiujiu has human blood. Humans are inherently weaker than their gods. Even if they combine with other powerful races to gain powerful strength and strengthen their physique and abilities, they will eventually be limited by human bodies. It is not so easy to compare with the gods.

It's harder to compare with the gods, then it's even more difficult to compare with the ancient gods. But Tang Jiujiu's power can indeed dissolve the power of the ancient gods. It is definitely not a simple character. I believe anyone who sees Tang Jiujiu's power will think so.

Then, she should not be underestimated.

Even if you put aside these things and dare to stand before the ancient gods and fight against the ancient gods, you are not afraid of death. People who are not even afraid of death, where will they care about the question of not despising her, must concentrate on dealing with her.

After Qianceng was surprised by Tang Jiujiu's appearance, she did not despise her because she was an ancient god. Although Melaleuca is ruthless, but not ignorant and arrogant.

Since Tang Jiujiu is not afraid of death, things that are related to life, threatening or not threatening, are of no use to Tang Jiujiu. This seems to be quite frustrating to the gods. Because they just want to make humans look good, see their strength, then fear them and beg them for mercy, so that they will enjoy a sense of superiority.

However, people who are not afraid of death will not fear them at all, so even if they are strong, they will not be able to enjoy the sense of superiority in the end when they kill such a person.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to see the cry of human suffering. Even people who are not afraid of death must have something firm in their hearts. Then, destroying the things that make them firm in the hearts of human beings and breaking their hearts can hit them.

Melaleuca has experienced too many things in the past and knows humans very well. It is not the first time that he has dealt with humans who are not afraid of death, so he knows how to deal with those who are not afraid of death. How to make them suffer, how to make them regret, how to make them beg for mercy!

The water **** tribe might say that it should be tender as water, but under the identity of the god, it doesn't seem so tender. Tenderness is not a characteristic of the water **** tribe. Water is just a form of their power and a means of attack.

"You, are you trying to save them?" Melaleuca looked at Tang Jiujiu, slightly narrowed his eyes, and said in a low tone.

Tang Jiujiu was naturally here to save Wang Jiuxiao, otherwise, why did he show up here? She would not be afraid of Melaleuca. She dared to appear here, naturally she had weighed her own strength. It's really not easy to deal with the ancient gods, but she is really pressing, she can kill even the ancient gods. With her foreign evil spirit demon branch power, coupled with the power of the Ksitigarbha Heart Sutra under the realm of the true god, why not kill the ancient god?

Tang Jiujiu seemed to be more dexterous and gentle, but his temper was actually very weird. It could be gentle or violent. Sometimes he was patient, and he was irritable when he had time, mainly depending on who he was facing. So, in fact, she is very willful.

Melaleuca spoke to her coldly, as if she had disobeyed him. It was a capital crime. She was looking for death, and she was unhappy. She looked at Melaleuca sneered, and then looked playful, and said: "If I didn't come to save them, then I was here to target you. Which one do you think it will be?"

Thousand layers of eyebrows twitched, but he didn't expect Tang Jiujiu to talk to him like this, he was really upset. But he soon calmed down and competed with a human girl, which was really demeanor of the ancient gods, and their ancient gods were not so tacky.

After a pause, Qian Peng said to Tang Jiujiu, "No matter which one it is, you will die. Do you want to continue?"

Tang Jiujiu couldn't help laughing out loud, feeling that Qianteng's words were ridiculous. She watched Melaleuca become more playful and said, "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

Qian Piao watched Tang Jiujiu not speaking. He had judged that Tang Jiujiu was not afraid of death from the beginning, and now he was talking about killing her, which was self-contradictory. This would definitely not scare Tang Jiujiu.

Before Qian layer could speak, Tang Jiujiu suddenly said, "Actually, I am afraid of death, and I am very afraid of death."

"Then you dare to be here?" Qianlayer snorted coldly, feeling that he was being fooled when talking to Tang Jiujiu.

Tang Jiujiu laughed, did not deliberately play with it, but looked very joking, and said, "Because I don't think I will die."

"Huh?" Melaleuca was inexplicably angry, and her mood was a little restless. This human girl has such a big tone, it seems that she needs to be taught her. She is not afraid of death, then destroy the love in her heart and destroy her goal here.

Although Tang Jiujiu didn't admit it, Qian Piao felt that she actually wanted to protect Wang Jiuxiao and the others. He sneered at Tang Jiujiu: "I will not kill you right away, but kill them first."

Qian Piao looked at Wang Jiuxiao and the others, and sneered. Destroying the people or things you want to protect is a good deal for humans. Human beings are not afraid of death for a reason, but if they lose this reason for not being afraid of death, they will easily collapse.

Qian Piao looked back at Tang Jiujiu, and said, "I want to see you collapse."

Tang Jiujiu squinted his eyes and laughed. He was very pretty, and said, "You can try it. You are an ancient god, and seem to be the most powerful group of people. I am really worried about being killed by you. However, I can Can’t die, so if you want to kill me, I can’t agree to it. And if you insist on killing me, then I probably...can only kill you."

"Arrogant!" Even the thousand layers who had cultivated their minds to the realm of Zhishui Zhishui were irritated by Tang Jiujiu's words. It's ridiculous, kill him?

Kill an ancient god?

Without the power of true **** level, don't think about this kind of thing!

When Melaleuca whispered "arrogant", she immediately moved her body and instantly arrived in front of Tang Jiujiu with a stream of water flowing in her hand. When he arrived in front of Tang Jiujiu, the current flowed out immediately, entwining Tang Jiujiu. This stream of water is like a snake. After being entangled by it, it will be horribly squeezed, even in the realm of the gods, it will be crushed instantly. That was the realm of the ancient gods after all, and the realm of the heavens was indeed unstoppable.

Melaleuca was originally controlled by the water to attack, so it was a long-range mage. But he was so angry that Tang Jiujiu was going to kill Tang Jiujiu at such a close range!

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