My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2505: Wonderful!

The strength of the ancient **** realm, even if Xing Zhan is not a **** who specializes in space power, but at that level, it is not difficult to distort a space. He took a grasp, enough to twist Wang Jiuxiao's space, and then directly squeezed Wang Jiuxiao to death.

This is still estimated that Wang Jiuxiao has the strength of the luck of the human king to resist. Without the protection of the human king's air transport power, Wang Jiuxiao would be twisted and squeezed directly into pieces and splashing blood. And with the protection of the force of air transport, it should be just death.

At this moment, Xingzhan made the judgment that Wang Jiuxiao was dead. Then the matter of dealing with the human race is over for him. Although there are still many humans alive, that is not what he needs to take action, just let other gods act. At his level, why care about these ants? Fortunately, he knew that Nuwa, Fuxi, and the Ksitigarbha King were reincarnated among human beings, so he still had something to do. That is to find the reincarnated Nuwa and them, and then shoot them.

At last it is not so boring. Otherwise, Xing Zhan didn't know what to do when he came down. As for the fate of dealing with the change, he is not qualified alone, and the timing is not right. To deal with fate, we must first weaken the power of fate. The power of fate comes from the will of all creatures, among which the human will is the strongest and the most complex, giving most of the power to fate. Therefore, we must first destroy humanity before dealing with fate. This is why the gods want to destroy humans. It's not that the gods must hate mankind. To destroy mankind is just what they must do to regain control of the world from their destiny.

Therefore, the gods are not specifically targeting humans. However, because this is something that must be done, and there is indeed a hatred of human beings, then it is used to vent, why not do it for them.

Xing Zhan thinks that he only needs to make a single shot. He just kills the human king, and let other gods do the rest. Then he planned to find Nüwa Fuxi and the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha. Only Nuwa and their strength can match him. Of course, it is also necessary to kill the reincarnated Nuwa and them in advance. Otherwise, let Nuwa and the others awaken perfectly. Nuwa, Fuxi, and Ksitigarbha King are all true gods, and he will no longer be an opponent.

However, Xing Zhan overestimated his blow. After all, there is still Lu Celadon here. Even with the strength of the ancient **** realm, Lu Celadon can resolve structural weaknesses. However, if she was alone, her strength was limited to the higher-level gods, so she couldn't crack the attacks of the ancient gods. Even if you know where the weakness is, if the strength is not enough, you can't get to the weakness. However, it cannot be cracked, it can be weakened!

At the moment the ancient **** shot, Lu Celadon raised the twelve-point spirit and judged that Xing Zhan's attack was a spatial distortion. Then, she immediately intervened and weakened by attacking the weakness of the force created by the criminal war.

With the weakening of Lu Celadon, Wang Jiuxiao released the power of the human king's luck. This force of air luck has joined the force of air luck in the ancient kings of the past dynasties. This is the power that a human king can use. Before coming to Tiangong, he had already embezzled it. Because he knew that once the heavenly palace was broken, and the heavenly gods fully descended, such power must be used. Now that the ancient divine torture battle is coming, it happens that this force is needed.

For this reason, with the weakening of Lu Celadon and the protection of Qi Luck, the attack of the torture battle was eliminated as a whole. Wang Jiuxiao was not killed, but only a little impact and minor injuries.

Not vulnerable!

"Huh?" Xing Zhan, who originally wanted to turn around and leave, did not expect the result to be like this. It was a bit unexpected and embarrassing to not kill Wang Jiuxiao.

However, he was more surprised at Lu Celadon than he was surprised at Wang Jiuxiao. He knew that Wang Jiuxiao was able to block his blow because a large part of his power was weakened by Lu Celadon. He looked at Lu Celadon and didn't understand why Lu Celadon had such abilities. If you feel it, you don't have any strength, just like an ordinary person. But the moment this human woman made her move, she gained the strength of a superior god. Then, I don't know what method was used to hit the weakness of the power he produced, greatly weakening the power of that power.

Could this be... the ability of divine vision?

After all, Xing Zhan is a **** that existed thousands of years ago, and was protected by the gift of Xing Tian, ​​so there are naturally many things to see. He knew that there was one ability that had been fiercely contested by many gods in the heavens, and that was "Divine Eyes." The ability of the divine vision is to perceive the inner power flow of all creatures. All existence has soul essence. That is power and the basis of structure. Divine vision can make people see this, and then know where the weakness is. Knowing the weakness, it is easy to break. With the ability to gain divine sight, even an ordinary person can kill a god. As long as the gods are not paying attention and seize the opportunity to destroy the weakness of the gods, there is no problem with killing them!

Therefore, if you get the divine sight and your own strength is strong enough, it will be no problem to kill the true god!

The reason Shenyantong has such a terrifying ability is because the source of this Shenyantong is the Pangu God Emperor!

According to myths and legends, after the Emperor Pangu opened up this chaotic world, he fell because of exhaustion of his power. His left eye turned into the sun and his right eye turned into the moon. But in fact, this may not be the case. Because after reaching the heavens, you will find that the sun and the moon are not actually in this heaven and earth. The sun and the moon may be an independent plane world, like this ancestral land, or even a world opened by another **** before the chaos. Just because the world of the sun may be a world of flames, it won't have the colorful environment and creatures like the ancestral land.

For this reason, there are rumors that the sun and the moon are not transformed by the eyes of the God Emperor Pangu. Then, what did Pangu God Emperor's eyes become? You know, for an existence like Pangu God Emperor, anything on his body is a treasure. Even a single hair may have a great power.

And this divine sight, the rumors in the heavens are precisely that this is actually an eye of the Pangu God Emperor!

Get one eye of the God Emperor Pangu, and you can have the ability of Shenyantong. Back then, it was said that a huge gem like the eyes of the Pangu **** emperor was found, which caused a battle among the tribes in the heavens. As a result, this huge gem with magical power was destroyed in the battle, and then the power dissipated. No more, and the melee stopped.

Seeing Lu Celadon's abilities now, Xing Zhan couldn't help but think of the things about Pangu God Emperor's eyes, which are "smart eyes". However, he remembered that Pangu God Emperor's God Eye Gem had been destroyed, so how could there be this?

If that is really the power of psychic vision... it would be interesting, because he can capture it!

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