My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2500: Scare scare!

The Tiangong shook like that, even the shock that Tang Ye attacked with full strength when the Tiangong had just been successfully constructed was not that powerful. At the moment when the heavenly palace was shaking, the gods inside almost thought that the heavenly palace was about to be broken!

They looked at Lu Celadon with an indifferent face, and their mood was really complicated. At the beginning, they didn't think about what a powerful character this human girl would be. At most, she had super wisdom to study the heavenly enchantment. But wisdom is not an offensive force, it is very easy for them to kill. As a result, Lu Celadon's strength quickly killed their servants. Now, it shook the heavenly enchantment again.

"She must be killed!" The **** of the God of War clan roared out in a hurry. If he was hit by Lu Celadon because he underestimated Lu Celadon, now he was pressed into a hurry and felt dangerous, thinking that Lu Celadon must be killed, and he must be killed immediately.

The other gods agreed with this **** of the War God tribe this time. The threat of Lu Celadon was beyond their imagination. Shaken to the heavenly enchantment, but they panicked, such an existence must be killed!

The Heavenly Palace barrier must not be threatened. This is what their gods have always insisted on, and they must protect the heavens anyway.

"Don't be impulsive, let's take a look at what happened to the Tiangong barrier." The female of the Fengshen tribe looked serious, and obviously she couldn't calm down at this moment. If the Heavenly Palace enchantment is destroyed, it is not only their lives that are threatened, but the entire plan for the return of the gods. So plans to destroy the human race, capture fate, and regain control of this world will all fail.

But now they can't go out immediately because the heavenly palace shakes for a while. If the heavenly palace is not actually damaged, they must insist on staying in the heavenly palace, because they are still not sure whether Tang Ye is hiding behind. If they came out to deal with Lu Celadon and opened the barrier, Tang Ye would come to deal with them, enter the heavenly palace, or destroy part of the barrier, it would be fatal to them and their big plans.

They felt very ironic that a human girl who was so improper at the beginning had become their biggest threat now, almost making them panic. It was really not like a **** facing a mortal.

"Make a decision after confirming the situation of the Heavenly Palace barrier." The woman of the Fengshen tribe said coldly. At this time, if you can't mess yourself up, she speaks very seriously. The wisdom of the Fengshen tribe is always more accurate than other tribes. This woman of the Fengshen tribe didn't want others to make noise. That would only make it more chaotic. They lack an absolute leader now. Since there is no one, she feels that she must show such ability even more, so that it will be conducive to coping with the current crisis.

People from other Celestial tribes still believed in the wisdom of Fengshen tribe, and immediately went to check the situation of the Celestial Enchantment. Then, after guarding the enchantment and maintaining the magic circle, the gods reported the situation after increasing their strength protection. Fortunately, everything is unpredictable, and the barrier is not damaged. And under the power of several gods who guarded the circle, the vibration of the circle quickly subsided, and the flow of divine power became stronger. They began an internal defense. Although everything is very stable, they never thought of being pushed so quickly.

After the Fengshen tribe's woman learned about the situation, her mind settled down. In order to let many gods not worry, she said: "The situation of the heavenly enchantment has come out, and there is no major damage. If we keep this way, there will be no major damage. Dangerous. However, the human woman outside could hit the enchantment's divine power, causing the divine power flow to deviate. This is also the reason for the vibration of the heavenly enchantment just now. This shows that the human woman outside has a very terrifying ability, her Ability threatens the heavenly enchantment. From now on, we must do everything possible to stop this human woman. Those servants, how much is used, to prevent this human woman from continuing to study the heavenly enchantment, and she cannot give her an environment that can be analyzed with peace of mind , This can buy us time and wait until the stronger ancient gods return, that is our victory!"

The words of the woman of the Fengshen tribe made many gods feel at ease. They also knew what to do next. The role played by the women of the Fengshen tribe is enormous. Then, the major gods sent their servants under their tribes to deal with Lu Celadon, so that Lu Celadon could no longer analyze the heavenly enchantment quietly. At the same time, their gods are no longer idle, and together they will inject strength into the guiding magic circle in the heavens, and attract the divine powers from the heavens. One is to make the heavens stronger, and the other is to make the many gods in the chaotic space faster. Coming down.

Lu Celadon frowned when he saw another servant of the gods coming to stop her, and then showed a sneer at the gods in the palace, very disdainful. There was also a great provocation, like saying to the gods inside that they were scared, they were too weak.

Being so provoked by a human woman is really a very angry thing. Had it not been for a great crisis, the gods inside would have really gone out to kill Lu Celadon.

The woman from the Fengshen tribe can be regarded as seeing the terrible Lu Celadon, and sometimes she is irritated by Lu Celadon. However, they are still in a good mood, and everything is important.

Lu Celadon now had to continue to deal with the servants of the gods. Although these **** servants can be eliminated with one blow, if they are hit by these **** servants, they will also be injured.

As for whether there was any influence on the analysis of the heavenly enchantment by the servants of the heavenly gods, there was no impact. It was indeed that she had moved the heavenly enchantment just now, but she knew that her current strength could only reach that point. She tried to find other ways, but found that there was no way. The only way to break it was by blocking the flow of divine power in the Heavenly Palace barrier. But her current power can't stop the powerful and complicated flow of divine power at once. Unless it has the strength of the ancient **** realm, it can only be shaken.

It's still okay to scare the gods inside.

Lu Celadon didn't want to keep attacking the Tiangong barrier like this. If there were more, it would not break the Tiangong barrier. If the gods inside knew about this situation, they would no longer be afraid, but would cheer them up. She wants to continue to scare these gods, let them be careful, and even recall all **** servants, so that **** servants will no longer kill others.

The current servants of the gods are like puppet monsters, and some have even been deformed into monsters because of too much divine power. They go to carry out the orders of the gods, which is to destroy and kill human beings. Faced with such a situation, the Red Wall Palace had to send a lot of manpower to deal with it.

It is also good to relieve the pressure on the Red Wall Palace, so that the Red Wall Palace has more time and energy to develop, in order to deal with the next more severe situation!

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