My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2494: Hard to crack!

Celestial servants are also divided into different tribes of Celestial powers. For example, the abilities acquired under the influence of the God of War tribe’s divine power belong to the attributes of the God of War tribe. The abilities of the God of War tribe are generally inspired by the intent to fight, which greatly enhances their personal strength, and has a very powerful body.

The gods of the War God tribe will send the strongest servants under their War God tribe to deal with the people outside the Red Wall Palace. He is really irritable enough for these people outside, like flies, constantly harassing them, always wanting to sting them, they are not cracked eggs!

"According to observations from these days, the people they sent close to us either deliberately tempted us out, or they wanted to study and analyze the heavenly palace, and then break the heavenly palace. That little girl, I really don’t see what she has, like It's like an ordinary girl. The girl before, still has some mysterious power flowing in her body." The gods of the Fengshen tribe will probably always be gentle and calm, looking at the Lu Celadon Road approaching outside and studying the Tiangong.

Lu Celadon did not practice much because of his ability to see through the nature of matter and copying. Her success and strength are based on the success and strength of others. But she will not be weaker than others, because she can be better than blue. So in the end, it was her success and strength. This is a bit of plagiarism and tampering, it is despicable, like cheating, but this kind of ability is so powerful, amazing, and scary, and it won't feel wrong.

Now that Lu Celadon is close to the Tiangong, she wants to feel the Tiangong, first to feel the divine power flow of the Tiangong barrier. This is her understanding of many enchantments. Enchantments generally have extremely powerful forces that flow continuously to form a barrier to stop any outsiders. Unless it can interrupt the flow of power, the power of the enchantment will be weak. Come down, even stop, and then the barrier disappears.

Lu Celadon felt the power flow of the heavenly enchantment, and found that it was a kind of divine power flow, which is not available in the human world. Therefore, it is very difficult for people in the human world to crack, even if they have not been exposed to divine power, it is impossible. Cracked. However, if you have been in contact with divine power and possess divine power, you can make a collision blow, causing a certain impact on the heavenly palace. However, it is impossible to break this barrier through impact. Because the power circulating in the heavenly enchantment is the purest divine power, and it is huge and complex, which can instantly make up for the weakening and confusion of the place where it is hit. This heavenly enchantment is perfect. If you just use brute force to attack, no matter how strong it is, you will probably not be able to open it. Unless the power is enough to crush and reach the realm of true gods, the realm of ancient gods cannot be opened.

Lu Celadon immediately gave up the method of direct brute force strikes. She was feeling the divine power flow of the heavenly enchantment carefully, trying to find a way to block this power flow first, create a weakness, and then attack. However, the circulation of power in the Heavenly Palace enchantment extends in all directions. If you want to block a loop, you have to block a large area. This requires too much power, I am afraid it needs a true **** level. Suddenly, Lu Celadon frowned, and she also felt embarrassed.

Because Lu Celadon’s ability to directly analyze does not need to show strength, and it does not show strength when not fighting, the gods in the Tiangong think that Lu Celadon is a very ordinary girl, and the Red Wall Palace makes her feel like this. Approaching to the heavenly palace is simply despising them. Even if they think that Lu Celadon has excellent modern scientific and technological capabilities, can it be resolved by the power of science in the face of the deified power of Tiangong? After all, it is also a kind of contempt. So many gods couldn't help this tone. The War God tribe had already sent **** servants to kill Lu Celadon.

"From now on, these human beings dare to come close and I will kill one!" The **** of the war **** clan shouted in a low voice. Then I saw that at the back of the Tiangong, where the servants of the gods gathered, a servant of the gods burst into red flames all over, rushing towards Lu Celadon.

These servants of the gods were originally gathered next to the heavenly palace, and they were also protected by some divine powers. They are like weapons reserved by the gods, ready to be dispatched at any time. They are used to deal with the forces that come to attack the heavenly palace and buy time for the gods to descend in the heaven .

After the people of the Red Wall Palace arrived, they saw that the servants of the gods did not act, and they didn't want to waste time to deal with them. Although they knew that it was the power of the gods, the first thing they had to do was to crack the gods. As for the gods in the heavenly palace, they felt that the people in the red wall court were not afraid of them and did not pose a threat to the heavenly palace, so there was no need to send **** servants. Only people like Tang Ye would feel threatened and would let the servants of the gods stop them, no matter how long they could stop them, as long as they got the time.

Perhaps the servants of the gods were not enough to see in front of Tang Ye's strength, but in front of the soldiers of the Red Wall Palace, they had supernatural power, that is, very powerful. Even for all the people in the Red Wall Palace outside, the gods inside felt that sending a few servants was enough to deal with them. After all, the servants of the gods who stayed in the Tiangong were the strongest group.

"Let them see the power of my God of War tribe. Even if it is just a servant puppet, it is enough to make them fear!" The God of War shouted that day.

The **** of the Fengshen tribe next to him calmly watched and said nothing. She feels that although human beings are not strong, they will not do useless work. If that girl doesn't have any strong power, she has super wisdom and wants to find a way to break the palace. Such people, in fact, should also be valued. However, fortunately, this is the Heavenly Palace, even if it is an ancient god, it cannot be cracked. A human girl, no matter how smart she is, she cannot crack it.

Don't worry. Now let's see if the servants of the gods are dispatched, whether there is a stronger force behind them, such as Tang Ye. If you use the bait trick, these gods are not stupid and won't be fooled.

Now that there are more and more gods in the heavenly palace, it is possible to protect the heavenly palace from within. The servants of the gods were dispatched casually, it was time for them to fight back!

Many gods have also been suppressed for a long time, and finally they are about to fight back. Start by killing these people outside. If there is a strong power to protect it, it means that humans will use temptation methods, then they will not be fooled.

We need to see what these humans do. Should they allow these people outside to die, or expose the conspiracy to be protected by the strong?


At this time, the servant of the war **** tribe activated a powerful force, and the divine power flowed like a meteor, impacting on Lu Celadon.

Lu Celadon sits on an advanced aircraft of Shenji Technology, which can be suspended, just like a space platform, so that you can safely observe the heavenly palace.

The gods inside felt that if they smashed this floating platform, wouldn't it be interesting for Lu Celadon to fall? See how they survive!

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