My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2482: Blackwater unicorn!

Although Hei Ji had been mentally prepared for a long time, she couldn't help being very surprised to see Tang Ye's strength rising so fast. Such a rapid increase in speed is not only against the sky, it is simply a violation of the rules of the Pangu God Emperor to create the sky and the earth, and it is directly considered as the Pangu God Emperor playing well.

If Tang Ye is to help heal the Underworld God, Hei Ji feels that a character like Tang Ye must be killed, so as to prevent him from becoming an obstacle to him in the future. After all, his purpose is this world, and Tang How can Ye Ye agree?

This is a very contradictory thing. Hei Ji's recent calculations left her helpless and in a dilemma. In the end, she couldn't decide that much, so she would save Mingshen first. As for future matters, Pluto will handle it, and she can't take care of that much.

He was extremely surprised at Tang Ye's rapid and powerful in his heart, but on the surface he was still calm and calm. Tang Ye came to Shigong after taking away the spirit power of the mother death bat. Hei Ji looked at him and said calmly: "I didn't expect your strength to break through so fast, it is really amazing. You at this time, even if you face it. For those in the realm of the ancient gods, you might not be defeated directly, right?"

In other words, even if it is a person who encounters the realm of the ancient gods, such as Heiguang and Sava, even if Tang Ye is not the strength of the realm of the ancient gods, there is a possibility of a battle. Because he has a lot of wonderful secret skills, as well as a steady flow of power consumption, inexhaustible, can make up for a large part of the realm of strength problems.

Tang Ye is very clear about his strength, Hei Ji said that, he was actually grateful. If it wasn't for Heiji's side, he would be more ill-advised when dealing with the mother death bat. Even if he is fine, it is impossible to make a breakthrough so quickly. A safe and stable cultivation environment and a large amount of cultivation resources are indeed inseparable from Hei Ji's assistance. That's why Tang Ye looked at Hei Ji and thanked: "This is also thanks to the high priest. Without the help of the high priest, I definitely couldn't cultivate and strengthen so quickly."

"Don't thank me, after all, we all get what we need. Moreover, you can break through so quickly because of the secret skills you have. If you don't have the secret skills to capture the soul power, even if I help you, you can't have it. Such an achievement." Hei Ji was quite sure of Tang Ye's own talent and hard work.

Tang Ye stopped being polite with Hei Ji, and said, "High Priest, you said there are resources that can help me to make breakthroughs in my cultivation. Now I feel I'm just the last one. I don't know what the resources you mentioned are. Lack of time, if the gods descend in full, it will be very detrimental to us."

Hei Ji nodded and agreed with Tang Ye's words, and said, "Indeed, if the gods come in full, then we will deal with all the great gods, especially if we still encounter those true gods, it will be difficult for us to act. Even , I was defeated by the gods before I acted much. So, our plan must be advanced as soon as possible. Since you are only the last point to break through to the realm of the ancient gods, then I will help you to the end. Come with me, I Take you to a place, something like that should help you break through this last bottleneck."

"What is it?" Tang Ye asked curiously.

Hei Ji walked around, without turning her head, and said to Tang Ye: "A monster that is even more terrifying than the mother death bat. If you can seize its power, then you can break through to the realm of ancient gods, there is absolutely no problem."

"There are other such terrifying monsters in the gap between the undead?" Tang Ye asked curiously. He thought that the death bat that made the six-eyed murlocs and the underworld people so scared was already the most terrifying monster in the cracks of the undead. But looking at Hei Ji's meaning now, there are even more terrifying existences.

Hei Ji sneered and said, "You too underestimated this crevice of the undead. Although the crevice of the undead is the fundamental place for our Nether clan to survive, we are also later. To put it ugly, it means being expelled and exiled. Here, if we can, do we want to come here? Therefore, the undead gap was not created by our Plutos, but existed before our Plutos arrived. Such a place can also be said to be the space of the Chaos Period. After all. Although the Pangu God Emperor opened up the world, such a huge world requires too much power to consume the God Emperor, and it is impossible for the Pangu God Emperor to do everything. So, many places are the previous chaotic and dangerous appearance, that is, they have not been Developed by the Emperor Pangu. I am afraid that the gap between the undead is such a place. The Emperor Pangu is not very clear about such a place. It is even possible that such a place exists as a powerful existence at the same time as the Emperor Pangu. Then , If you get this kind of power, can't you break through to the realm of ancient gods?

"Of course!" Tang Ye nodded, expressing very confident and satisfied. Now he has vaguely touched the realm of the ancient gods, if there is another force stronger than the mother death bat, he thinks that he can break through to the realm of the ancient gods.

"Then let's hunt it down." Hei Ji said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye followed Hei Ji, glanced around, and asked, "Why didn't you see Hei Guang and Sava?"

"They have other things to be busy." Hei Ji said simply. According to the current plan, as soon as the Pluto awakens, then the Pluto clan can proceed to the outside world. These all need to be arranged, and the Black Iron Five are all busy. The Black Iron Five wears black iron armor, so they don't have to fear the light, so they can go out to the outside world to act!

In addition to what Hei Ji had negotiated with Tang Ye before, the Human Race and the Ming Race joined forces. For this reason, in order to speed up the actions of the Ming Race, Hei Ji asked Tang Ye to prove it and let the people outside believe when Hei Guang and the others arrived in the outside world. And provide help. It is equivalent to that, they are the first to carry out cooperative action.

Hei Ji glanced at Tang Ye slightly, knowing what Tang Ye was trying to express, and said, "You and I are enough to deal with the beast in the cracks of the undead. I don’t need black light. If it was before, without your help, then Even Heiguang and I will not attack that fierce beast, because if I can't beat it, I don't want to die in vain."

"Huh?" Tang Ye was startled, looking at Hei Ji very curious, it turned out to be a fierce beast that made Hei Ji so jealous. However, now that I have myself, I dare to deal with them. I don't want to black them out. Can I play such a big role?

Knowing Tang Ye’s doubts, Hei Ji sneered, very ironically, and said: “This is the most ironic and ridiculous place for the creatures in this world between the undead, even if they are powerful as ancient gods, even true gods, but the light It has a fatal effect on them. You can create light, and light has a great influence on that fierce beast. With the conditions of light, there is no need to worry about dealing with that fierce beast."

Tang Ye asked, "What kind of beast is that?"

"Heishui Qilin." Hei Ji said.

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