My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2473: Trophy!

Hearing Tang Ye's low voice, Hei Guang and Sava knew the time had come. And after hearing the screams of the mother Reaper Bat, they also knew, and confirmed it, now is the time to take action.

Sava and Hei Guang were also very surprised by Tang Ye's methods. They did not expect that Tang Ye actually used a strong light to stimulate the mother death bat. This human being is indeed unique enough to adapt to the dead power environment between the dead, but at the same time it has the ability to be a human being, not afraid of light, and can use things that emit strong light.

They felt that Tang Ye was also very bold, and they dared to rush forward like that. Of course, they can now know that Tang Ye was targeting the eyes of the mother death bat. Tang Ye wanted to use the moment when the mother death bat opened his eyes to emit power. This approach requires a lot of courage, after all, it is a great risky behavior. If the female Reaper Bat doesn't open its eyes, or some other powerful attacks, it is very dangerous.

However, this also shows Tang Ye's understanding of the mother death bat, if not, how to know how to deal with it like that. Tang Ye is even more useful than them. Sava and Heiguang felt that if there was no Tang Ye, they might not be able to deal with the mother death bat. It seems that it was a bit embarrassing to underestimate this human being at first, but in the end, if you want to win the maternal death bat, you have to rely on this human being.

At this time, the mother's death bat was attacked by Tang Ye's strong light to just open its eyes, its strength was weakened, and its reaction was slow. But Sava and Black Light seized this opportunity and attacked its sickle together. Both Sava and Black Light are forces in the realm of the ancient gods. This attack has obtained a stable environment and exerts its fullest strength. The two ancient gods' forces combined to strike, cutting off the sickle of the mother death bat.


The sickle connected to the body was interrupted, and the female Reaper Bat was seriously injured. Not only was the weapon lost, but a very important part of the body was chopped off. Suddenly, the power of the mother Reaper bat was greatly weakened, as if the dam of a reservoir broke through and its power was quickly lost. The terrible blood momentum that was circulating also became dim.

Looking at it this way, for the masters of the two ancient gods realm of Sava and Heiguang, the female death bat has become no threat, and it is easy to deal with.

Tang Ye saw that Sava and Heiguang stopped moving after interrupting the sickle of the maternal death bat. He felt very angry and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze? Attack it further while he is sick. Kill him. ,understand?"

Sava and Hei Guang were taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that Tang Ye, a human being, was very capable of doing things. However, Tang Ye was right. It would be a very bad thing if the female Reaper bat could not get up again without taking advantage of this time. Sava and Hei Guang suddenly felt that they had learned something from Tang Ye.

This human being is terrible... he has extremely high intelligence, a very calm mind, and he knows what needs to be done at every step. At the same time, it has terrible potential and courage to be brave than others. This human being who broke into the cracks of the undead is definitely a character with an unusual status and identity in the outside world.

Now Sava and Black Light don't need to trace Tang Ye's identity, the high priest will naturally do it. Now they are going to chase the mother Reaper bat. Then the two moved again, using big hammers and sharp short swords to vigorously attack the vital parts of the mother Reaper bat. And Tang Ye didn't stay idle either, he continued to fall on the head of the female Reaper bat, and then used the Overlord Halberd to pierce the eye of the female Reaper bat. The eyes are the vital part of the mother Reaper bat. The more severe the eye injury, the more deadly it is to the Reaper bat.

After the three attacked, the mother Reaper Bat could hardly even scream. The huge body fell to the ground, revealing the appearance of the last dying struggle, no more threats.

Sava and Hei Guang came to Tang Ye's side, looked at Tang Ye, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. As the most powerful of the Ming Clan, they should have no good expressions to Tang Ye, a human who broke in and caused a huge disturbance, and even wanted to be rough with Tang Ye. But Tang Ye saved them just now, and also helped them solve the mother death bat. Their impression of Tang Ye changed, and their attitude changed a lot. I should be thankful for being rescued. As for the disturbances, it seemed that they had not deliberately dealt with the Underworld, nor had any malice. The high priest also asked to bring a living person back to meet, so Sava and Hei Guang decided to be polite with Tang Yeke.

"You saved me just now, thank you very much, I am the Black Light of one of the Five Black Iron Generals of the Underworld." Hei Guang said to Tang Ye.

Sava had looked down upon Tang Ye very much before, and felt that Tang Ye's presence would only become a burden to them, but now it seems that Tang Ye has given them a huge help. Sava said that he was embarrassed when he was beaten a little bit.

However, they also felt that as a general of the Underworld, treating a human race who broke in so politely would be too infamous for the underworld. The site here belongs to them. So Sava immediately said in a heavy and solemn tone: "Nevertheless, you, as a human who broke in from outside, killed our Hades, destroyed our residence, and even caused the death bat. Then we don’t know your intention to come here. For this, you must go to see the high priest with us, and the high priest has something to ask you personally!"

"This is no problem," Tang Ye said. Talking to the upper class of the Ming Clan is what he has always wanted to do. The six-eyed murlocs I met before did not give him a chance at all.

But now Tang Ye has other ideas. He wanted to talk to the Ming clan, but now he wants the front female death bat even more. He wants to merge and absorb that huge and incomparable power. In this case, his realm of strength will definitely be greatly improved.

He said to Black Light, "But I want this female death bat."

"Huh?" Hei Guang and Sava looked at Tang Ye, feeling that Tang Ye's request was a bit weird. They hadn't thought about how to deal with the female death bat, and now Tang Ye said that he felt that the female death bat was very precious, so he didn't want to give it to Tang Ye directly.

This female death bat must have lived for a long time, and its whole body can be said to be precious materials. It's just that Savoy and Black Light are not so obligatory.

"This female death bat can't be given to you." Hei Guang refused Tang Ye and said: "This is what we hunted together. We need to go back and report to the high priest to see how to deal with it. Of course, if the female death bat is a trophy, Then you must have a share, because you have helped a lot."

Heiguang's purpose was obvious, it was to take Tang Ye home first. As for how to deal with the mother death bat, let the high priest arrange it, he didn't want to bother his brain.

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