My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2463: Mother body!

In order to solve the matter of the people who broke in, Reika felt that it would be good to go out in person and take a look at the death swamp. Although I feel that Dowa's actions are more impulsive, since the two of them are together, it is equivalent to the strength of two ancient gods, and nothing should happen.

Entering the Reaper Swamp, Dowa and Lika clearly felt a different breath than usual. They once attacked the Reaper Swamp, mainly because there were too many Reaper bats, which was a great threat to them, and they needed to eliminate some of them. At that time, they dispatched five of the ten generals of the Underworld. However, even if many death bats were eliminated, their damage was severe, and the plan had to be stopped later.

Since then, the Reaper Swamp has been regarded as an extremely dangerous place. Because even if the five generals of the Underworld were dispatched, only a part of the death bats were eliminated. And the place they reached was just a few places outside the death swamp. In the depths, there must be even more terrifying monsters, which they have never seen before.

"The Reaper Swamp is too dangerous. We just need to go in for some inspections. If you want to go in too deep, you have to ask the high priest for instructions." Lika said to Dowa.

Although Dowa felt that the human who broke in was nothing great, he was still very afraid of Death Swamp. He nodded and said: "Go ahead and see, even if it is as the six-eyed murloc said, the human strength is not as strong as ours. And even if he is not afraid of the environment between the undead, but since it is similar to ours. , Then he should know that he can’t go too deep here, so we can search outside here.”

Lika nodded, it was so decided, and then the two of them searched for Tang Ye in some places outside the death swamp. But at this time, Tang Ye was not in the death swamp. He felt dissatisfied after fusing the power of the two death bats before, and continued to hunt and kill the **** bats. He was lucky, and suddenly encountered a wandering group of about ten death bats, and then he hunted down the ten death bats one by one, and is now in a safe place to seize the power of the death bat.

It takes a lot of time to capture the soul essence of the ten death bats. In addition to the death bats he hunted these days, there are probably at least hundreds of them. This is equivalent to fusing the power of hundreds of higher-level gods. This amount is very scary. Even if the higher-level gods are placed in the several big **** tribes in the heavens, they are of medium strength. After all, not many have reached the realm of ancient gods. And those in the realm of ancient gods are generally the patriarchs of tribes. As for the true god, he will not easily show up and participate in these superficial things.

Therefore, when fighting against the gods, even the patriarch of the clan against the gods is in the realm of ancient gods. Below the ancient gods, there are the higher-level gods and the lower-level gods. The number of gods at these levels is the largest. Even so, more than one hundred superior gods is an astonishing number. For the Underworld, it can be said to be a large percentage. After all, the total number of Ming Clan is only a few thousand.

The death bat is a very powerful existence, wandering in the death swamp, even if it is one, it is a great threat to the underworld. And if there are a hundred death bats, for the Underworld tribe, it almost threatens the power of the entire tribe. However, now there are more than one hundred death bats that have been hunted by Tang Ye wretchedly. This has severely affected the group of Reaper bats, and the ecological balance of the Reaper Swamp has also been damaged, so the Reaper bats became mad. They instinctively felt the threat, so some death bats wandered out and wiped out all the creatures they encountered. This was done out of self-preservation.

In addition, affected by Tang Ye's massive hunting and killing of **** bats, the terrifying monsters entrenched here can't stand it anymore and have already dispatched!

This is the most dangerous place.

This monster is actually also the death bat, but it is the mother of the death bat!

Its size was several times that of ordinary death bats. It was maroon all over, not black, as if it was dripping blood. This female Reaper bat is the ultimate monster that usually gives birth to other Reaper bats. Now a large number of Reaper bats are hunted, just like its children are hunted, it can be sensed. It is so angry that it wants to kill any existence that enters the swamp of the **** of death, and even the person who hunts its child!

The mother Grim Reaper bat began to move, it moved, the real horror breath spread. Such existence is at least in the realm of ancient gods. Wherever it passes, any creatures truly must retreat. In addition to the death bats in the death swamp, there are still other scattered creatures, but when they encounter the mother death bat, they dare not face it, and instinctively retreat, showing the horror of the mother death bat.

At this time, Reka and Dowa were still searching for Tang Ye's traces in the death swamp, without knowing that the mother death bat had appeared. They could perceive the power aura like the mother Reaper bat, but now they can't perceive it, because while searching Tang Ye, they also encounter the Reaper bat from time to time, and they have ignored it.

After searching, they still didn't find Tang Ye's trace. At this moment they felt embarrassed. Tang Ye was nowhere to be seen, so they had to go deeper. But in that case, the danger increases. At this time, they met the death bat again. But they don't worry too much. They can deal with the scattered death bats alone.

However, after they dealt with the two scattered death bats, they just stopped, wanting to discuss whether to go in and search for Tang Ye's trail. Suddenly, they felt a terrifying force that could kill them directly. The whole body was taut, as if to be stiff. However, since they are elites of the Underworld, they won't let themselves die so easily. The Underworld is very tenacious. The Underworld knows that there are not many tribes, so the instinct for survival is very strong. Even if they encountered an extremely terrifying force, under the aura, they quickly avoided.


Then a blood-red slash struck down, illuminating the darkness. Although it was in pitch black, there was still red flashing. This kind of light is not fatal to Reika and Dowa, but it also has an impact.

"What is it?!" After avoiding the attack, Dowa no longer dared to show a look of contempt, worried that he would be killed, and asked Lika in a low voice.

At this moment, Reka looked ahead, with a dull and horrified expression, and then slowly said: "It is something that makes us have no way out today."

Faced with this "thing" that attacked them, Reika seemed to have given up resistance.

When Dowa looked at it, his eyes suddenly widened. How could this huge scarlet death bat exist?


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