My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2461: rescue!

The death bat suddenly went crazy, in fact, it is not without reason. This was mainly because Tang Ye had killed too many death bats in the death swamp. In the past few days, Tang Ye has been hunting and killing the **** bats, and slowly hunting down a group of groups of bats, reducing the death bats a lot. When the Grim Reaper bat sensed the strangeness, it felt dangerous and became mad.

If it weren't for being hunted, the death bat would not be in the current manic situation, just like Reka said, it has been living in the death swamp for thousands of years. It is said that after the death swamp, it leads to the realm, where the death tribe is located.

But the current Grim Reaper tribe didn't know where it was anymore. Because the **** of death created a soul cut or swallowed by the **** of death, he was dealt with by the true gods and was expelled by the power of the **** emperor Pangu, and he could no longer control the realm. Then another subdistrict was divided, and it was in charge of the Bodhisattva of Earth Store. The death tribe was expelled to other places in the realm, and the environment was extremely harsh. No one else knows how the Death Tribe is doing now.

Although it is not sure whether the death swamp will lead to the realm. However, because of the presence of the death bat, the people of the Underworld will not approach it. Fortunately, the Reaper bats have always stayed in the Reaper Swamp and won't come out, and people of the Underworld don't have to worry. But now, the death bats have wandered out and become violent, seriously threatening the members of the Underworld Clan, which has to be taken seriously.

Now several six-eyed murlocs are entangled by two death bats, the situation is very dangerous. They were very panicked, the death bats were like their natural enemies, and they felt that there was no possibility of being alive. Because in the past, once caught by the death bat, it was basically dead. But most of them were looking for death by themselves, and ran into the death swamp to provoke the death bat.

Several six-eyed murlocs were very flustered, and two death bats attacked them, not knowing that there was a person hiding not far away, it was Tang Ye.

Of course Tang Ye knew about the anomaly of the Death Bat. However, his current strength can easily deal with the death bat. This is naturally due to his continuous hunting and killing of **** bats in the past few days, and constantly absorbing the strength above the superior gods. After the fusion, the ninth branch that grows from the dead tree in the body is no longer a small bud. It has grown to a new branch with a lot of leaves. This is the proof of the tremendous increase in strength, and when the branches have grown, it is basically a breakthrough to the realm of ancient gods.

For this reason, for the situation where the death bat becomes mad, he actually doesn’t bother to care about the reason, whether it’s the death bat himself becoming like this, or it became like this because of his massive hunting, all he has to do is to continue hunting. Then absorb the fusion power. For him, the mania of the Reaper Bat is a good thing. Because the Death Bat took the initiative to run out, he didn't need to go deep into the Death Swamp to hunt. And he can deal with the death bat, even the death bat in a manic state. So, all he has to do is to continue hunting.

What he didn't expect was that the death bat was so wandering that he met the six-eyed murloc, and then confronted the six-eyed murloc. Now Tang Ye didn't want to be discovered by the six-eyed murloc, because this might allow the members of the Ming clan to deal with him. He felt that he had not become strong enough. His original plan was to at least break through to the realm of the ancient gods.

Now, he has two choices. One is to wait for the death bats to deal with the six-eyed murlocs and lose both, or after the six-eyed murlocs are seriously injured, he goes out and kills the two death bats, and then harvests two death bats and a few at once. The power of the six-eyed murloc will become more powerful after fusion. Another option is that now he goes out to deal with two death bats and save the six-eyed murloc.

The benefit of the first choice for him is immediately reflected and strengthened. The second kind of benefit may not be good, or it may be good. That is to save the six-eyed murloc, maybe it may slightly change the six-eyed murloc's attitude towards him. However, the six-eyed murloc may still be so hostile to him, and just go ahead.

After thinking about it, Tang Ye felt that there was no shortage of the power of those six-eyed murlocs, so he tried the second method. Perhaps he could talk to the six-eyed murlocs. This was also an attempt to take a step toward the Underworld. After all, he wanted to find an alliance with the Underworld, and couldn't kill so many members of the Underworld.

After the decision, Tang Ye quickly rushed out. Because there is a six-eyed murloc, he doesn't need strong light, lest the six-eyed murloc are also affected. Now his power is enough to deal with the death bat, of course it is also enough to deal with the six-eyed murloc. He was holding the Overlord Halberd, running the powerful force of the dead, and using the Overlord Halberd, he severely hit a death bat that swung a sickle at the six-eyed murloc. Then the sickle of the death bat was interrupted. The sickle and the death bat were connected by the flesh, and the death bat was in pain. Then Tang Ye took the opportunity to hit the death bat on the head again, and the death bat was severely injured, falling to the ground and struggling, unable to fly anymore and no longer poses a threat.

Then Tang Ye immediately went to deal with another death bat. His power is already above the death bat, and it is not difficult to deal with it, and it will be solved in three or two strokes.

It was the six-eyed murlocs who were shocked. They thought they were going to be killed by the death bat, but they were suddenly rescued. They were very happy and grateful at first. However, when they saw that it was Tang Ye who had saved them, they were shocked after the human who broke in, and then immediately felt angry and hostile, but they did not immediately attack Tang Ye. Then he was surprised soon. They saw that Tang Ye solved the Death Bat in two or two, which shows that Tang Ye's strength is higher than the Death Bat!

Then it also means that Tang Ye's strength is above them.

God, they couldn't believe it. This humanity has only broken into the dead of the dead for a few days. At the beginning, it was not their opponent at all, but now, this human power has them.

What did this human being do, there will be such a breakthrough!

The mood of several six-eyed murlocs also became complicated. Tang Ye overpowered them and saved them again, so it would be very difficult for Tang Ye to take action. Even if Tang Ye didn't save them, wouldn't it be a bit stupid to shoot someone who could kill them?

"You..." A six-eyed murloc wanted to speak to Tang Ye, but Tang Ye interrupted him directly.

Tang Ye has dragged two death bats. He glanced at several six-eyed murlocs who had been injured to different degrees, and said, "Don’t thank me. Enemy, saving you now is just a proof. I hope you can go back and report to your superiors and tell him that I want to talk to you underworld, and I don't want to become an enemy with you!"

After all, Tang Ye dragged two death bats and left, leaving a few six-eyed murlocs staring at each other.

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