My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2453: Not refundable!

After Lu Celadon left, Tang Ye wanted to get into the cracks of the dead, but he suddenly thought of another thing. That is, the light-emitting equipment carried may also be damaged or lost, so that the great advantage is lost. For this reason, he wanted to have a way of illuminating that would not be lost or damaged.

Perhaps let the dead wood merge with a small part of the fire element power in spring. To adapt to the environment in the crevice of the undead, it is not necessary for all the power to flow through the dead, as long as it is ensured that most of the power is circulated in the body, so that the body can adapt to the world of the dead. And the remaining small part, as long as it can integrate a igniting element, it can emit flames.

In this way, it is only a kind of own strength, so there is no need to worry about losing, and it can be operated and used at any time, which is more flexible. Tang Ye felt that this idea was good, and then immediately released part of the deceased's power, and then incorporated part of the fire element. In order to test, he first only merged a part, and then entered the world of the dead, and found that he could still adapt to the environment inside, and then use the fire element to emit flames, which is also feasible.

Tang Ye was really overjoyed, having such a good thing, it was really great. In this way, he enters the crevice of the undead, and will be as strong as opening up. Then, he went outside again, fused with the fire element, and stopped until the maximum fusion. If there are too many forces outside of the fusion, after he enters the crevice of the undead, he will be suppressed and deprived by the forces inside, and the aura will conflict with each other, and he will be easily discovered by the Hades. Therefore, only part of the power of fusion of fire elements can be obtained.

But this part is enough, it can be used for a long time to emit flames. Now everything is ready, Tang Ye once again enters the crevice of the undead, ready to get to know the world in which the underworld lives. Then find the God of Underworld, to reach a cooperation with the Underworld. If he could, he didn't want to go to war with anyone from the Underworld, because if he killed someone from the Underworld, it would not be conducive to peace negotiations.

However, if someone from the Underworld finds out that they will do it from the beginning, and if it is really impossible to talk peacefully, he will have to do it.

Tang Ye entered the crevice of the undead, and just entered the darkness from the outside world of light. At first, he was a little uncomfortable. After the dead wood turned around in spring and the deceased’s power was incorporated a lot, he began to adapt. In this darkness, he can still feel the things around him clearly. This feeling is like looking at it. Probably this is the change brought about by the power of the dead, adapting to this dark environment.

After Tang Ye was free to move in this darkness, seeing the environment inside the crevice of the undead was really extremely harsh. There is land, but it is very barren, there are no plants, even if it is adapted to this environment, there are very few plants, basically black stones and sand. Wherever there are plants, there are either scattered places or swamps.

The environment of the Black Marsh is also very harsh, I don't know what will be under the marsh. Blowing bubbles, at first glance, I feel that there is a huge danger hidden. And around this marshland, it was also very smelly, and that smell was unbearable.

This piece of undead gap is basically such an environment. This is like an abandoned place, with no human traces, returning to the most primitive state, even if there is life, it is conceived from the beginning. Therefore, the lives born here are very tenacious. Once evolved, the ability is super powerful.

Tang Ye walked carefully to understand the place where the Ming Clan lives. However, when he reached a pothole and stopped to take a break, a six-eyed murloc appeared in front of him.

He was shocked, but he didn't expect to notice other people. It seems that I still haven't adapted enough to the rhythm of action here, and the ability to perceive is still not strong enough. If someone is coming, or there are people around, if you are not careful enough or stay and observe slowly, you still fail to find out in time.

Now that he was spotted by a six-eyed murloc, he must act. There are only two options, either to reach a consensus with the six-eyed murloc, or to kill the six-eyed murloc.

When the six-eyed murloc saw Tang Ye, he wanted to kneel down at first, as if he was saluting and saw a big man. However, he soon discovered that Tang Ye was not a big figure in their Ming clan, because that skin and appearance were not alike! The big people here are those who can enter the stone palace, and their cultivation has evolved to look like a person, but not exactly like a human being. The skin color will be different and the ears will be pointed. But Tang Ye is not like that, Tang Ye is more like a human!

"Are you the human who broke in?!" The six-eyed murloc stared at Tang Ye and drank in surprise, and then immediately called for someone.

But at this time, Tang Ye quickly took out a flashlight and took a shot, making the six-eyed murloc very painful and unable to call out.

Taking advantage of this moment, Tang Ye quickly passed by, subdued the six-eyed murloc, and covered the mouth of the six-eyed murloc. Then he turned off the flashlight and said to the six-eyed murloc: "Don't shout, otherwise I will kill you!"

Tang Ye's power at this time, after adapting to the world of the undead, as the dead wood meets the spring, the strength of the dead has also risen to the level of the superior god. And these six-eyed murlocs, in fact, are almost the same, or even lower. Previously, Tang Ye was suppressed by the six-eyed murloc because he was deprived of his power by the environment between the dead, and he became weak. Coupled with the environmental restrictions here, even the six-eyed murlocs in the realm of the higher-level Celestial God can suppress him.

But now it's different. He has adapted to the environment between the dead and has the power of the superior gods, so he can do it against the six-eyed murloc!

For this reason, after attacking the six-eyed murloc with bright light just now, he swept over and easily contained the six-eyed murloc.

The six-eyed murloc was very horrified, and he did not expect such a powerful enemy to appear. Moreover, as I just said, there may be humans coming in. Now he saw that it was indeed a human, but he did not expect this human to be so strong. Moreover, he couldn't feel the aura that this human should have. At first, he almost knelt down and bowed, thinking it was a big figure from the stone palace.

"Woo!" The six-eyed murloc struggled, trying to break Tang Ye's hand covering his mouth, struggling very hard.

Tang Ye said it again, whispering: "If you make any more movement, I will kill you! I can create light, which is fatal to you!"

The six-eyed murloc was barely obedient, and then Tang Ye let go of him, but he didn't expect that he immediately ran away and yelled.

As a last resort, Tang Ye shot the six-eyed murloc with a flashlight. The six-eyed murloc was injured and fell to the ground. Then Tang Ye went to kill him.

However, the cry of the six-eyed murloc attracted more Mingzu, and it was difficult for Tang Ye to retreat all over.

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