My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2429: Seek everything!

Tang Jiujiu didn't notice Ying Yinman's real body at first, and now Ying Yinman roared like a beast, a demon king, she knew that it was a zombie, just like Murong Huansha and Mu Yue!

It's really surprising. This new king is actually a zombie. It is too weird to let a zombie become the new king. Zombies are immortal and immortal. Such a character becomes the king, but there is no chance for the people behind to become the king.

This made Tang Jiujiu also curious. What is the identity of this new king of zombie identity?

"It's really unexpected..." Tang Jiujiu couldn't help sighing when he didn't expect to meet such a special character. However, no matter how special Ying Yinman is, she still wants to kill Xu Wuming. At this time Xu Wuming had already been pinched by her neck, as long as she squeezed Xu Wuming's neck with a click, then it was over.

"Wait...wait!" But then Xu Wuming cried out. Being pinched by Tang Jiujiu's neck, he was very uncomfortable talking, and with the severe injuries he had suffered before, he seemed a little dying at the moment. But he still tried to say: "I know you hate me, I can die, but before I die, I hope I beg you!"

Tang Jiujiu felt ridiculous, and said, "To kill an enemy, I still have to accept his request? Is your brain burnt out, or something?"

"I can die by myself!" Xu Wuming yelled, emphasizing his position, hoping to be a bargaining chip to make a request with Tang Jiujiu.

"Do you think I want to die? No, I don’t want to die at all. I want to stay with the princess all the time. But now I know it’s impossible, because you and Tang Ye can kill the princess by adding them together. I don't want her to be killed!" Xu Wuming shouted in a low voice.

Tang Jiujiu sneered, and said, "Since I can kill you and the princess in your mouth, why should I keep her? Afraid that she will find me revenge? Oh, but she can't kill me. On the contrary, she It might be killed by me."

"But the princess has a huge effect on you!" Xu Wuming snorted: "You have discovered the princess's specialness, haven't you? The princess's existence is extremely critical to the entire world situation. If you let your father judge, The princess will definitely be kept, because the value of the princess is related to the survival of the entire human race!"

Tang Jiujiu curled his lips and hummed, "What is my father's business when I do things? He is him, I am me, I don't care about him, he doesn't care about me. Hmph, never care about me, now Still want to control me?"

When it comes to Tang Ye, Tang Jiujiu has a little temper. After all, separated from Tang Ye since childhood, and never been with Tang Ye. When Sima Yupu was pregnant with her a hundred years ago, Tang Ye was not around to take care of her, and Xu Wuming dealt with it. When Sima Yupu gave birth to her, Tang Ye was still not there, she and Sima Yupu depended on each other. After Sima Yupu died, she became even more alone. She has lived through so many years alone, growing up as a human, and Tang Ye has never been with her. It is natural that she has a temper.

She has a temper, but she doesn't hate Tang Ye. This is a very good thing. The reason why she didn't hate Tang Ye was because Tang Ye left because she was doing things for the human race, and she had the name of a human saint. And this is what Sima Yupu taught her from a young age, instilling some thoughts in her, don't resent Tang Ye, not only don't resent, but also be proud of Tang Ye, because Tang Ye is a great hero.

No matter what kind of temper Tang Jiujiu had towards Tang Ye, Xu Wuming said, "In any case, the princess is not a villain. I did everything in the past and has nothing to do with the princess. If you kill me, I will be kind to the princess. , The princess must be angry with you. At that time, either you will kill the princess, or you will want the princess to help you and help the human race. I am afraid it will not be easy. However, I am pretty sure that Tang Ye definitely needs the power of the princess!"

Tang Jiujiu didn't answer Xu Wuming's words again, and looked at Ying Yinman who was trapped in the evil spirits. Although Ying Yinman turned on the zombie body and also used the power of the king's power and heaven, he still failed to crack the evil spirits and ghosts for a while. This is the power of the demon branch evil spirit, the evil spirit power from a foreign land, has not been sanctioned by the local origin power, and it is not so easy to crack it with personal power.

Tang Jiujiu thought about Xu Wuming's words. Of course she knew the role of Ying Yinman, and it took some effort to kill Ying Yinman. Mainly she still considers Tang Ye's side. After all, he is an old man. In fact, when he has a temper, she is usually very concerned, otherwise she would not help when Li Xiang seized the power of the dragon ancestor.

After thinking about it, Tang Jiujiu put down Xu Wuming and snorted coldly: "I don't need to make her embarrassing, but the premise is that you are going to die."

"I'll do what I said just now!" Xu Wuming coughed twice, and felt more comfortable without being pinched. He looked at Tang Jiujiu and said, "But you must guarantee that the princess will not be killed. I don't know what your father said. What does Bian think, if he thinks that the princess is a threat to the current power of the king, he can still kill the princess if he takes the initiative to the father. Therefore, I want you to promise that this kind of thing will never happen. In addition, the princess is a zombie. , I’m afraid it won’t last long. Zombies are regarded as demons after all. They must feed on blood, which is not tolerated by the world. As today’s shackles are lifted, demons will appear frequently, and there will be a group of powerful Volunteers. I want you to promise. Those abusive demons can't kill the princess. Although I am confident of the princess's strength, the changes in the world are unpredictable. With a princess as powerful as the existence, there may not be more powerful abusive demons."

The question Xu Wuming considers is still very realistic. The order and discipline of heaven and earth means that there is no absolutely powerful existence, there are always natural enemies to check and balance. So even if Ying Yinman seems to be very strong now, it is inevitable that there will be characters specifically aimed at her. Xu Wuming is willing to die to make Tang Jiujiubao Yingyinman safe, because he knows that Tang Jiujiu is strong and Tang Ye is strong. And, he knew he could not avoid dying. Tang Jiujiu's killing intent was resolute, and if he met Tang Ye again, Tang Ye's killing intent to him would probably not be bad.

Tang Jiujiu never thought that Xu Wuming was really thoughtful. It feels a bit of a loss for killing him. However, being able to let Xu Wuming die on his own seemed to be enough.

"If this is the case, then you can kill yourself. But now, you have to tell me about this so-called princess. Since you want me to keep her, but also to protect her, you must know her identity." Tang Jiujiu said to Xu Wuming.

Xu Wuming nodded, then told Tang Jiujiu about the main things about Ying Yinman. After Tang Jiujiu knew that, although he had long guessed that Ying Yinman's identity was not easy, he couldn't help being surprised when he knew the truth. She was actually the daughter of Emperor Shi Huang, no wonder she, as a woman, could still possess such a powerful power.

It is indeed an extraordinary character, it should be kept her. Tang Jiujiu thought this in his heart, which was quite the same as Tang Ye.

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