My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2423: Explosion swallowed!

Xu Wuming was very angry with Tang Jiujiu, yes, but he did not ignore Tang Jiujiu's strength because of his anger. From the very beginning, he knew that Tang Jiujiu's strength was not simple.

And he is not very clear about Tang Jiujiu's strength now, no matter what, he is not in the mood to play slowly at the moment, so if he can solve Tang Jiujiu immediately, he will solve it immediately.

Then use the strongest ability to attack. Xu Wuming mobilized the strongest secret skills he learned as the first Volunteer, motivating the four-five-ferry elements. The gale rose instantly, condensed, formed a wind blade, and attacked Tang Jiujiu. Even if these wind blade attacks failed in the past, they continued to regenerate, entangled around Tang Jiujiu, making Tang Jiujiu unable to jump and escape.

It's like being surrounded by wind blades, and it can be resisted by a power shield, but how long can it last when it consumes power?

The wind blade surrounded Tang Jiujiu, and the five-element secret technique was not over yet. The wind blade came up, there were soil thorns, and the ground, one after another, even if they were resisted by Tang Jiujiu's power shield, they continued to bulge and attack. Every attack was an impact on Tang Jiujiu's power shield. This would consume Tang Jiujiu's strength, and if Tang Jiujiu couldn't support it, he would be stabbed.

In addition to soil thorns, there are fire swords and ice thorns, as well as the envelope of a diamond power. Like a big bell, covering Tang Jiujiu. This is also a bondage. It was equivalent to enclosing Tang Jiujiu in a narrow space, and then the four major attack elements continued to generate attacks, all attacking Tang Jiujiu.

This is dazzling. Iron Hammer, Lily, Jiang Xiaoyu, and Xia Liangliang, when they saw Xu Wuming's attack like this, they began to feel a little grateful. If Xu Wuming attacked them like this at first, they would have died long ago, and they would still be alive. Because the black shield is not a three-hundred-sixty-degree defense, and now the five elements are attacking in all directions, all in all directions.

Then Hammer they were very worried about Tang for a long time. Because Tang Jiujiu gave birth to a shield under various elemental attacks, but it looked very suspenseful. Surrounded by the King Kong Bell, the wind blades were raging, the soil thorns were crazy, and the fire swords and ice thorns exploded and attacked like rampages.

This is almost like being in a rain of bullets. If the defense force is not enough, the body will be beaten thousands of holes in an instant, and then wiped out.

The hammer felt the power of Xu Wuming's attack, knowing that even with a black shield, he couldn't hold on for long. So how long can Tang Jiujiu, the little girl, hold on.

They thought Tang Jiujiu was just a child, but in fact, Tang Jiujiu was much older than them. Tang Jiujiu was born a hundred years ago, and now it seems that he is a centenarian.

Xu Wuming's five-element element attack is actually much more than that. It now appears that the elements of the five elements are indeed attacking separately, as if they are chaotic, just like bombing. However, since it was the secret technique left by Xu Wuming, it couldn't be that simple.

Xu Wuming looked at Tang Jiujiu who was surrounded and attacked, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, Tang Jiujiu, who opened his power shield to protect himself, felt a little boring. For Xu Wuming's these attacks, it seemed to her to tickle. Because after a while, she felt that Xu Wuming's move had reached this level, so it was time to resolve it. Of course she can resolve it. The reason why she chose to wait for Xu Wuming to finish playing and then resolve it is to use her strength to tell Xu Wuming that she can handle these with ease. She wants to defeat Xu Wuming by clicking one by one in strength.

Tang Jiujiu thought that there was no other change in this five-element elemental attack, so he suddenly bounced off the power shield around his body, and then this shield bounced all the five-element attacks and attacked to Xu Wuming’s side. As a result, there are no five elemental power attacks around, which is tantamount to dissolving this trick.

Then Tang Jiujiu looked at Xu Wuming, shrugged, and said, "The power of the five element elements is very good. I have investigated you, and you seem to be the first generation Fumo master? However, the first generation Fumo master only has this power, isn't it too Weak?"

"Humph." Xu Wuming snorted coldly, ignoring Tang Jiujiu's irony. He felt that Tang Jiujiu could really say with one mouth, annoying, as if he looked like someone, who was it, yes, it was Tang Ye. Xu Wuming suddenly thought of Tang Ye. When Tang Ye's mouth became angry, it was really angry. Right now this girl actually gave the same feeling as Tang Ye.

Xu Wuming thought so, but he did not connect Tang Jiujiu and Tang Ye. Because that kind of conjecture was so absurd that Xu Wuming wouldn't even think about it. It's not just him, it's also scary to change to others. If you suddenly say that this girl is Tang Ye's daughter, isn't it very funny?

As everyone knows, Tang Ye has a family, but that's a great-grandchild, such as Tang Zisang. When it comes to direct children, no one thinks that way.

Feeling that Tang Jiujiu's style is similar to that of Tang Ye, Xu Wuming is even more angry. He didn't want to let Tang Jiujiu travel so well. At this time, he sneered, because Tang Jiujiu was fooled by him.

Tang Jiujiu's attack of the Five Elements element was right, but it was not completely resolved. After she used her body shield to fly those five element element attacks, she just wanted to speak to Xu Wuming, but at this time, Xu Wuming sneered at her, very proud.

It seems like a trick!

"Huh?" Tang Jiujiu felt a little strange, is there any attack?


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in front of Tang Jiujiu, around, behind, and above his head. A very strong explosion, almost distorting the explosion of space. A bit of power as if it had compressed a nuclear explosion. Encountered such an explosion, the body is afraid that it will be broken and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Xu Wuming looked at Tang Jiujiu who was submerged in the explosion, and sneered: "How can my five element elemental attacks be so simple. In the process of continuous attacks just now, countless elemental forces have already accumulated there. This concentration is an incomparably terrifying force. If it is not noticed, it will be swallowed by the explosion produced by the aggregation of the five elemental forces, it will undoubtedly die."

"Of course you can't find these accumulated elemental powers. Because that is my elemental power, which is covered by me. This is the terrible thing about this trick. Otherwise, people of your level will have a great deal of these accumulated elemental powers. Strength is still easy to detect. Then you can resist it. At least, if you want to kill you all at once, I’m afraid it’s not easy. But now, with my cover, you didn’t notice it. Trick, then it can only be dead." Xu Wuming sneered triumphantly.

However, while he was smiling, suddenly, in the explosion that nearly distorted the space, he suddenly saw Tang Jiujiu coming out unharmed.

"You...this..." Xu Wuming was dumbfounded. How is this possible, what happened to this woman, being submerged by such an explosion, there was no accident?

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