My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2415: You are rude!

Tang Ye appeared on the top of the mountain where Ying Yinman was, with no one around. It was already dusk, the setting sun went down, Ying Yinman was quiet, and it seemed a little lonely. Tang Ye had this feeling when he saw that figure from behind. But he dared not take it lightly, this is a terrifying figure after all.

"You are very strong, so strong that it is above the human race." Ying Yinman said when Tang Ye approached without turning around.

Tang Ye had already determined that this white-clothed woman was the new king who appeared. He was very surprised, he did not expect to be a woman. Judging from the history of development on this land, the kings are mostly men. Except for the first female emperor in history, all men are in power. So now, what identity is this woman, Tang Ye became more and more curious.

"Do you know me?" Tang Ye frowned and asked, looking at Ying Yinman's back.

Ying Yinman still didn't look back, and said, "I don't know, but I can see it."

"You can see it?" Tang Ye was surprised, seeing that he was a saint of the human race, then he saw the specific situation of the force of Qi Luck. Being able to see this directly is even scarier than Wang Cangcang's ability to observe twelve koi. Wang Cangcang's borrowing of twelve koi carps was only able to perceive a little qi luck power, but now this woman can see it directly.

Is this the power of the new king?

Tang Ye really took it. This is the case every time, even if you break through to a stronger realm, there will be more powerful people who will always be unable to reach the top of the throne, which is too disappointing. Of course, it cannot be said that Yingyinman is better than him. He just has a feeling that Yingyinman cannot be killed by him.

Ying Yinman turned around to look at Tang Ye, at this moment Tang Ye was shocked again. I didn't expect to be such a beautiful woman, detached and graceful as an immortal. He had only seen this kind of temperament and charm from the **** Li Haoran. No wonder it is such a powerful person, like a fairy, how can ordinary people do this.

Ying Yinman looked at Tang Ye and said in a positive tone: "I can see it."

Tang Ye recovered from Ying Yinman's beauty, and saw that there was nothing wrong with Ying Yinman. The temptation of beauty to him was not big anymore. There was no woman in his eyes, some were stars and the sea... Said to Ying Yinman: "You are the blood of the emperor."

To express the question in an affirmative tone, it was Tang Ye who wanted to see Ying Yinman's reaction, and thus came up with a positive answer.

Ying Yinman didn't intend to explain, but he could ask and answer, and said, "Is the blood of the emperor? According to the situation just now, yes."

In fact, Ying Yinman felt that he was no longer an emperor's blood. When the Emperor Shi Huang refined the Immortal Potion, she was deeply locked in the court, but she was wounded by the zombie puppets. Later, she was simply used as an experiment. During Xu Wuming's absence, it was said that he had found an elixir, but in the end he found a zombie to achieve the goal of immortality through transformation. To become a zombie is to inherit the blood of the zombie. The so-called blood of the emperor is also dirty. Even if they feed on blood, the blood of the emperor has been lost earlier, and where is the blood of the emperor.

Unfortunately, this is just Ying Yinman's idea. Judging from the silver kingship giant sword just now, she still has the power of the emperor's blood, became a kingly power, and gave her the power of kingship and heaven. She didn't like this power, because she didn't want that bad birth. The daughter of Emperor Shi Huang, the so-called princess, was basically unknown. There is almost no detailed information in history. On those days, Ying Yinman didn't want to mention anything.

Not to mention, after she became a zombie, she was discovered by her brother, who ordered the vicious master to capture her, cut her body, and then sealed her. Was this done by relatives? She asked herself at that time that she was harmless, and she was still thinking about the dynasty, that is, that she suffered such things. She is truly heartbroken, so she doesn't want to mention anything about the past.

Since I don't want to mention it, then as an emperor, she doesn't want to mention it. If there is a choice, she would rather not.

Looking at Ying Yinman's reaction and listening to her answer, Tang Ye was already sure that this was the silver king. But he still wanted to know the specific identity of Ying Yinman, so he asked: "Who are you?"

Ying Yinman glanced at Tang Ye, obviously a little unhappy. She must be upset when it comes to identity and past. She simply turned around, stopped looking at Tang Ye, and said, "It's not difficult for you to know, and I don't want to tell you."

Tang Ye squinted his eyes. This answer was a little unexpected, I thought Ying Yinman would tell it. But seeing Ying Yinman's tone of voice was very serious, he knew he had to check it himself. It seems that Chen Kefu and Chen Yourong are still going to study the crystal coffin.

Then Tang Ye asked again: "So, are we friends or enemies?"

Ying Yinman already wanted to leave, and said: "Who can guarantee that it must be an enemy, it must be a friend? Family members can turn against each other, and enemies can be relieved. Are these things rare?"

Seeing Ying Yinman was leaving, Tang Ye spoke a little better, indicating that she could not walk so fast, and there were still things that had not been clarified. He raised a voice to Ying Yinman and said: "Now there are three-point kingship. I knew both of the two kings. And you, will you take action against this kingship?"

Ying Yinman turned her head, a little upset that Tang Ye asked aggressively like this, and snorted coldly: "How is this question different from the question just now? If I am fighting for the unification of the kingship, I will naturally be your enemy. If I don't fight, Even if it’s not a friend, it’s not an enemy. Since I don’t want to answer the question just now, I don’t plan to answer this one."

"But I need to know." Tang Ye straightened his chest, his feet heavier. This is like a rhythm to start. This is indeed Tang Ye's plan. If Ying Yinman is so unclear, he can't rest assured. He didn't have time to learn slowly, and the things that could be solved with his fists would be solved first.

Ying Yinman felt that Tang Ye was very annoying. Human saints, it seems that they are not so saint. She squinted her eyes and looked at Tang Ye, only to realize that Tang Ye had a great hostility, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was a demon. Then she became curious, can such a person be a saint of the human race?

"You are very rude." Ying Yinman snorted to Tang Ye, with great majesty, it is impossible for the emperor to send it.

It is not the first time that Tang Ye has experienced this kind of thing, so he is not afraid of Ying Yinman's power and power, and said: "I am very helpless. In this world, I am very short of time and patience."

"So you have to do it and ask for a speed?" Ying Yinman just thought Tang Ye was rude. She is kind, but it doesn't mean she has no arrogance. As a figure in the imperial family, arrogance itself exists.

Tang Ye didn't give in and said, "If necessary, yes."

Ying Yinman let out a cold snort, waved his sleeves, and said, "Sage of the human race, the power of the superior deity, really is the world invincible?"

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